Fast, Private and Permanent Clearance
of "Sick" Properties Big or Small
Can geopathic stress zones affect business? Absolutely!
One of the best indicators for realizing there is a negative energy on afflicted premises comes from employees. The obvious one is employees don’t stay – there is a high turnover in the staff, not because of wages or rules and regulations, it is simply because staff sitting or standing in the vicinity of a GSZ feel uncomfortable, even feel sick regularly, so they depart. Often, they do not inform the owners of their true feelings, they just depart. One secretary we spoke to said she felt the office was “haunted.” Ghostly encounters is a common thought among homeowners before they find out about geopathic stress zones.
The other is a lack of customers. The predicted numbers do not turn up. People find excuses not to enter, and if perchance they do enter, they will ultimately complain about the food, the service, the décor or even the temperature. So that if you manage or own a restaurant, the number of negative reviews start to outweigh the positive.
Another powerful symptom of geopathic stress afflicting a property, is a frequent change of business. One close to us over a period of three years has been a flower shop and two different style restaurants. There is even a twisted tree, a sure fire indicator of geopathic stress outside.
If you are in real estate and handling commercial properties that experience difficulty in selling and leasing, you may have a geopathic stress zone across the front of the property. It has been shown that homes with a GSZ across the driveway experience prolonged selling difficulties.
Can geopathic stress zones be cleared completely? Absolutely!
We are dowsers currently engaged in researching and writing a book on this Earth energy subject that most people are either ignorant of the problem or choose not to get involved. We work remotely although we can make personal visits to demonstrate negative energy lines. Normally, we work through email and phone conversations. When we scan a property, we email the results to the client. It is normally the client recognizes points that people or staff avoid or complain about. Incidentally we only deal with the executive manager or the owner. This ensures your privacy. If you wish to inform employees that is your choice.
We then ask permission to clear the property and this is done quickly and by remote. Permission is a dowsing ethic. It also strengthens the link. Clearing can be done physically but this involves time and travel and can be expensive. By remote clearing, you will notice a difference in the building normally within an hour or so. If you are pleased with the outcome we would ask for comments and material we can use in a book. We do not use real names or locations unless requested to do so.
Also, if you or your business is pleased with the outcome, say over a period of a month or so, we would ask for a small donation to assist in the research, writing and publication of the book. A we said earlier, real names are never used or revealed, only experiences that may help others. If you cannot afford a small donation -- say $50 or $100 -- we will still clear your property simply as a public service.
Email us now at
or call Robert Egby at 609-351-5878.