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These are my web awards, that I'm very grateful to have received!

The American Legion - Post 694, Americanism Award
Family Corner Safe Surf Award
 The Firehouse Excellence Award
The Emergency Services Award
The Best of the Web '98
The Ark Award of Elegance
Silvana's Award of Excellence
The Golden Globe of Excellence
The Emergency Concepts Award
Terry's Best on the Web Award
The Fire Arson Investigation Public Safety Site Award
The Fear Not Firefighters Award Of Excellence
The Quantec Web Design Award
Jen's 911 Hot Site Award
Trauma Junkie's EMS Excellence Award
Seasons of Change, Bronze Award
Firefighter Excellent Site Award
E.M.S. Award of Excellance
Nightowl's award of excellence for an outstanding site
Alert Fire Company's Emergency Services Web Site Award International Award for Webpage Excellence

Exminster's Cool Site Award

Lloyd's Firefighter Award  Flash Video Limited, Code Red Web Award

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Click on it to apply!

Fire-Police-EMT Emergency Web Award

Glen Rose and Rescue Hot Site Award

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