Bible study sessions are organized by Pastor Iver Possehl and Pastor Dan Deardoff, the camp's Directors of Christian Education & Worship.

Each year our bible studies deal with passages & lessons that fit within the camp's theme.

A Look at a few past Bible Study Plans..

BONUS BIBLE STUDY : 2002's camp theme was TOWERING TRUTH. To read about each days' bible study, just click on the day's link. Feel free to print out the pages & go over the plans with your camper or church group.

On day one, Sinful Pride (The Tower of Babel)
On day two, Redemption (The Towering Cross)
On day three, Witness (The City on a Hill)
On day four, Refuge (A Mighty Fortress)
On day five, Be Prepared! (Watch Towers)

For a look at Camp Minne-Boji themes of the past, click on the following link

Morning Devotions are led by Cabins (on a volunteer basis for a particular day); there are 2-3 cabins working together to present the morning devotions.

Evening Devotions are led by...
Sunday Night : Pastor Scott Sailer
Monday Night : Pastor Dan Deardoff
Tuesday Night : Pastor Bart Mueller
Wednesday Night : Pastor Aaron Asmus
Thursday Night :
Friday Night : Pastor David Otten
Saturday closing (at 9:30 am) : Pastor Iver Possehl

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