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Camp Minne-boji themes over the years!
1963 - Creation
* Where did the name Minne-boji originally come from? While the camp was originally started back in 1949, it wasn't named Minne-boji until 1963 when it moved to Camp Okoboji in Milford, IA from it's original site of Camp Shetek in Slayton, MN. The "Minne" part of the name comes from the camp's original Minnesota roots, with the "boji" part coming from it's new home at beautiful Camp Okoboji on West Lake Okoboji.
* * The coveted Clean Cabin Awards go back as far as 1964. * In 1999, we celebrated our 50th anniversary camp year. Our camp theme was "Fifty and Faithful". The music group Lost and Found were our special guests and performed a concert for us. * The 1st year that we held our Camp Minne-boji Honor's Camp was in 1990. An outstanding program for our older campers, our Honor's camp continues yet today and is a great opportunity for Christian growth. * Formerly called the Minne-boji Minutes, in 1968 the 1st ever issues of the Boji Blabber camp newsletters were distributed at camp. To this day, the Boji Blabber remains an important source of information for our campers throughout the week. This website got it's name from the Boji Blabber. * A longtime camp tradition that dates back to the mid-70's is the "Hula-Hop".
* They may not be Noah's Ark... * The Counselors versus the Staff volleyball matches have been going on since 1973. Before then, they clashed in an annual softball game. Throughout the years though, the results rarely change with the Staff team winning fairly consistantly. * Throughout most of the 1970's, campers raced in the 'Grand National Okoboji Invitational, Sensational Track & Field Meet, an in-camp race for Minne-boji campers. Also, for MANY years through the 70's, 80's, even into the early 90's, campers participated in the Mini-Olympic Games (or was that the Minne-Olympics?) * An outstanding camp coincidence or a small divine camp miracle? In 1984, of the 15 campers & 1 counselor that were staying in Cabin #21 that year, NINE of them shared the same middle name... Kay! The counselor of that cabin was none other than current camp nurse, Colleen (then Buehner) Johnson. Colleen has been a part of Camp Minne-boji as a counselor (from 1982 to 1984), as the camp's nurse (from 1985 to 2010), and even attended as a camper (in 1971 & 1972). Colleen, thank you for fixing all our "boo-boo's" over the years and for reminding us to put on our suntan lotion & drink our water. You deserve a golden band-aid award for all you have done for us over the years. * In 2018 we started a new tradition, a Cabin Challenge competition where campers get points for activity participation throughout the week. It was lots of fun and appears to be something we will be continuing in the future.
Minneboji Campers Song
Minne-boji Campers
2004 Minneboji Word Find Puzzle 2003 Minneboji Word Find Puzzle 2002 Minneboji Word Find Puzzle 2001 Minneboji Word Find Puzzle
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