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Garment Buyers' Guide Directory - "N" Listing


Feedback and comments: Editor of the Montreal Tribune

Legends & Codes:
* ? Listed under another name
** ? Converters ? Textile Wholesalers
*** ? Reported closed, please check

N & D Manufacturing
1153 Queen St. West
Toronto, Ontario M6J 1J4
Tel (416) 536-6611, Fax 536-0648
Attn: Mr. S. Perruza

N.I.G.H.T. Gear
5765 Pare Street, Suite 100
Montreal, Quebec H4P 1S1
Tel (514) 341-3000, Fax 341-2561
Attn: Mr. Herby Schnapp

N2AS Corporation
111 Peter St. Suite 410A
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2H1
Tel (416) 977-5194, Fax 971-5194
Attn: Mr. Martin Sulsky

Nadege House
1680 King Street West, Suite 204
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1J 1C9
Tel (819) 822-2675

Nadya Toto Pret A Porter
445 St-Pierre, Suite #403
Montreal, Quebec H2Y 2M8
Tel (514) 982-0111, Fax 393-9246
Attn: Ms Nadya Toto

Nakagawa Products (Canada) Inc.
505 Hood Rd. Unit 11
Markham, Ontario L3R 5V6
Tel (905) 474-1956, Fax 474-1976
Attn: General Manager

Nalpac (Textile Converters)
2260 Aird Street
Montreal, Quebec H1V 2W7
Tel (514) 255-3674, Fax 255-7651
Attn: General Manager

Nancy G. Dress Corp.
55 Louvain W, Suite 601
Montreal, Quebec H2N 1A4
Tel (514) 387-6454, Fax 383-8282
Attn: Mr. U. Nadler

Nancy Lou Sportswear
360 Adelaide St. West
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L2
Tel (416) 340-7377
Attn: General Manager

Nash Pants
81 Ronald Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M6E 4M9
Tel (416) 787-1777, Fax 787-5705,
Attn: Mr. Saul Fishbein

Nat Lacen
6957 Thimens
Ville St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1V8
Tel (514) 745-5097, Fax 745-5099
Attn: Mr. Marc Malouf

Nathan Kaplan Studio
5000 Buchan, Suite 604
Montreal, Quebec H4P 1T2
Tel (514) 733-46, Fax 733-4089
Attn: General Manager

National Knitting Mills
1485 Dupont Street
Toronto, Ontario M6P 3S2
Tel (416) 537-2685, Fax 537-8654
Attn: Mr. H. Bernard

National Tie Company
68 Millwick Drive, Unit 3
North York, Ontario M9L 2L5
Tel (416) 749-7517, Fax 749-7517
Attn: Mr. Anthony Kolody

350 Sauve West, 1st Floor
Montreal, Quebec H3L 1Z7
Tel (514) 384-2792, Fax 384-2015

33 Prince Street
Montreal, Quebec H3C 2M7
Tel (514) 393-7281, Fax 393-9246
Attn: Ms Claire Cote

Neto Investments
347 Water Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B 1B8
Tel (604) 682-6424, Fax 682-4255
Attn: Mr. M. Carriere

Newcotex International (Textile Converters)
6300 Park Avenue, Suite 319
Montreal, Quebec H2V 4H8
Tel (514) 271-0841, Fax 271-5709
Attn: Mr. Carl Tabacman

New Fashion Dress
129 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L3
Tel (416) 596-8741
Attn: Mr. M. Rosenzweig

The New Hatchwear
4711 13th St. N.E.
Calgary, Alberta T2E 6M3
Tel (403) 291-2525, Fax 291=2521
Attn: Mr. Victor Fornaro

New Look
433 Chabanel W, Suite 203, M-1
Montreal, Quebec H2N 2J3
Tel (514) 381-0862, Fax 381-1583
Attn: Mr. Vinny & Tony Sood

New Man
4446 St.Lawrence Blvd.
Montreal, Quebec H2N 1Z5
Tel (514) 284-9498, Fax 987-7115
Attn: General Manager

Newmont Fashion Group
1435 St. Alexander Street, Suite 100
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2Ga
Tel (514) 842-2437

New World
142 Longboat Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5A 4G4
Tel (416) 360-7934
Attn: Ms Alena Klenot

Niagara Knitting (1992) Inc.
12 Smith Street
St. Catharines, Ontario L2P 3H9
Tel (905) 988-5222, Fax 988-5244
Attn: Mr. Morty Pekar

Nik & Paul Canada
125 Chabanel West, Suite 102
Montreal, Quebec H2N 1E4
Tel (514) 858-0000, Fax 858-0082
Attn: Mr. Roberto Sinai

Nikaldi Sportswear Inc.
7180 St. Urbain Street
Montreal,Quebec H2S 3H5
Tel (514) 279-9745,Fax 272-2502
Attn: Mr. Albert Hetu

861 Hollander Road
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y-8G7
Tel (416) 551-6832,Fax 881-9059
Attn: General Manager

Nils Import Limited
5153 Metropolitan East
Montreal, Quebec H1R 1Z7
Tel (514) 326-6700, Fax 326-1426
Attn: Mr. Joe Arcaro

Nils Jeans
5153 Metropolitain East
Montreal, Quebec H1R 1Z7
Tel (514) 326-6700,Fax 326-1426

Nina Creation
9310 St-Laurent, Suite 1109
Montreal, Quebec H2N 1N4
Tel (514) 384-6067, Fax 384-6069
Attn: Mr. Sal Rabi

974579 Ontario Limited
23 Ardwold Gate
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 2K2
Tel (905) 737-8422, Fax 737-9903
Attn: Ms Marsha Godfrey

Nippon Importing
1285 Caledonia Road
Toronto, Ontario M6A 2X7
Tel (416) 787-3442, Fax 787-4400
Attn: Mr. Madat J. Shariff

NJS Lingerie
393 St. Croix
Ville St.Laurent, Quebec H4N 2L3
Tel (514) 748-1400, Fax 748-1416
Attn: Mr. Philip Stock

No No No Inc.
19 Duncan Street, 5th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5H 3H1
Tel (416) 506-8777, Fax 506-8780
Attn: Ms Aileen Beninger

Non Pe Rel Inc.
300 Steelcase Road West, Suite 20
Markham, Ontario L3R 2W2
Tel (905) 415-1353, Fax 415-1354
Attn: Mr. John Rodriguez

Normie Originals
433 Chabanel West., Suite 500
Montreal, Quebec H2N 2J4
Tel (514) 381-7667, Fax 381-7889

Norbert Carlin Studio Mode
416 Maisonneuve W., Suite 400
Montreal, Que H3A 1L2
Tel (514) 848-8385, Fax 843-7268
Attn: Mr. Norbert Schachter

Norma Lepofsky
388 Carlaw Ave. Suite #200
Toronto, Ontario M4M 2T4
Tel (416) 469-5134, Fax 469-4201
Attn: Ms Norma Lepofsky

Normie Hum Ltd.
225 Chabanel West, Suite 900
Montreal, Que H2N 2C9
Tel (514) 382-0774, Fax 382-3960
Attn: Harvey Cooperman

North American Fashion Group
25 Belair Street
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2C8
Tel (416) 968-2488, Fax 968-2945
Attn: Ms Anita Cortes

Northcott Silk
640 Rowntree Dairy Road
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 5T8
Tel (905) 850-6675, Fax 850-7197
Attn: Mr. Paul O'Rourke

North Studio Inc.
58 Stewart St., Suite 301
Toronto, Ontario M5V 1H6
Tel (416) 863-6388, Fax 863-6772
Attn: Mr. Karim Rashid

Northwear Fashions
960 Beaumont
Montreal, Quebec H3N 1V5
Tel (514) 273-0471, Fax 277-3509

Nova Scotia Textiles Ltd. (Knitters)
368 Nesbit St. (P.O.Box 970)
Windsor, Nova Scotia B0N 2T0
Tel (902) 798-2269, Fax 798-8798
Attn: Mr. J. Edward Macdonald

Novel Teez Designs Inc. (T-Shirts)
6395 Cote de Liesse
Montreal, Quebec H4T 1E5
Tel (514) 341-8330, Fax 341-9606
Attn: Mr. Michael Eliesen

Now Incorporated
129 Spadina Avenue, 4th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2L3
Tel (416) 581-8809, Fax 581-8663
Attn: Mr. Brian Taylor

*Nu-LIfe Fashions
1615 Louvain St. W, Suite #100
Montreal, Quebec H4N 1G6
Tel (514) 381-9364, Fax 381-3287
Attn: Mr. Marty Kaplan

Nu-Mode Dress Co.
530 Adelaide St. West
Toronto, Ontario M1V 1A5
Tel (416) 586-7587, Fax 586-7686
Attn: Mr. Henry Zagdanski

Nygard International
1771 Inkster Blvd.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 1R3
Tel (204) 982-5000, Fax 697-1254
Attn: Mr. Peter Nygard


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