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|:|DF|:| Delta-Force

Clan Meeting
Expansion Clans
Clan Government
Awards and Stuff
Rules and Recruitment
Rules & Regulations
Recruiting Team
Join Us
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Clan History
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ELF's Site
HoW's Site
ThaSpy's Site
XGN's Site
Site By:
ßlåðëŠlî¢ëR with help from ELF and former DF

Welcome to Delta Force
Hello guys and welcome to the DF Delta Force Site. This is the father clan of all the expansions and is the main headquarters for the multi-game clan. Below is the current news for the rogue spear Delta Force or maybe the entire clan. The most important updates and news will be on this site. If you have just joined DF than be sure to talk to whoever recruited you to get you set up.  If your interested in joining just click on the Join Us link  If you want
to get to know us first then feel free to look around. Delta Force dedicated being a fun and fair clan.  Although higher ranking members do have more say, the clan is set up so that everyone can influence the direction DF takes and not just the leaders.  Read about it in the Clan Government link if you want to know more. So have a look around and good gaming.
Join Us

Join Us


1. Devotion: Try and be as helpful as possible in the improving of this clan.  Look for future recruits, help keep BladeSlicer updated with events so in turn he can keep site updated, and help train fellow members.

2.Loyalty:  Don't join other clans while you are in LS.  Once your in you can't be in any other clans.  Clan hopping is not tolerated and you may face banishment.

3.Active:  Try and stay as active as you possible can.  If you are going away make sure to tell a general before you do or we may think that you are no longer in clan and remove you from roster.

 4.Skills: You have to be good in order to get in.  You don't have to be perfect since we can help you and train you to get there but you do have to be pretty good in the first place.

5.Attitude:  Attitude is more important than skills.  Try and remember to say gg and such but don't be a sore loser or get in fights with fellow clansmen.  You may ask why attitude is more important than skill.  It's because we can help your skills, we have no control over your attitude ;-)

If you have these attributes down then find someone on the recruiting team,  email BladeSlicer at or SoulTaker at to join.