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Abamos Pai Raio (Ah-bah-mohs pay ray-o) Stairway leading up to the Princess's hall in the dwellings of the Allistrey

Abba (Ab-uh) One of the names of the Maker of the Universe. Means 'Father.'

Aláric (Uh-lair-ick) Healer of the Dwarven people of Shimron Meron and keeper of the Chambers of Healing.

Allistrey (Al-iss-tree) Clan of Bluewood Elves led by Princess Morralitha. Among their numbers are Chaeremon, Tekoa, Olírin and Jóram.

Angel One of the Elinrómi, spirit-servants of the Maker. A guide, she led the Bryant children on their quest.

Atheos (Ayth-ee-ohs) Elvish name for the Maker of the Unvierse. Means 'only God.'

Arim (Air-im) Son of Raemon and Faela of Maychoria and good friend of Ralph Bryant, he accompanied the Terrans on their journey to Galgolb.


Beráka (Bear-ah-kah) Armorer and smith of the Dwarves of Shimron Meron. One of the Prince's seven advisors.

Bluewood Great forest stretching from the Purple Mountains and into Maychoria, from the Icy Sea to the Southern Lands. Home of many Elves.

Bryant A Terran family. Among their numbers are Mara, Samuel, Cheryl, Sarah, Lenny, Ralph, Faith, Joy, Jimmy, Johnny, and Jerry. Angel stays with them during her sojourns on Terra.


Caerákenoe (Care-ack-in-oh) One of the Dwarves of Shimron Meron and one of the Prince's seven advisors. Expert on old legends and tales.

Chambers of Healing Chambers in Mount Shimron Meron. Aláric, healer of the Dwarves, makes his home and life there caring for wounded and ill members of the Three Peoples.

Chaeremon (Share-eh-mon) Leader of the third march, scouts of the Allistrey. Took the Terrans to the Princess and later married Lady Viara of the Trastille. Means 'leader with wisdom.'

Cheryl Member of the Bryant family, of Terra. Traveled to Galgolb and was instrumental in destroying the Witch.

Chumégal (Chew-me-gull) Magnifying glass given to Lenny Bryant. Was instrumental in destroying the spells of the Witch. Means 'peace magnifier.'

Crackdin Katamobic eel of Galgolb. Sent by the Witch to hinder the Terrans and bring back prisoners.


Damaris (Dam-are-iss) Elf and member of the Jubilee Guild. Infiltrated the Witch's dungeons with Ralph, Arim, and Quintálamus.

Darin (Dare-in) Youth and member of the Jubilee Guild. Companion of Jeresíah and fought with Juthwara and Eben in the final clash.

Denlon Elven name for the trees of the Bluewood. They have black trunks and emerald green leaves that shine turquoise at night.


Eben (Ee-ben) Youth and member of the Jubilee Guild. Fought with Juthwara in the final clash and later married Mariel.

El Shaddai (El Shud-die) One of the names of the Maker of the Universe. Means 'God of all.'

Elinrómi (El-in-roam-ee) Spirit-servants of the Maker of the Universe. Means 'God's messengers.'

Elladia (El-laid-ee-uh) Princess of Tappuah engaged to Prince Tirzah and kidnapped by the Witch. Means 'precious daughter of God.'

Elmirie (El-mir-ee) Elf-child of the Trastille attacked by a Katamobic dragon and defended by Ralph Bryant.

Emrey (Em-ree) Elf-Prince of the Trastille. Accompanied Terrans on their journey to the Purple Mountains. Means 'wise one.'


Faela (Fay-lah) Wife of Raemon and mother of Arim. Accompanies Terrans on their journey to Maychoria Castle.

Falkor (Fall-core) Prince of the eagles of Shimron Meron. Assisted Terrans on their journey to Galgolb.

Far East Lands beyond Galgolb. Unexplored and supposed uninhabited.


Galgolb (Gal-gullb) Country inhabited by Ryoo, who made a wasteland of it. Means 'land of shadows.'

Golíenna (Goal-ee-en-uh) Marcellia stone of Princess Morralitha. Means 'shadow lighter.'

Gowaine (Go-wayne) Elf-archer and member of the Jubilee Guild. Fought with Juthwara in the final clash.


High King One of the names of the Maker of the Universe. Meaning is apparent.

Hosiotos (Hoas-ee-oat-ohz) Dwelling of the Maker and the Elinrómi. Means 'high place.'

Hosiridion (Hohs-ih-rid-ee-on) Book of prophecies, poetry, laws, history, and the true way. One of a kind. Means 'high book.'

Hosridon (Hohs-rid-on) Common name for the Hosiridion.


Icy Sea Uninhabited sea in the extreme northern portions of Madra.

Inaryoo (In-are-you) Name given Sarah Bryant by Ryoo. Means 'apprentice of power.'


Jah One of the names of the Maker of the Universe. Means 'safety.'

Jehóida (Jeh-ho-ih-dah) Dwarf who rebelled against Ryoo. Was transformed into a rat and banished to the Trakinos Desert.

Jeresíah (Jare-eh-sigh-uh) Dwarf and member of the Jubilee Guild. Companion of Darin and fought with Juthwara in the final clash.

Jilicon (Jill-ih-con) Strong young Elf of the Trastille. Means 'woodsman.'

Jóram (Jor-um) Minstrel of the Allistrey. Means 'clear stream.'

Jubilee Guild Resistance force against Ryoo within Kakon. Members include Juthwara, Mariel, Eben, Gowaine, Damaris, Laerkámai, Quintálamus, Darin, Jeresíah and Zimri. Joined by the Terrans in the final clash.

Juthwara (Jooth-warr-uh) Leader of the Jubilee Guild and companion of Eben and Mariel. Fought in the final clash and was instrumental in bringing Ryoo down. Means 'freedom fighter.'


Kakon (Kack-ahn) Capital of Galgolb and home of Ryoo. Means 'evil.'

Katamobi (Cat-uh-mobe-ee) Spirits who split off from the Elinrómi and joined Kataphage in his rebellion. Means 'under followers.'

Kataphage (Cat-uh-faje) Leader of the Katamobi and rebel against the Maker of the Universe. Once was Elsía, one of the highest Elinrómi. Means 'under eater.'

Katatchthonios (Cat-atch-thone-ee-ohs) Fiery pit and home of Kataphage and the Katamobi. Means 'underworld of fire.'

Kemalay, Forest of (Kem-uh-lay) Forest in the land of Verdain before it was destroyed by Ryoo. Hiding place of Morrévril and site of the battle between Morain and the Vorprix.

Klairooyn (Clair-oo-in) Tribe of Bluewood Elves. Enslaved by one of their own, an elf-maiden named Ryoo.


Laerkámai (Lair-kuh-my) Dwarf and member of the Jubilee Guild. Fought in the final clash.

Lenny Bryant of Terra. Traveled to Galgolb and was instrumental in defeating the Witch.

Lunehyder (Loon-hide-er) Vorprix and leader of the Katamobi in Galgolb. Fought against Juthwara and Eben in the final clash. Means 'light hider.'


Madra (Mah-drah) World to which the Terrans are taken. On its surface are Maychoria, Tappuah, the Bluewood, the Purple Mountains, the Trakinos Desert, Galgolb, the Western Sea, the Icy Sea, the Southern Lands, and the Far East. Means 'mother.'

Maedoc (May-dock) Elf of the Trastille. Means 'silent hunter.'

Maker The Maker of the Universe. Also called Abba, Atheos, El Shaddai, High King, Jah, Sebastoes, and the Master of Time and Space.

Málkali (Mal-kuh-lie) Dwarf of Shimron Meron. One of the Prince's seven advisors.

Marcellia (Mar-sell-ee-uh) Gray jewel endowed with properties of wisdom and foresight. Loved ones can be seen through it, and at times other things as well.

Mariel (Mare-ee-el) Young maiden and member of the Jubilee Guild. Entered Castle Ryoo with Lenny and Cheryl and was instrumental in freeing the Hosridon and Inaryoo.

Maychoria (May-chore-ee-uh) Country on Madra under the protection of the Maker. Banner has a white border and golden eagle on a turquoise field. Borders Tappuah, the Bluewood, the Western Sea, and the Southern Lands. Means 'happy land.'

Middle Zone Alternate dimension between the worlds of Terra and Madra.

Morain (More-ane) Elf of Verdain before it was destroyed by the Witch. Small warrior who fought with a Vorprix in the Forest of Kemalay.

Morralitha (More-uh-lee-thah) Elf-Princess and leader of the Allistrey. Means 'dark maiden.'

Morrévril (More-ay-vrill) Sword wielded by heroes of Madra and Maychoria. Means 'dark render.'

Morríenna (More-ee-en-uh) Marcellia stone. Means 'dark lighter.'

Mosfoul (Moss-fowl) Katamobic eel sent to hinder the Terrans and bring back prisoners.

Mount Oran Mountain south of Shimron Meron. Frequently climbed by the Trastille elves. Means 'mountain water.'


Nola (No-luh) Elf of the Trastille. Wife of Emrey.

Norós'b (Nor-ohs-b) Hill outside the wall of Kakon within which the dungeons of the Witch are. Smelting ovens are at its foot.


Olírin (Oh-leer-in) Elf of the Allistrey. Means 'swift foot.'

Olnar (Ohl-nar) River flowing west from the Purple Mountains into Maychoria. Means 'swift river.'


Pekílim (Peck-eel-im) Prince of the Dwarves of Shimron Meron.

Purple Mountains Situated between the Bluewood and the Trakinos Desert.


Quintálamus (Quin-tal-ih-muss) Dwarf and member of the Jubilee Guild. Led the party that infiltrated the dungeons.


Raemon (Ray-mun) Man of Maychoria. Husband of Faela and father of Arim.

Ralph Bryant of Terra. Traveled to Galgolb and was instrumental in infiltrating the dungeons.

Rhys (Riss) One of the Elinrómi. Means 'strength.'

Ryoo (R-you) Elf of the Klairooyn who changed her name after becoming a Witch. Follower of Kataphage. Means 'power.'


Sarah Bryant of Terra. Defected to the side of the Witch.

Sebastoes (Seh-bas-toes) Elvish name of the Maker of the Universe. Means 'high God.'

Seeing Stone Name for marcellia stones. So called because of the properties of wisdom and foresight and the images that are sometimes seen on their surfaces.

Servant Designation for village rulers in Maychoria and Tappuah

Shimron Meron (Shim-ron Mare-on) Mountain in which dwell most of the Dwarves in Madra. Tunneled with many passages. West entrance leads into the Bluewood, east entrance to the Trakinos Desert.

Sleepwalkers Name for many of the people in Galgolb caught in Ryoo's spell. So called because they seem to walk in a dream and hardly notice what is around them, following orders without question or life.

Southern Lands Region south of Maychoria. Little known to most Maychorians. No explorer has come back alive yet.

Sunling Horse found in the dungeons of the Witch and brought out by Arim. So named because the red-gold coat and warm manner.


Tappuah (Tuh-poo-ah) Country north of Maychoria and lately allied to Prince Tirzah. Homeland of Elladia.

Tekoa (Teck-koh-uh) Elf of the Allistrey and member of the third march. Means 'star watcher.'

Terra (Tare-uh) World of the Bryants and likely anyone who is reading this.

Thóniphage (Thone-ee-faje) Dagger used by heroes of Maychoria and Madra. Means 'fire eater.'

Three Peoples Designation for the Dwarves, Elves, and Men.

Tibian (Tih-bee-un) Highly prized metal twice as strong as steel and twice as lovely as silver. Sometimes called silver-steel.

Tirzah Prince of Maychoria. Engaged to Elladia.

Trakinos Desert (Trah-kee-nohs) Desert east of the Purple Mountains that bars the way to Galgolb. Was once the countries of Viara and Verdain.

Trastille (Tra-still) Elves of the Bluewood. In their numbers are Emrey, Viara, Nola, Jilicon, Maedoc, and Elmirie.


Urnvile Swamp Region encompassing the south of Galgolb.


Verdain One time country east of the Purple Mountains. Destroyed by the Witch to make the Trakinos Desert. Means 'green.'

Viara (Vee-are-uh) Elf of the Trastille who traveled with the Terrans into the Purple Mountains. Later married Chaeremon. Also a country once east of the Purple Mountains destroyed by the Witch. Means 'promise.'

Vorprix A distinctly hairy, putrid, huge variety of Katamobi. Lunehyder is one.


Waste of Galgolb Region encompassing the north of Galgolb.

Western Sea Warm but unexplored ocean west of Maychoria. Supposed to be inhabited by monsters.

Whispering Oasis Once part of Verdain. Now the stuff of legends, the oasis disappears and appears at the pleasure of the Maker. Place of refreshment for those in the service of the High King.


Zadron (Zay-dron) Mannish name for the trees of the Bluewood. Means 'blue leaves.'

Zena(Zee-nuh) Elf who was the latest Princess of Maychoria. Also called the child-Princess because of her youth when set on the throne, she was prophetess and greatly valued by her people.

Zimri (Zim-ree) Man and member of the Jubilee Guild. Fought in the final clash.

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Chapter 1: Stormy Waters
Chapter 2: In The Middle Zone
Chapter 3: The Witch's Apprentice
Chapter 4: Arim and Faela
Chapter 5: The Journey Begins
Chapter 6: Night Attack
Chapter 7: Council of War
Chapter 8: False Starts
Chapter 9: River Adventures
Chapter 10: Lenny's Light
Chapter 11: Waylaid in the Bluewood
Chapter 12: Confrontations
Chapter 13: The Princess's Welcome
Chapter 14: Ralph and the Dragon
Chapter 15: A Flash of Gold in the Dark
Chapter 16: Preparations for Battle
Chapter 17: The Eye of Jah
Chapter 18: A Way Through
Chapter 19: Crescendo
Chapter 20: It Always Gets Worse...
Chapter 21: ...Before It Gets Better
Chapter 22: Victory
Chapter 23: Going Home