Episode 12:
One Good Flip Deserves Another
Andy Zarowny

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
The Finale

Season 9
Season 8
Season 7
Season 6
Season 5

This is a personal fan-site,
it is non-profit, and is in no
way affiliated with CBS or Mark Burnett Productions, or any other entity involved in the creation, promotion, or other aspects of the television series, "SURVIVOR".  Most of the pictures were taken from the official CBS websites for "SURVIVOR" and "The CBS Morning Show".  This site is purely for the love of this series and means no harm nor ill to anyone.

Day 31 and storm clouds gather, both overhead and within the Koror tribe.
They talk about last night's booting of Stephenie, how it was inevitable.  Tom
and Caryn go for tree-mail and discuss strategy.  Tom tells her that he feels
obligated to stick with his original alliance of five, but if something changes,
he will let her know.  Caryn figures she is doomed.

The tree-mail announces the Reward Challenge.  It's the Pecking-Order Game,
which often reveals what the intended boot-order shall be, if the right folks
hold on to their power.  Jeff quizzes them on Palau factoids, each right answer
permits a lever being throw, lowering a lantern one-third of the way closer to
the water.  Three strikes and you're out.  Caryn is the first to go.  Tom follows
her to the bench.  It becomes very obvious that Gregg, Jenn, and Katie are
working together, especially when Ian is eliminated.  Katie then takes a seat
with Gregg and Jenn tied at one more lever each.  Gregg answers the last
question correctly, sending Jennifer's lantern into the abyss.  But weep not, as
Jeff tells Gregg he may choose a companion.  Gregg selects Jenn.  Jeff then
says that two' company, three's a party.  Gregg chooses Katie to party on the
luxury yacht.  Gregg tells Tom and Ian he'll pay them back later.  Tom tells him
they'll make him pay soon.  Heh-heh-heh!

The luxury yacht is pretty tame.  The winners shower first as their clothing is
washed.  Then it's on to the massage tables.  Gregg gets a surprise as his
best friends sneaks up on him.  The excitement continues during lunch when
Katie's brother-in-law and Jennifer's sister show up.  Happy-happy-joy-joy!
Things aren't so happy back at Camp Koror.  Tom, Ian, and Caryn discuss
their combined fates.  They know now that there is a pecking order and that
they are on it's bottom half.  A plot to turn the tables is hatched.  Back at the
yacht, the gang have a happy swim with equally happy dolphins.  Katie and
Jennifer are truly HAPPY.  First time for everything I suppose.  Back on the
beach, Tom and Ian commit themselves to booting Gregg, even if it forces a
tied vote and results in the purple-rock event.  They will give Katie a heads-up
so that she may switch back into their fold, giving them a fourth vote against
Gregg.  Ian believes that Katie is not that committed and will vote their way to
avoid drawing from the bag.  Caryn is coached by Tom to act depressed and
lull the others into thinking she is ready to be booted.  After dinner, the yacht
buddies discuss a strategy of their own, to target Tom.  Any way they slice it,
one more boot and they'll be in firm control of The Game.

Day 32 and the Boatniks return with their loved ones to Camp Koror.  Tom and
the rest now realize what a great reward it was.  The stay is short and soon
all say their goodbyes.  Ian promises Katie's brother-in-law that he will watch
out for her.   Tree-mail announces the Immunity Challenge.  It's Super Chal-
lenge Time!  Elements of previous challenges are incorporated into elimination
rounds.  Round 1 is the Net Obstacle, where castaways climb and crawl on a
multi-tier series of nets.  Caryn is eliminated.  Round 2 is the C-Star Puzzle,
during which Katie is eliminated.  Round 3 is Baluk eating, Gregg is the last
to finish his three eggs and is out.  Round 4 is Flag in the Tied Box, Jenn fails
to get her flag out and flying before Tom and Ian.  Round 5 is the Target Gun.
Tom only glances one of his 3 targets, Ian connects on all of them in a row.
Ian wins Immunity.

Back at Camp, Tom tells Uncle Cameraman how he regrets losing, but is still
very confident of their plan tonight.  Gregg talks with Tom and Ian, who say
they are still following the old plan of booting Caryn off.  Gregg runs back to
tell Jenn and Katie that they will boot Caryn this time and go for Tom or Ian
next time.  Ian then chats with Katie, and informs her of the really plan, to flip
The Game and boot Gregg.  She either has to vote with them, or force a rock

At Tribal Council, Caryn moans on about how she was first out during the Pec-
king-Order Challenge.  It seems the rest think she has gotten to eat once too
often.  Gregg and Jennifer's friendship becomes a topic of discussion again.
Caryn thinks she is targeted for being booted tonight.  Tom says that everyone
is playing The Game now.  It's time to vote.  Katie does indeed chicken out and
votes along with Tom, Ian, and Caryn.  Caryn gets two votes from Gregg and
Jennifer, the rest boot Gregg.  He tells the gang, "You guys are good", as he
leaves.  Jenn's jaw is on the floor, flaberghasted that her boy-toy is gone!  The
jurors are stunned as well, but with smiles and snickering, especially Coby.

SPOILERS:  Next week is the Katie Show.  She exposes Caryn's alliance with
Tom.  Katie then argues with Ian about how he betrayed her.  Boo-Hoo!