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I was "surfing the net" for inspiration, and ran into a mulitude of pages on the Beatles. So many were fantastic. (I will put some links on my "LINKS PAGE" for those of you who are avid Beatle fans, like me.) I guess this page isn't about the Beatles, but more about me and the way the Beatles influenced my life. This page is too much of a personal page for raw info on the Fab Four, it is more to inspire you to go "down memory lane" about how you felt and what you were doing when you heard about the Beatles...If you have any memories and would like to share them, please do so in my guest book, I would like to hear them, also you could email me......If you would like your story added to my page, send it to me thru email, and I will print it here. Then it will be a collection of memories about the Beatles and they way they influenced you............ I would like to see this page grow with peoples stories about the Beatles.....

Here is my story........

I have been a Beatles fan for many many years, since I was about 6 years old...I know that sounds young, but even at that age a person was affected by "Beatlemania". I had older brothers and sisters, so that helped too. I remember the first morning I heard about them......

My mother was getting me ready for school, brushing my long unruly hair...when my sister and brother, reading the papers, found out the Beatles were coming to Detroit, Mi. "The Beatles are coming here, the Beatles are coming....." as they were running all over the house. I was 6, mind you, and was wondering what these "bugs" were and if they would hurt me.... I couldn't get up out of my seat, because my mom had a hold of my hair, and I wanted so badly to see these "bugs". As usual, I was being ignored, as a child of my age, and no one would bring me the paper. Finally after the hair thing, I got up, and they showed me the "bugs"...They weren't bugs at all, but 4 men, as they looked to me, and they were quite good looking.... I wasn't scared any more.

I remember watching them on the Ed Sullivan show the first time they performed. I even remember the caption under John Lennon's name..."sorry girls, he's married". I think I was just as excited to see the Beatles on TV, as any other teen in the world.

And that is what started it with has been many years. Many things has happend to them, and to me. I now have older children of my own, and they too have inherited their love for the Beatles....and you know, even today, even if the some of the younger generation doesn't like the Beatles, at least they know who they are.....even 20-some years after their HEY DAY!!... says something about them and their music, doesn't it, think about it.................

  • Hey I used to own a set of these. They were really cool...but they got lost in a move, and someone, probably realizing their value, took them, so I guess it was my loss and their gain.....

In my HUMBLE opinion, there is not another band that has influence the Rock and Roll world more than the Beatles....they are the ultimate musicians of this century. Their basis for the group music, the rock and roll, their style is seen passed down thru these past 3 decades....without them, there wouldn't be the music of today....I know they influenced my life in many ways....I am sure they did most everyone of our generation....the baby boomers....(but I want you to know I am at the later end of the boomers, hehehehe... I have enjoyed their music throughout the years, and I know I will continue to do so...

The fab-four......

    I have a passion for The Beatles that I just can't explain. Maybe because they have been around most of my life, maybe because of their stigmatism, maybe it is their music.......I really don't know, but even to this day, there is a little excitment still in me when I hear their music, or see something about any one of them in the news......I wish they had never broken up, but even that still made them the "best band in the world"

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