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Cookbooks - Authors unknown and Brand Names

American and other drinks. Tinsley Brothers, 1878
The American home cook book: with several hundred excellent recipes NY: 1864
The American housewife and kitchen directory. New York: 1869
The American Matron: or, Practical and Scientific Cookery. Boston: 1851
The American Stranger’s guide to London and Liverpool at Table. 4th London: 1859
An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13th Cen
The art and mystery of curing, preserving, and potting all kinds of meats. London: 1864
The Art of Confectionery… from NY, Phila and Boston confectioners. Boston: 1865
Artistic cookery…nobility and gentry and for public entertainments. London: 1870
A Book of Beverages. DAR. Worcester, Mass: 1904
The Boke of Kervynge. 1508
The Book of Dinner Serviettes. [29p napkin folding] 3d ed. London: 1873
A BOOK OF Fruits & Flowers SHEWING The Nature and Use of them, either for Meat or Medicine. London: 1653
Breve Istruzione circ'ai modi di accrescere il pane (bread)… 1766
The Care and Feeding of Infants. Mellin's Food Co., Boston: 1905.
Choice receipts: selected from the best manuscript authorities. Hartford: 1873
The commonplace book of Countess Katherine Seymour Hertford. 1567
The Compleat Cook...1658
A Complete Course in Canning. 1919
Complete Grocer… for distilling… NY: 1832
Confederate Receipt Book. Richmond: 1863
The Cook Not Mad, or, Rational Cookery. Watertown: 1831
Cookery and domestic economy for young housewives. 2d London: 1862
Cookery for English households, by a French lady. London: 1864
Cre-fydd Family Fare. The Young Housewife's Daily Assistant. London: 1864
The Cuisine: containing household cooking recipes. 2d ed. Boston: 1872
Cuisine, Voolrath Co., ca.1912
A Curious Collection of Receipts in cookery… brewing, wines, berries. [with Eales, near end] London: 1742
A Description and History of Vegetable Substances, Used in the Arts, and in Domestic Economy, timber trees, fruits. London: 1830
The Dessert Book: A Complete Manual from the Best American and Foreign Authorities. Boston: 1872
Dinners and dinner-parties by G.V. London: 1862
The Dispenser's Formulary, or, Soda Water Guide. 3d revised NY: 1915
Dizionario delle arti e de' mestieri compilato da Francesco Griselin Venice: 1769 (bread)
Dizionario universale economico rustic… Rome: 1795 (Pan – bread)
The Dominion home cookbook, by a Thorough housewife. Toronto: 1868
Dry Yeast As an Aid to Health, 1923
Due Libre B. Early 15th Cen, Southern Italy
The economical cook book. Ottawa: 1915
The edible mollusks of Great Britain and Ireland, with recipes for cooking them. London 1867
Ein Buch von guter spise. c1345 translated
Encyclopedia of Household Information. Chicago: 1890
Enseignements. c1300 Trans. from the French
The Family Receipt Book... eight hundred valuable receipts. 2d Am ed. Pittsburgh: 1811
Favorite Receipt Book and Business Directory by Church of the Holy Comforter (Baltimore, Md.). 1884
Food and the war: a textbook for college classes. Boston: c1918
Food guide for war service at home. New York: c1918
Food saving and sharing: telling how the older children of America may help save from famine their comrades in allied lands across the sea. Garden City :1918.
The Forme of Cury...1390 by master-cooks of King Richard II
French domestic cookery by an English physician. Glossary.. 1825
Fullständigaste Svensk-Amerikansk Kokbok = Swedish-English Cookbook. Chicago: 1897.
The gas-consumer's guide. Boston:1871
The Gentlewoman; by the author of 'Dinners and dinner parties'. London: 1864
Gems of fancy cookery. Goderich, Ont.: 1890?
Good housekeeping's book of menus, recipes, and household discoveries. NY: c1922
The good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchin. 1594
Hand book of practical receipts, or Useful hints in every day life. NY: 1860
Hints on health and tested receipts for plain cooking... Jury & Lovell, druggists. Ontario: 1900?
The home cook book. Home for the Friendless. Chicago: 1876
The home cook book: Tried and true recipes. Christ Church. Toledo: 1876
Household Cyclopedia. 1881
Household Cyclopedia. 1888
The Housekeeper's magazine, and family economist. London: 1826
Housekeeper’s Manual of Cookery and Domestic Economy. London: 1859
Housekeeping in the Blue Grass. Ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Paris, Ky. Cincinnati: 1881 enlarged ed.
The housewife's guide… middle class. Belfast: 1822
Houlston's Housekeeper's assistant; or, Complete family cook. Wellington (London): 1828
How to Carve, ca. 1890s
How to make candy. Hartford: 1875
The Inglenook Cook Book, Choice Recipes...Brethren Church...Elgin: 1906
International Health Resort Recipes, ca.1900s
Keukenboek or Wel ende edelike spijse translation
The Kitchen Encyclopedia, Fifth Edition. Swift & Company, 1911
Das Kochbuch des Meisters Eberhard mid 15th trans from the German
Koge Bog. 1616 Copenhagen. translated
L'Art du Limonadier; extrait des meilleurs auteurs qui ont traité de la distillation, et principalement de Dubuisson… Paris: 1804
La cuisinière canadienne. Montréal: 1840
Le Menagier de Paris. c1393 translated
The ladies' handbook and household assistant: A manual of religious & table etiquette... Fitchburg, Mass.: Published in behalf of the Ladies' Society of the ME Church, 1886
Liber cure Cocorum 1430 1862 parallel transcription
Libro di cucina 14/15th cen. translation
The London and Country Brewer. 1736
The London complete art of Cookery. London: 1797. [copied from Farley]
Los Angelos Times Cook Book No. 2, LA: 1905?
The Magazine of Domestic Economy, Vol 1-5 London: 1836-1840
Melrose household treasure. Congregational Society. 1877
Mrs. Goodfellow's Cookery as it should be. Philadelphia: 1865
Murray's modern cookery book. Modern domestic cookery, by a lady London 1851
My pet recipes, tried and true: by the ladies of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec. 1900
Nederlandsche kookboek. Thomas vander Noot. Brussel c1510
The Neighborhood Cook Book, Council of Jewish Women. Portland: 1914
A New Collection of Genuine Receipts: For the Preparation and Execution of Curious Arts. Boston: 1831
New Family Receipt Book. London: 1810
The New family receipt-book. London: 1811
The new family receipt book: containing eight hundred. London: 1819
The New London Cookery and Complete Domestic Guide. By a Lady. London: 1827
A new system of practical domestic economy. Revised ed London: 1828
Nyeuwen Coock Boeck 1560
The Official handbook for the National training school for cookery. London: 1877
Oysters And How To Cook Them...Half the Cost of Meat, ca.1910s
Oveture de Cuisine. 1604 Trans from the French
Oxford Night Caps, a collection of receipts for making various beverages. London: 1827
Pan-American Recipe Book 1901
The People's Housekeeper. London: 1876
The Perry Home Cook Book. 1920
Plain Directions on Domestic Economy. by the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of NY. NY: 1821
Plain talk and friendly advice to domestics; with counsel on home matters.... 1855
Practical American Cookery and Domestic Economy. NY: 1860
Practical Economy. London: 1822 2d
Presbyterian Cook Book, by The Ladies of The First Presby Church, Dayton, Ohio. c1873.
A Proper New Booke of Cookery. 1575
The Queens closet opened...W.M. 1658
A Queens Delight 1671
Recipes for Dainty Dishes Culinary, Toilet And Medicinal Hints, ca.1910s
Recipes Tried and True. Ladies' Aid Society of the First Presby Church, Marion, Ohio: 1894
Le Recueil de Riom. 1466 Trans from the French
Rheinfrankisches Kochbuch. c1445 translation
The servant's guide and family manual. 2d London: 1831
The so called Harpestreng cookbook. 13th cen.
The Treasurie of commodious Conceits by John Partridge. 1573
A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century
Twentieth Century Club War Time Cook Book Pittsburgh: 1918
Two fifteenth-century cookery-books
U.S. Dept of Ag. The well-planned kitchen. GPO: 1921?
United States Subsistence Dept. Manual for Army Cooks, Washington: 1896
The United States Practical Receipt Book: Or, Complete Book of Reference, for the Manufacturer. Phila: 1844
Valuable Secrets Concerning Arts and Trades. London: 1775
De Verstandige Kock 1771 [1669]
The Vertues of Chocolate. London, 1660
Le Viandier de Taillevent. 1350 trans from the French
War Gardening and Home Storage of Vegetables, by National War Garden Comm, D.C.: 1919
The What-not; or Ladies' handy-book London: 1861
What to do with the cold mutton…other…gentleman of moderate income. NY: 1865
The whole duty of a woman. London: 1737
Wine and spirit adulterators unmasked. 3rd London:1829

Woman's Institute Library of Cookery. 1918
1: Essentials of Cookery; Cereals; Bread; Hot Breads
2: Milk, Butter and Cheese; Eggs; Vegetables
3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
4: Salads and Sandwiches; Cold and Frozen Desserts; Cakes, Cookies and Puddings; Pastries and Pies
5: Fruit and Fruit Desserts; Canning and Drying; Jelly Making, Preserving and Pickling; Confections; Beverages; the Planning of Meals

Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets; 500 Useful Receipts. Toronto: 1861
365 Foriegn Dishes. 1908
365 Orange Recipes; an Orange Recipe for Every Day in the Year Phila: 1909

Brand Names

Armour's Extract of Beef. Culinary Wrinkles. ca.1900s
Armour's Leaf Lard, Pastry Wrinkles. 1906
Armstrong. Table Cookery the Armstrong Way, 1919
Berney. The great household number of Berney's mystery of living. New York City: 18--. 1870?
Carnation. The Story of Carnation Milk, From Contented Cows., 1915
Cassell's dictionary of cookery. London: 1883
Cassell's dictionary of cookery. London: 1892
Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery London: 1891
Cassell's see also Payne, A.G.
Cow Brand Soda Cook Book, Established Half A Century. 1900
Dr. Chase's Recipes. Ann Arbor: 1860
Dr. Chase's Recipes. 1864
Dr. D. Jayne & Son. How To Do Pickling. Philadelphia: 1917
Dr. Price's Delicious Desserts...Price Flavoring Extract Co. Chicago: 1904
The New Dr. Price Cook book for use with Dr. Price's Phosphate Baking Powder, 1921
Fleischmann Company, Excellent Recipes for Baking Raised Breads, 1916
Gem Chopper Cook Book, Valuable Recipes, 1902
Gold Medal Flour Cookbook, Washburn-Crosby Co. Minneapolis: 1917
Gordon & Dilworth. Choice Desserts, Gordon & Dilworth's Table Delicacies, 1912
Great London Tea Co. The housekeeper's friend. Boston: 1883
Hood's Cook Book, Number One (Reprint), 1877.
Hood's practical cook's book. Hood & Co. Lowell, Mass. 1897 pic
Igleheart's Cake Secrets, All recipes tested and approved by Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill. 1919
Jell-O: America's Most Famous Dessert, ca.1910s
Kirmess Cook-book. Boston: 1887
Knox Gelatine, Dainty Deserts for Dainty People, 1915
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Fruits and Candies, ca.1900s
Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., War Time Cook and Health, 1912
Mirro. Food Surprises from the Mirro Test Kitchen, ca. 1918
The New Lucile Cook Book. 1906
Ransom's Family Receipt Book. new every year. Buffalo: 1885.
Royal Baking Powder Co., 55 Ways to Save Eggs, 1917
Royal Baking Powder Co., Best War Time Recipes, 1917
Royal Baking Powder Co. My Favorite Receipt. NY: 1886
Rumford Chemical Works. The Horseford Almanac and Cook Book, 1881.
Sears, Roebuck. Kook Kwick Pressure Cooker Recipes. c1910s
Shredded Wheat, The Vital Question... 1908
Underwood Deviled Ham. Taste the Taste and Some Cookery News, ca.1910s
Watkins Almanac, Home Doctor And Cookbook 50th Anniversary, 1868 - 1917
Wesson Oil For Making Good Things to Eat, ca.1910s
Wick Oil Cook Stove. Cook Book: New Process Wick Oil Cook Stove, ca1910s
Wright, A.S. Wright's book of 3000 practical receipts... New York 1869

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