Welcome to my world

If you didn't know before... earlier this year my webpage was killed. I don't know how, but all my files were wiped clean.
so i am slowly trying to rebuild it
please be patient

All about me
I'm still working on this... please be patient!

The ESA and other various amusing things that have come about at cedar crest. enjoy!

Bits of stuff I've written throughout the years


Random Bits of Advice for every day life!

Random Book/Movie quotes!

It's Just Funny

World Domination How the world will be divided when i take it over

My Demented Family

My Livejournal
this is sort of an online journal thing...i write in it sometimes...check it out, if you want..or not

got any suggestions, commments....sign my guestbook!!!!
please please please sign it!! if only to say hi!!! please!!!!!!!!!

Various links to places

Justin's page
Nikki's 'page
Susannah's page
Meg's page
Joe's page
Chaya's page
Angel's slambook
Cassie's page
Kelly's page
Hamster dance!!
The Flying Rose
The Celtic Connection

Laser-Puzzle Game