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Ron Harrison Writes...
Monday, 3 May 2021
Update on website status
Topic: Ron Harrison



This has been a long and challenging year for me on a personal level.  I have had my website for over 20 years and I plod along as a one man show (with my wife who maintains technical support and actually posts everything on the main page, I do the blogs) and cover high school basketball, football, EKU basketball and football.  I was able to maintain my schedule despite COVID because we provide computer statistics for several teams.  I had an incident during tournament time that slowed me down for a couple weeks.


I discovered that during a routine physical by my primary care provider that I had developed AFIB, an irregular heart rhythm.  I had no previous warnings and was walking 15-20 miles per week as a person in their mid 70’s which I felt good about.  My doctor referred me to a cardiologist who ran a sonogram and a chemical induced stress test.  Nothing concrete so he recommended a hear catherization to track down the problem.  Early April I went in for this procedure they discovered major problems and had to insert an emergency stent and immediately transferred me to the main hospital by ambulance.  The next day I had a double bypass surgery and the one stent and they restarted my heart to get it back in rhythm which may or may not be a permanent solution.  The doctors were all very happy with the results and released me in the care of my wife who has subjected me to disgustingly health food.  My weight is at 185 pounds and my recovery is well ahead of schedule.


I intend to continue my website and while I am current on my blogs I still have to update the other sections which include tournaments, games, and invitationals.  I will keep Rick Bolus rankings current and hope to do a podcast next season.. I have a slight break before I dive into summer ball so over the next two weeks I intend to blog the girls Madison Central JV season.  They had a very good season coached by Ashley Snow and had 10-12 girls playing with several of their key players being 8th graders.  Their future is bright if they continue to improve.  I feel fortunate that I survived this and am thankful for another chance and also feel fortunate I live in a basketball crazy state with all the passionate fans and parents.


Regards and best wishes,



Posted by REH at 2:49 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 3 May 2021 2:53 PM EDT
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Friday, 26 September 2008
Topic: Ron Harrison
My name is Ron Harrison and I have been attending and enjoying high school basketball since the late 50's.  I have had a website kyprephoops for the last ten years.  My website is devoted to the coverage of boys and girls high school basketball in the state of Kentucky.  I also cover both boys and girls AAU events in the state of Kentucky and display Rick Bolus' player rankings.  I do not personally rank players but spend most of my time on game and event coverage.  Do I consider myself an expert or guru?  No, but I have seen a lot of games and players over my career and I have been advised and helped by people I do consider expert.  You are never too old to learn and I firmly believe you cannot listen with your mouth open so I try to listen a lot and learn.  I intend to start a blog and link it to my website and hopefully starting in October 2008 post some random thoughts and observations several times a week.

Posted by REH at 1:30 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 26 September 2008 1:55 PM EDT
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