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Friday, 5 August 2005
Topic: Islamic Jihad

Is the title of the Theo Van Gogh Movie which cost him his life, from a script written by

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

who is now in hiding with a Death Fatwa on her head.
If you want to see what the controversy was all about you may view it

Or through the website of the Author

To Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Submission

Another Link on the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Blog

Behind the Quran Curtain there are other Women who refuse to Submit.

Their Stories are not known or remembered beyond the Veil of Subjection.

Woman immolates self to avoid return to Iran jail
Tehran, Iran, Jul. 26 ? A 30-year-old woman set herself on fire outside a justice department office in southern Iran on Monday evening, eye-witnesses reported.

The unidentified woman was on temporary parole from prison in the southern city of Marvdasht and had gone to the justice department to request an extension of her prison leave. When her application was rejected, she attempted to commit suicide by setting herself on fire. She is reportedly in critical condition.

A Marvdasht resident reached by telephone said it was rumored in town that the woman had been brutally treated by prison guards.

Prison conditions in Iran have become the focus of international concern after the publication of a report by an internal investigative body of Iran?s judiciary. The report discovered serious cases of torture, solitary confinement, long-term detention without trial, and other abuses.

Iran police arrest women for ?un-Islamic? dress
Tehran, Iran, Jul. 31 ? Iran has deployed squads of women-only vice police in a new crackdown on ?un-Islamic? dress.

Eight women were arrested in the northern province of Gilan as part of a new clamp-down on ?social corruption?, the semi-official Jomhouri Islami reported on Sunday.

?The women were arrested for disrespecting Islamic virtues and for having repulsive and immoral attire?, the hard-line daily added.

The daily added that women police officers in patrols belonging to the Directorate to Fight Social Corruption were roaming the streets to find women violating the stringent dress code and ?to fight public displays of corruption and mal-veiling?.

Kurdish women?s rights activist arrested in Iran
Tehran, Iran, Aug. 04 ? A prominent women?s rights activist in Iranian Kurdistan was arrested during a gathering organised in protest against the murder of a young Kurd by Iran?s State Security Forces, a Persian-language website reported.

The website Rooz reported that Roya Toloui, the editor of Rassan, a monthly based in the Kurdish city of Sanandaj, was arrested after being summoned by the intelligence unit of the SSF on several occasions in the past few months on charges of ?disturbing the peace? and ?acting against national security?. She had also been accused of ?inciting ethnic division?.

Toloui?s monthly Rassan had so far published three issues all of which mainly discussed the plight of female Kurds in Iran.

Born in 1966, Toloui holds a postgraduate degree in practical science and, with her husband, owns a medical laboratory in Sanandaj. She is a founding member of the Association of Kurdish Women in Favour of Peace in Kurdistan. She has a daughter and a son.

On several occasions, the authorities had warned Toloui not to carry out interviews with foreign radio stations.

Iran?s restive Kurdish population have been the victims of systematic oppression by the Iran?s clerical leadership since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:13 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:24 AM CDT
Thursday, 4 August 2005
State Supported Terrorism
Topic: Iran
Well it is now going to be impossible for any sane person to claim Iran is not supporting terrorism.

However the World has no severe lack of insane People does it?

I wonder how they will distort reality to claim this is Really the result of a Neo-Con plot?

Iranian hardline weekly seeks 'martyrs' Wed. 3 Aug 2005

An advertisement appeared in a conservative-radical Iranian weekly Wednesday seeking people to register for "martyrdom seeking operations" against Islam's foes.

"Central command of martyrdom lovers is to prepare one division from every province among the martyrdom seekers to receive specialized training, making them ready against the enemies of Islam and the sacred regime of the Islamic republic," the advertisement in Parto Shokhan (Light of speech) read.

Parto Shokhan is published by an institute run by one of Islamic republic's most ultra-conservative ideologues, Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi.

The advertisement, decorated with pictures of Iranians soldiers, who conducted such operations against Iraq during their eight years of war, begins with a quote from Iran's all-powerful Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saying: "Martyrdom seeking operations are the zenith of greatness of a nation and also zenith of its epic."

All the would-be volunteers have to do is send their photo, the accompanying form and a copy of a birth certificate, to a post office box with no address.

The advertisement was published on the same day Iran's new hardline President Mahmood Ahmadinejad, who benefited from ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi's support during his campaign, took office.

According to the institute's website, operating from Iran's clerical capital, Qom, Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi was appointed as the head of the institute by Khamenei.

The institute is a kind of a seminary school which not only persues Islamic researches, but also sends students abroad and teaches Islamic teachings to Iran's volunteer militia, the Basij.

It is not the first time hardline Iranians have called upon volunteers to register for suicide missions.

However, the Iranian foreign ministry has repeatedly denied that these people and their actions are officially supported by the regime.

A few months ago, a ceremony was held by a group calling themselves "Esteshhadion" (martyrdom seekers) to honor the Palestinian women suicide bombers.

A billboard size photo of the women has been posted on a tall building in a busy intersection in central Tehran.

"I love my son, but I love martyrdom more," the main sentence on the mural reads, underneath a picture of one of the women carrying her son in one arm and a machine gun in the other.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:00 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:22 AM CDT
The Hidden News Behind The Quran Curtain
Topic: Iran
Iran Revolutionary Guards’ brutality against Kurds backfires Wed. 3 Aug 200

Tehran, Iran, Aug. 03 – On Tuesday, July 26, plainclothes agents from the intelligence directorate of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps took 18 detained Kurdish men from the restive towns of Baneh and Marivan to a barren location and, after a violent rough-up, forced them to strip naked and walk back to their towns.

The Revolutionary Guards were trying to intimidate young people in this restive area of western Iran into silence after days of anti-government protests that have spread to several towns and cities. But the brutality and humiliation inflicted on the Kurds have only inflamed an already tense situation.

The day after the 18 men were beaten and stranded, angry Kurds seeking revenge attacked police patrols in the region killing five agents of Iran’s State Security Forces.

Tensions have increased dramatically in the area since the events of July 26 and there have been several other violent attacks on agents of the SSF in recent days.

In a bid to contain the situation, the local authorities claimed this week that the perpetrators of the crime were Kurdish dissidents posing as Revolutionary Guards, who wanted to “incite people against the Islamic Republic”. As could be expected, the belated attempt to calm down the anger of local Kurds has not been successful and anti-government protests are continuing in different parts of the region.

Let me see if I get this straight, Terrorize the People and if that does NOT work, blame it on Sinister Western Influence.

Iran police fire on Kurdish protesters from chopper Wed. 3 Aug 2005

Tehran, Iran, Aug. 03 – Iran’s State Security forces opened lethal fire on protesters in the western town of Saqqez from a military helicopter on Wednesday, eye-witnesses reported.

Anti-government protesters set fire to the town’s principal prayer hall and vehicles belonging to the police on Wednesday morning. Various government buildings including the governor’s office were also attacked and the commander of State Security Forces was beaten by protesters. A government agency, Bonyad Panzdah Khordad, was completely ransacked.

Witnesses reported that women took part in great numbers during today’s clashes with the security forces. One witness described how several women attacked policemen who had detained a teenage boy and freed him.

In Hahlou Square, protesters chanted “Down with Khamenei”, referring to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

In an attempt to contain the unrest, agents of the SSF opened fire on protesters. There were reports of several people being killed by SSF gunfire. By early afternoon, at least 30 people had been arrested.

Today’s unrest in Saqqez started at Oqab Square just before noon as hundreds of protesters attacked a local Bassij post with sticks and stones. The Bassij are paramilitary Islamic vigilantes loyal to the Supreme Leader.

The latest clashes come in the wake of a series of protests that have swept Kurdish towns and cities in Iran for the past weeks. Dozens of protesters have been injured or arrested by government troops in several towns.

11 die in northwest Iran clashes Wed. 3 Aug 2005

– Heavy clashes which broke out between protesters and State Security Forces on Wednesday in the Kurdish town of Saqqez, northwest Iran, have claimed 11 lives, according to Kurdish sources.

Witnesses reported that agents of the SSF fired lethal rounds on protesters from helicopters in the air.

Kurdish groups have announced the names of four of the dead as Mohammad Shariati, head of a local school; Farzad Mohammadi, Student; Abbass Ramazanzadeh, 55 years old, and Shakeri.

Iran’s state-run media and officials have confirmed extensive clashes in the western regions of the country. The state-run news agency ILNA reported on Wednesday that provincial governors of Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan, deputy chiefs of security in the Interior and Intelligence Ministries, deputy commander of Iran’s State Security Forces, and Majlis deputies from the area met to discuss ways of dealing with the worsening situation.

Kazem Jalali, a member of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, told ILNA that participants in the meeting had determined that there should be “a higher level of security” imposed on the area to prevent unrest in Oshnavieh and Mahabad from spreading to other areas.

The state-owned Sharq newspaper reported on Wednesday that a group of Majlis deputies from Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan provinces had demanded that the Interior Minister “adopt measures to prevent the killing of innocent people in Mahabad, Sardasht and Piranshahr”. Their letter was read out during the Majlis session.

Anti-government protesters in Saqqez set fire to the town’s principal prayer hall and vehicles belonging to the police on Wednesday morning. Various government buildings including the governor’s office were also attacked and the commander of State Security Forces was beaten by protesters. A government agency, Bonyad Panzdah Khordad, was completely ransacked.

Witnesses reported that women took part in great numbers during today’s clashes with the security forces. One witness described how several women attacked policemen who had detained a teenage boy and freed him.

The latest clashes come in the wake of a series of protests that have swept Kurdish towns and cities in Iran for the past weeks. Dozens of protesters have been injured or arrested by government troops in several towns.

The Next time you hear someone say, "But what if Iraq turns into another Iran, Ask them if they KNOW anything about what is actually going OB in Iran.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:50 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:22 AM CDT
Wednesday, 3 August 2005
MoveOn Memes
Topic: Out of Flyover Land
At times it appears to me that the Conservative/Libertarian/Right Cause has forfeited the Paradigm Wars to the Left.

Maybe that is too harsh, but we have at times left ourselves at a Tactical and Strategic disadvantage by adopting the Memes of the Left, through Intellectual Laziness.

Air America has been, not in the Exempt Media, but in the Blogverse News lately.

Here are some examples of what I mean.

My friend Buster Block over at InMuscatine uses a nice Fresh 21st Century Paradigm in his post "What Did (Dead)Air America Know..."

(Dead)Air, has a nice ring to it, concise, rolls off the tongue well and TO THE POINT.

Now his Link to Michele Malkin I do NOT like

Michelle Malkin | AIR ENRON

Paradigms like Air Enron or Something-Gate bother me.

No matter what the issue, no matter how severe the Consequences when you use the Language of the Left we surrender to them the field advantage.

If we say Rathergate? They can smugly remind themselves of Watergate. Air Enron brings to mind the original Enron. Yeah Right! Like Enron suddenly went putrid on Bush's watch and was a respectable honest and a without blemish entity during the Clinton Years?

The truth does not matter. Vietnam started by one Democratic President, enlarged to its greatest extent under another Democratic President, became
Mr Nixon's War a Republican Presidents fault.

This meme is so ingrained in the American Psyche that it was Seared , mind you SEARED in the mind(?) of John Kerry that he was in Cambodia on Christmas Eve of 1968 while the President (Who else COULD it be but Nixon, no one even thinks or questions that assumption) was lying to the American People about the Truth.

Only thing was Mr Nixon did not BECOME President until Jan 20, 1969.

See how easy it is for Truth to be lost in Paradigm?

So NOT RatherGate, but rather Baghdad Dan Rather of the CBS Information Ministry.

Ignore the Lies of the Infidel Bloggers!
I have it on the highest authority that the documents are correct!
God Willing, our documents shall roast the stomachs of the pig Republicans
with their Authenticity

Not Air Enron. But Baghdad Al Frankin of the
Liberal Information Ministry.

"Air America is the highest rated program in the history of radio! It is broadcast around the world to an audience of billions! You are telling lies! Listen for yourself! Rush Limbaugh is committing suicide after hearing of the success of the mighty Al Franken!"

(What's that? What do you mean, 'Your paycheck didn't clear the bank?' Lies, all lies! Call the arrogant american bank and demand an explanation!)

Blatant biased reporting where the news seems to have been "created" for effect can become a "Rather"

Not MemoGate but MemoRather.

Get the picture?

Do NOT use THEIR Paradigms or Memes!

See? Even the Title "What Did (Dead)Air America Know..." Harks back to "What did he know and when did he know it"

Create NEW 21st Century ones that hits them square between the eyes!

So if YOU have a good idea for New Paradigms?

LEAVE A COMMENT! Share it with the rest of us.

Did I mention, I REALLY like (Dead)Air America?

UPDATE Strategic Plans by the Left like Teddy Kennedy's to Cut and Run and leave the Iraqis to swing in the breeze can be called,



Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:32 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:22 AM CDT
Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Thoughts for Today
Topic: Islamic Jihad
"Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me.'""George Orwell

At the end of Fahrenheit 9/11 Michael Moore has a quote by Orwell. One wonders if he ever read much by the man or actually understood Orwell's Thoughts and Philosophy.

More Orwell:

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"

"War is evil, but it is often the lesser evil"

"There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them."

"The quickest way to end a war is to lose it."

"So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot."

"There is hardly such a thing as a war in which it makes no difference who wins. Nearly always one side stands more or less for progress, the other side more or less for reaction."

"For the ordinary man is passive. Within a narrow circle (home life, and perhaps the trade unions or local politics) he feels himself master of his fate, but against major events he is as helpless as against the elements. So far from endeavoring to influence the future, he simply lies down and lets things happen to him."

"The high sentiments always win in the end, the leaders who offer blood, toil, tears, and sweat always get more out of their followers than those who offer safety and a good time. When it comes to the pinch, human beings are heroic."

Michael Moore has stated the Terrorists in Iraq are Modern Day Minutemen, I think this quote by Orwell is quite fitting

"One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that; no ordinary man could be such a fool."

Orwell is considered by some to be one of the Great Western Thinkers of the 20th Century, celebrated and acclaimed as such.

Let us revisit what he said and I quoted at the start of this Post?

"Pacifism is objectively pro-fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side, you automatically help out that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, 'he that is not with me is against me.'""
George Orwell

Those were the words of one of the Great Thinkers of the West.

For Extra Credit what 21st Century Thinker uttered These Words

Our response involves far more than instant retaliation and isolated strikes. Americans should not expect one battle, but a lengthy campaign, unlike any other we have ever seen. It may include dramatic strikes, visible on TV, and covert operations, secret even in success. We will starve terrorists of funding, turn them one against another, drive them from place to place, until there is no refuge or no rest. And we will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:02 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:19 AM CDT
Under the Heel of the Mullahs
Topic: Iran
Yes we heard much in the Exempt Media when the Uzbekistan Government fired upon demonstrators.

But have you heard ANYTHING about THIS?

Police shoot dead protesters in northwest Iran Tue. 2 Aug 2005
Tehran, Iran, Aug. 02 – Iran’s State Security Forces on Monday evening opened fire at a peaceful anti-government demonstration in the Kurdish town of Sanandaj, northwest Iran, killing several people including two children and starting riots throughout the town, eye-witnesses reported.

At least 1,000 people had gathered at Esteghlal Park in the evening, peacefully demonstrating in protest to the brutal torture and murder of a young Kurd by police in the neighboring town of Mahabad which had acted as a catalyst for widespread anti-government protests in Kurdistan and Western Azerbaijan provinces for the past three weeks.

Protesters held up placards demanding justice for the killers of Shown Qaderi. There were also chants against senior officials within Iran’s theocratic leadership.

Uniformed and plain-clothed police attacked Protesters in Enghelab Square and Sheshom-e Bahman Street and at one point started to shoot live rounds. Eye-witnesses reported that several people were injured or killed. Among the dead are believed to be two children.

As demonstrators dispersed, a full-scale riot broke out in Sanandaj. People threw stones to fight off police and burnt car tyres in the streets. Local banks were attacked and had their windows shattered.

Several sonic-booms were also set off in between Protesters.

There is presently no accurate information on the number of people arrested, though witnesses reported heavy police presence in the town. Anti-riot units were also brought in from neighboring towns to quell the protests.

Or a couple of weeks before the Andijan massacre

Did you hear about this at all??????

Iran executes teenage demonstrators in Ahwaz ? reports Sat. 23 Apr 2005

Ahwaz, Apr. 23 ? Iran?s Revolutionary Guards executed a number of teenage demonstrators in the streets of Ahwaz, southern Iran, according to eye-witnesses.

Residents reported that Revolutionary Guards arrested demonstrators in the city streets and gunned them down to terrorize the local people and end a week long anti-government uprising that has spread throughout the oil-rich Khuzestan Province.

Helicopters were also seen opening fire on demonstrators.

A 5-year-old boy was killed when he was run over by a Revolutionary Guards? armored personnel carrier, eye-witnesses said.

Smoke from tear-gas that has been fired was so heavy that hospitals have been inundated with patients complaining of severe respiratory problems. A number of hospitals have also been raided by State Security Forces and large numbers of youth have been arrested on charges of taking part in the demonstrations.

Fierce fighting has brought the province to a complete stand-still since Friday, when State Security Forces (SSF) opened fire on a 3,000-strong anti-government demonstration in the city of Ahwaz.

Ahwaz was placed under a de facto martial law after anti-government demonstrations led to bloody clashes between local residents and security forces.

A government-orchestrated counter-demonstration on Friday was greeted with apathy by the local people. Even the non-Arab residents of Ahwaz stayed away from the march led by local clerics and officials of the Islamic Republic. State television showed scenes of the demonstration, with large banners blaming ?the U.S., Israel and the Monafeqin? for the uprising. Monafeqin, or hypocrites, is the term Iranian state media and officials use to describe the People?s Mojahedin, Iran?s main opposition group.

The semi-official Jomhouri Islami daily wrote in its editorial today, ?We must not ignore the seditious role being played by the Monafeqin in the events in Ahwaz?.

The Prosecutor-General of Ahwaz Amir Khani said today that five people had been detained by Iran?s Ministry of Intelligence and Security, charged with being the primary instigators of the clashes that are still on going in a number of districts. He also announced the arrest of a further 59 people involved in the clashes in Ahwaz by the security and intelligence apparatus.

Now after Andijan, " The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has called for an independent investigation into the massacre."

What did we hear from the UN High Commissioner after

There were TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY anti-government protests, clashes, strikes, and other forms of social unrest throughout Iran over the past month, according to the opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq (MeK, or People?s Mojahedin).

Most of the protests and public actions occurred in Tehran and other major cities, including Isfahan, Mashad, Ahwaz, and Tabriz.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:29 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:20 AM CDT
Monday, 1 August 2005
Yankees Go Home
Topic: Iran
Recently in Uzbekistan, demonstrators were fired upon by government troops, with tragic results.

That the US had a base in that country, was of course commented upon in the media.

Wherever we are, whatever happens there, we are responsible it seems.

Well the US has made its concerns known, and has been asked to leave and is doing so.

Bush kept the faith.

This in from TigerHawk

Sunday, July 31, 2005
The United States stands on principle and loses a base in central Asia
The United States has a strategically significant base in Uzbekistan, which borders on Afghanistan. In May, Uzbekistan's hideous government opened fire on demonstrators and killed hundreds of innocent people, raising the ire of the civilized countries of the world. The United States, among others, threw a fit. Uzbekistan has now expelled the United States, ordering it out of the base within six months. Russia and China, neither offended by the thugs running Uzbekistan but both sorely annoyed by the U.S. presence in central Asia, are happy today.

The next time somebody tells you that the United States operates without principle, remind them that the Bush Administration walked away from an important base in central Asia because it stood up for political liberty in one of the most isolated places on the planet.

Now one wonders what the media will being saying about demonstrators being gunned down in Iran?

Over 280 protests in Iran in past month - opposition Mon. 1 Aug 2005

London, Aug. 01 ? Disenchanted Iranians stated more than 280 anti-government protests, clashes, strikes, and other forms of social unrest throughout Iran over the past month, according to the opposition Mojahedin-e Khalq (MeK, or People?s Mojahedin).

Most of the protests and public actions occurred in Tehran and other major cities, including Isfahan, Mashad, Ahwaz, and Tabriz.

There were many protests in regions with substantial ethnic minorities, such as Kurdistan and Khuzistan.

Workers staged 170 strikes in the same month, the opposition group said.

Student demonstrations were widespread, despite the closure of most schools and universities during the summer period. Many of the students who took part in anti-government activity were arrested and some continue to be in detention at unknown locations.

Civil servants, nurses, drivers, and other social groups organized more than 50 protests.

The opposition group highlighted the unrest in the Kurdish town of Mahabad, northwest Iran, where it said protests started on July 9 and have not ended since. Several people have been left dead including a woman after police launched a crackdown on Mahabad and neighboring towns to prevent social dissent from escalating.

The southern province of Khuzistan has also been a hotbed for anti-government demonstrations and clashes between the population and security forces.

Don't hold your breath waiting for Mainstream Media Reports.

One demonstration where the US has a base?

Full coverage,

280 protests in ONE MONTH?

We never hear about.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:46 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:20 AM CDT
Sunday, 31 July 2005

Topic: Iraq War
The fact that I was not alone is no excuse.

Conclusion Jumping At CQ
Yep and jumping to conclusions by me as well

"On July 25th, I wrote that leftist vandals piled flags from the yard of a family mourning the loss of a son-in-law who died serving his country in Iraq. An arsonist had piled all twenty flags adorning the yard of the Wessel home under their daughter's car and set them on fire, totaling the vehicle and narrowly avoiding setting their house on fire. I had assumed that only someone who wanted to stage a protest to the war would do something that stupid and dangerous to make a point.

Well, I was wrong. It turned out to be pointless after all:

Two teenage boys were charged Thursday with burning 20 small American flags set up in honor of a soldier who died from injuries suffered in the Iraq war.
Police said the boys apparently did not know the significance of the flags they took from the yard and set afire under a car belonging to the soldier's sister-in-law. The vehicle was destroyed."

Yes let me repeat in the matter of burning flags from a funeral of a slain soldier, to torch the car of one of his family members


It appears not to have had political motives.

But I am NOT wrong about

The disabled Iraqi War Vet who was harassed by a crowd during a 4 th of July parade

Veteran gets rude welcome on Bainbridge

Think about the Seattle area -- Bainbridge Island to be exact -- and you think scenic views and liberal-minded tolerance.

Read the latest update: An apology and -- it is hoped -- healing on Bainbridge.

At least the killer views are still there.

The bucolic island's deep reputation for civility got a gut check this week during the annual Grand Old Fourth of July celebration.

That's when Jason Gilson, a 23-year-old military veteran who served in Iraq, marched in the local event. He wore his medals with pride and carried a sign that said "Veterans for Bush."

Walking the parade route with his mom, younger siblings and politically conservative friends, Jason heard words from the crowd that felt like a thousand daggers to the heart.

"Baby killer!"



To understand why the reaction of strangers hurt so much, you must read what the young man had written in a letter from Iraq before he was disabled in an ambush:

"I really miss being in the states. Some of the American public have no idea how much freedom costs and who the people are that pay that awful price. I think sometimes people just see us as nameless and faceless and not really as humans. ... A good portion of us are actually scared that when we come home, for those of us who make it back, that there will be protesters waiting for us and that is scary."

On the Fourth, Jason faced his worst fear

It was such a public humiliation -- home front insult after battlefield injury.

Jason's mother, Tamar, says a female parade announcer locked eyes on her son who was walking behind a pro-Republican group called Women in Red, White and Blue. The group supports President Bush and the troops in the fight against terrorism.

According to Tamar, the female announcer sarcastically asked Jason:

"And what exactly are you a veteran of?"

The perceived mocking, the mother adds, set off some people in the crowd, loosing a flood of negative comments, "like a wave... a mob-style degrading."

or the parents of a slain soldier who were harassed at a memorial service.
Peace Activists Harass Gold Star Mother

SGT. CHAD DRAKE was killed in Baghdad three days ago. So when his family learned of a candlelight vigil in honor of our fallen soldiers to be held in their hometown of Dallas, they thought it would be a good way to begin the healing process.

As it turns out, they were wrong.

Drake's mother was "harassed and yelled at, booed and hissed, told her son died for nothing,"

the message read.
Drake's mother reportedly left the event in tears.

The family attended the vigil because they thought it was meant to honor U.S. casualties. The event was organized by the Dallas Peace Center, which opposes the war.

Anti-war, or just on the other side?

Family Of Killed Soldier: Vigil Crowd Threatening

Crash of Symbols

Though the Department of Defense did not describe Drake as the 1,000th casualty, somehow Drake got singled out. Ginger Drake, Chad's mother, and other members of the family declined to do interviews but gave Steve Alberts of KXAS-Channel 5 photos and information about Drake's life.

"He did a beautiful presentation of my brother," says Jennifer Ott, Chad's sister. "At the end, it said the Drake family would like to invite everyone to a candlelight vigil."

The Drakes felt the broadcast made it seem as if they were involved. Ott called Alberts, who assured her the vigil was non-political. She then spoke to Sherry Bollenbacher, a member of the Peace Center, who also reassured her it was non-political.

"I looked at my mother and said we have to go," Ott says.
About 20 of Drake's relatives arrived at Dallas City Hall just before 7 p.m. When the family arrived, only a handful of people were there, Herriage says, though they could hear drums. "I thought there was a band. Then it just didn't feel right. I could tell it wasn't like a marching band."

Herriage says a woman approached them and asked if they were there for the vigil. Mrs. Drake introduced herself and asked about the drums. "If this is some kind of protest," Mrs. Drake said, "I'm not going to participate."

Bollenbacher introduced herself and reassured her: "Oh, no, we're just here to comfort you in your grief."

Mrs. Drake saw a man with a basket full of fliers accusing Bush of war crimes. Bollenbacher again reassured her.

"I had told him he couldn't hand those out," Bollenbacher says, but she allowed a banner that read "Vets for Peace."

The Drakes saw that banner and then realized the drummer was wearing a T-shirt that said "Drums Not Guns." Believing it was an anti-war protest, Mrs. Drake burst into tears. She started screaming, "Somebody has lied to me."

Herriage says the situation turned even uglier when another woman walked over, grabbed the weeping Mrs. Drake and shook her. "She said, 'Shut up and I'll explain our cause to you,'" Herriage says. "That's when Ginger went ballistic."

Those actions DID have political motives.

Afterthought: used to be teenage punks set trash cans on fire, and bashed in mailboxes, I wonder where they got the idea burning American Flags was a cool Idea to get attention?

Oh Well two out of three is not that bad.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:06 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:17 AM CDT
Full Circle?
Topic: Eurabia
I am a little sorry I have already used "The World Turned Upside Down" for a topic,

When I read the following from the Fjordman website it reinforced how MUCH the World has changed in the last few generations.

Had one said something like this would happen someday, people would have thought you mad.

Europeans sent missionaries to Africa a couple of centuries ago. Now, Africans are sending missionaries to all those pagan white people and their empty churches.

What portent does this omen presage for the future of the World and of Europe?

I am going to have to think about this.

But still, the concept of African missionaries sojourning northward to save the souls of Lost Europeans?

Who says God does not have a sense of humor?


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:44 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:18 AM CDT
Saturday, 30 July 2005
In Other News You Probably Won't Hear
Topic: Iran
Kazemi was deliberately killed, says Iran's Ebadi

There was some mention awhile back of journalists losing their lives in the MidEast. Not much about the ones who get their heads cut off by Jihadists but quite a lot of carping about combat deaths of Journalists by American or Coalition Fire.

Myself I figure if you want to run around the countryside with Jihadists, you better keep in mind that:

A We shoot at them
B We can't tell who you are from a distance so we will shoot at you too.

All that aside if AMERICA or anyone of the Coalition had taken a Journalist into custody and BEATEN THEM TO DEATH.

Would there be any protests worldwide denouncing us?
Would there be headlines and speeches denouncing us?


So somebody please explain the total silence from the Worldwide Community on this?

Kazemi was deliberately killed, says Iran's Ebadi


TEHRAN - Lawyers representing the family of a Canadian photographer who died in custody in Iran said on Monday she was deliberately killed and demanded an impartial court retry the case.

Zahra Kazemi, a Montreal-based photojournalist, died in July 2003 after her skull was split after being arrested for taking photographs outside Tehran's Evin prison where many political dissidents are held.

"Forensic reports show her head was hit in two spots and based on Islamic penal code, this cannot be unintentional," 2003 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi, one of the four lawyers acting for Kazemi's family, told the court hearing.

But the judge said a preliminary court had already found the killing had been 'unintentional' and said Monday's hearing was not in a position to discuss the issue.

Ebadi said previous courts were biased and asked the Judiciary to send the case to an impartial court.

"If justice is not served in Iran, I will appeal to international courts and human rights organizations," Ebadi told Reuters.

The case severely damaged ties between Iran and Canada. Ottawa has twice withdrawn its ambassador and in May froze most ties with Tehran, accusing Iranian authorities of failing to investigate the death properly. Though Iranian-born, Kazemi had taken Canadian citizenship.

Foreign media were barred from Monday's court hearing.

"I do not consider this hearing as an open court hearing. Why were foreign media not allowed to attend at the hearing?" Ebadi asked.

Iran's conservative judiciary initially said Kazemi had died of a stroke but an investigation by the reformist government revealed she had received a heavy blow during questioning which caused a brain hemorrhage.

The judiciary last year acquitted an intelligence agent charged with the murder of Kazemi and argued she had died in an accident, hitting her head after fainting.

At the last hearing of the appeal in May, lawyers for Kazemi's family argued the original court did not have jurisdiction to rule in such the case

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:34 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:18 AM CDT

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