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Friday, 29 September 2006
Muslims Burn 18 Churches, Displace 5,000
From to my email in box to you.

Attacks against Christians and Jews continue to go unreported by the mainstream media.

As a result of a religious dispute, nearly 5,000 Christians were displaced and six were injured on September 20th, when Muslim rioters destroyed and torched at least 18 churches, 20 Christian homes, and 40 Christian shops in Dutse, the capital of Jigawa state in Northern Nigeria. After an Islamic young man made several unsuccessful advances on Jummai, a female Christian, he angrily reacted by calling her a fake Christian who follows a "useless Jesus." Jummai responded by telling the boy he followed "a useless prophet—Muhammad." Furious, the Muslim boy raised alarm through the town by proclaiming that a Christian lady blasphemed Muhammad. She was quickly taken to the local police station where she was kept in custody to diffuse the potentially volatile situation.
Notice how the symmetry in the accusations gives the lie to the nearly universally accepted conventional wisdom that Muslims are not fully aware of their double standard on religious insults. A double standard is the basis of sharia (Muslim Law). It is designed to create humiliation and submission of the infidel.

Source: Voice of the Martyrs (requires subscription, but not submission) (Hat tip: Maria Sliwa)

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:28 AM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 29 September 2006 8:40 AM CDT

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