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Friday, 1 September 2006
Miller Low Life
Forget Miller High Life, the company no longer deserves any adjective other than one that implies the concept, "crawling on their bellies".

Michelle Malkin leads the way on this story from the Chicago Tibune in.
Illegal alien march...sponsored by Miller Beer!,and No more Miller time

Photoshop credit: David Lunde

So what is the flap all about read it and try to keep your last meal down.
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Why this immigrant rights march is brought to you by Miller
"By Oscar Avila
Tribune staff reporter
Published September 1, 2006

Marchers had to duck into fast-food restaurants for water when they first took to Chicago's streets in support of illegal immigrants five months ago. At the next two marches, family-owned grocery stores offered free bottled water from trucks emblazoned with their names.

This time, as demonstrators march from Chinatown to House Speaker Dennis Hastert's (R-Ill.) Batavia office this weekend, they will have Miller Brewing Co., as a sponsor. The brewer has paid more than $30,000 for a planning convention, materials and newspaper ads publicizing the event"

"But this march is no Cinco de Mayo parade. The politically charged event will promote a controversial plan to end deportations and offer legal status for all 11 million to 12 million undocumented immigrants.(Illegal Aliens) That creates potential pitfalls for any businesses lending support, experts say"

And I say, "pitfall Hell,let them find out they just drove their Beer Truck off a Cliff"!

Labor unions remain the movement's backbone with four major unions bringing at least 600 marchers on buses from throughout Chicago. Religious groups have been key too. Some marchers will bed down in churches and a mosque.

If you are in a Union, ask your Local Leadership what they think of this and if you don't get a good answer vote them out and tell their replacements to send the word upstream.
March organizers shot down a suggestion that they approach Coca-Cola, for example, because of what they perceive as the company's labor abuses in the developing world, a cause celebre among liberal activists.

Thank God. I never much liked Miller and I went on the wagon 17 years ago, haven't touched a drop since, but if COKE had done something this venal it would hurt, I LIKE coke. ;-)

Read the Rest don't WAIT for the movie.

This really cracked me up
The Photoshop revolt has begun at HA affiliate Sanctuary

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.

Other Coallition Posts on this topic are.
Morning Coffee with Miller Beer sponsors Illegal Immigrant March and
The Uncooperative Blogger with immigrant rights march brought to you by Miller

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:54 PM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 1 September 2006 9:48 PM CDT

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