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Monday, 3 October 2005
Submission Links
Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Topic: Islamic Jihad

I discovered that the Video Link contained in a previous post no longer functions.

I regret andy this may have produced.

I now have updated that post and will place here two alternative links from the Ayaan Hirsi Ali .Web-Log

To Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Submission

Another Link on the Ayaan Hirsi Ali Blog

Anyone who has difficulty with these links please leave a note in the comments section?

For those with strong stomachs you can go to

Slaughter And 'Submission'

Where you can read and watch a video clip of CBS's finest, advocating that SHE is responsible for the Death of Theo Van Gogh and the unrest that ensued there after.

One of the questions asked of her was

"Surely that must have been a gross insult to devout Muslims, to see those pictures," says Safer, of the images that appear in "Submission."

I think her answer was quite to the point.

"It depends," says Hirsi Ali. "If you're a Muslim woman and you read the Koran, and you read in there that you should be raped if you say 'no' to your husband, that is offensive. And that is insulting."

After the murder of Van Gogh, Hirsi Ali stayed in hiding for about three months. In January, she returned to parliament, to a democracy less sure of itself, and a new anxiety in Holland: a feeling that it?s no longer safe to speak out or make art or movies about certain subjects.

Organizers of the Rotterdam Film Festival, for instance, cancelled a showing of ?Submission,? saying they feared violence.

I would say the Rotterdam Film Festival agrees with Morley it is always safer not to oppose Terrorism.

But Hirsi Ali refuses to back down. She says she's going to make a sequel to "Submission."

"By not making 'Submission Part II,' I would only be helping terrorists believe that if they use violence, they're rewarded with what they want," says Hirsi Ali.
Will she submit to the threats? "Not me," she says.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:15 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 7:30 AM CDT

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