Thank you!

Schmoover than the average band

I think you may have noticed that my short-term memory is somewhat lacking when it comes to remembering where I heard what. So I'd like to take this opportunity to credit you all, and say a massive thank you, to everyone who helps me with this site in whatever way.

First off thanks to Ray, Coffeebug and Lucy for keeping me up to date with what's going on and sending me lots of cool stuff for the site. Thank you!

Thanks to:

Everyone who's given me a link (Google et al included)

I'd also like to thank all the people who I've nicked pictures off and not credited at the time, ditto info snippets. I do appreciate it.
If anyone has any problems with anything I put on the site, please just mail me and I'll sort it out.
If I've missed anyone, I'm sorry, your contributions are appreciated too.


DISCLAIMER: I don't know FLC, I never said I did (though I did meet them a few times), I promise to fix copyright issues if you mail me, nothing can be guaranteed 100% true, and please don't take anything on this site the wrong way. It's all intended in the best way possible.


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