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Web Tutorial


Part Three

Inserting graphics to your web page is quite easy, but can quite frustrating when your image doesn't go exactly where you want it. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about it. We will show you some basic tags for inserting graphics and also how to add sounds and videos. Take a look at the tag below.

< IMG SRC="house.gif">

Pretty simple. The computer knows that you want to add an image and that the filename of the image is house.gif - it's probably a house and the image format is gif. This will place an image to the left side of your page. But what if you want more control over where your graphic will go? Look at this tag:

< IMG SRC="house.gif" ALIGN=RIGHT>

Now your graphic will be on the right side of your page. You can also align to the left or align to the center. You should also give your graphic a description - this way if someone who has a text browser visits your page, they will know what picture it is that they can't see. You do that with this tag:

< IMG SRC="house.gif" ALIGN=RIGHT ALT="This is a picture of a house">

What if you want to use your graphic as a link? If someone clicks on the picture, they will be taken to a different page. Take a look at this tag:

< A HREF="next.htm"> < IMG SRC="house.gif" ALIGN=RIGHT BORDER=0 ALT="Click on the house to go to the next page"> </A>

You'll notice that we've added something. We added the border tag. If you use an image as a link, a thin colored border will be placed around the image. If you don't want the border there, you simply add border=0 to the image tag. You can also use a border around images if you want, whether they are used as a link or not. You do this by adding border=3 to the image tag. It can be any size you want - the size is in pixels.

You can add sound and video to your page as well. But you should know that this often slows the page down and is usually not enjoyed by visitors to your page. If you want to add a sound file, you will use this tag:


What does all of that mean? Well first you state the filename of the sound file. In this case we used music.wav - most music files to be used on the net should be in .wav, .aif, .au or .mid format. The AUTOSTART=TRUE part means that the music will begin as soon as the page is loaded. The LOOP=INFINITE part means that the sound file will play continuously until the page is closed. And HIDDEN=TRUE means that the play and stop buttons will be hidden from your visitor. A word of advice - use HIDDEN=FALSE instead, so that if someone visiting your page really wants the music turned off, they can turn it off themselves, instead of having to leave your page.

Adding video is a little easier. Look at this tag:


That's it! State the filename of the video file, it will probably have a file extension of .mov or .avi; then state how big you want the viewing screen to be. The size we chose above is usually large enough, but there is not size limit, so try different ones until you find the one you want. In the next part of this tutorial, we will show you how to create links to other pages in your site.
Please CLICK HERE to continue with part four of web help.

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Only graphics labeled as "free" are free for download.
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