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Web Tutorial


Tags are keywords that surround portions of text, so that the computer knows exactly how to interpret your web document. Tags are always displayed inside of angle brackets. This way the computer can distinguish between a tag and normal text. It is not possible to make up your own tags. You should also know that tags are case insensitive - this means that you can use upper or lower case letters. 


Word Processor
A word processor is what you will need to create your web documents. Some processors you could use are NotePad, Word Pad, Corel WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. You will create your entire web site with a word processor, then open it up with your web browser


Web Browser
A web browser is what you will need to view your actual web pages. The best browsers to have are Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. You should have the latest release of the product as well. You need a browser to see what your page looks like before you put it out on the internet for everyone else to see. 


Text Document
You must save all html documents as text documents. When you are ready to save one of your web documents that you have created with your word processor, you must save it as a text document. When you are prompted for a filename; type in the filename you want for your document, then in the "SAVE FILE AS TYPE" box, it must say TEXT DOCUMENT. You must also add the file extension .htm or .html to the end of the filename that you have chosen. If your documents are not saved correctly, it will not work.


The file extensions .HTM and .HTML mean the same thing. They can also be written in lower or upper case letters. But it is easier if you chose one format and stick with it throughout your entire site. This will make things less confusing.


If someone who visits your site really likes it and wants to be able to come back whenever they want, they can bookmark your site. This means that your site name and address is copied to their web browser, and they can click on it whenever the want to link back to your site. 


Gif & Jpeg
Any graphics that you use must be in GIF or JPEG format. This means that it will have a file extension of .gif or .jpeg - any other format will not work.


Any sound files that you use will have a file extension of .wav, .aif, .au, or .mid; any other format will not work.


Any movie files that you use will have a file extension of .mov or .avi; other formats will not work.


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