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What information do you have about yourself?

1. My massive defense

Currently, I'm no longer in school as I graduated. As of now, I have over 60 known bullies, and very few friends. Get this, these bullies actually gave me some valuable rewards, but they may not know it. I have a massive defense more than 60% above average. With 121 being average, I currently have 194 and it doesn't seem to change [thus able to absorb nearly twice the damage than that of what normal would be**]. I've taken so much damage and recovered so often, that my DEF raised so much in exchange to being more resistant [caused from such a thing called "natural selection" [? not sure on this]]. I'm nearly immune to insults. All insults have almost no effect on me, except very strong ones [This is from the (attack) minus defense law***].

2. My amazing non-mathematical abilities

I have many very unique abilities. Some include the capabilities of seeing a 512th of an inch [.05 mm]. At this size, I could literally see body cells, paper fibers, and other small things, however, I can't tell exactly if it really is what it possibly is. It's like trying to identify a sewing needle at a magnification of 50 times it's size or from a distance of about 15 feet. I could see bacteria [some of the largest ones], but I wouldn't have a clue that it is bacteria as it moves too slow [and, according to what I've seen from on TV and from my science class in 7th grade, they're mostly transparent [about that of water, 15/16 transparent] making it nearly impossible to pick out.]. If you think I have near-sighted vision, try again, I can see about 5-10% further beyond the visibility. For example, on a clear day with low humidity just when the Sun is fully below the horizon, the visibility would be about 20 miles. In my terms I could literally see about 21 or 22 miles out. If I factor in my sensing ability, it could be thousands of miles, however, my sense ability is weak so the details are extremely weak as well. Due to the curvature of the Earth, I wouldn't be able to so well.

In addition to my sight, I can identify nearly 5000 different colors [4913 to be a bit more accurate, now capable of determining transparency, reflectivity, and brightness, giving more than 24 million possible combos for the colors]! More precisely it is 4913. Yet, I don't come up with word names for all 4913 colors, instead, they are numeric names instead*. However, one strange thing about naming so many colors, looking at things very fine, etc., I cannot judge distances. If I look at something, my estimates can be as much as 120% off in either direction. For example, if the actual value was 1000 feet, I could say something between 454 6/11 to 2200 feet.

Another amazing ability is that of my ability to rapidly accelerate. I call this a "charge". The position is very familiar to that of what is shown in this animation much of the time [only not even close to 300 mph, maybe 13]:

In this position, I use gravity to pull me forward. The arms in the back concept is used to help balance. It's in a wing like position. If they were parallel, you'd have a 0° angle, the angle formed is something like a 15° angle. It helps with aerodynamics as well. It's been useful while playing flag football during 7th and 8th grade. I can get very fast acceleration [0 to 5 mph in about .3 seconds, and 0 to 10 mph in about .7 seconds [estimated times, accurate to .1 second]]. This makes me a very powerful defense player and that's the role I played. Indeed, I blocked a lot of attempts to cross from the opposing team. Not only in just flag football has the charge ability come in useful, it's been useful in softball [a bit less useful], dodgeball, and a few other sports like floor hockey. In my game, speed is the name of the game.

3. My amazing mathematical abilities

I've been ahead of most anyone in terms of mathematical skills all throughout Elementary school. If I was in 2nd grade, I'd be doing 4th grade level math and doing very good. Now, I can do most any 4th grade level math question in my head within 30 seconds! The reason? I have 8 major speed-ups and shortcuts for multiplication, about 4 or 5 fraction shortcuts [adding and subtracting especially [most hate having to find a common denominator, but I have a shortcut for that], though I have some for multiplication and division], and loads of other tricks up my sleeve that I use to find the answer. Also, I don't think that any 6th grade could multiply 21×84×39 on paper without doing 21×84, 21×39, or 84×39 first, then multiply this answer by the number that remains [likely the 21]. Nope, I don't need to as I found out how while I was at Y-camp. Because I tend to do a lot of mental math, and knowing the laws of use-only abilities and the law of rapid levelling up, the more I do it at the ability's level, the stronger the ability will get and fast. Yep, level 241 [as of April 10, 2004] is well above average for most my age, especially in the field of general arithmatic and low-level algebra. Ever wonder what these speed-ups and shortcuts are that help me out? Check out the math section of the tips and tricks index to find these and more that I've got on hand. In fact, I'm so good at math, that I'm even writing a math book. That's right, a math book. I'm still struggling on the design of it right now [as of April 10, 2004].

4. My pets

I have 3 dogs, 3 ferrets [including a rare white one], and 3 birds as pets [and who knows how many microorganisms are scattered around...]. I give them nicknames by the way they look. Fluff or "living fluff" is the smallest one, and looks like white fluff. "Brown Thing" or "[living] dust mop" is one of the strangest dogs we have, and sniffs everything for no reason. Also, "Brown Thing" is often referred to as a "furball" as it often has lots of fur]. "Big, fat, and hollow" or "fat dog" refers to the biggest one, and the other two dogs add up to be the size of the third. My biggest dog is only 18 to 20 pounds, Fluff is only 5 pounds, and Brown Thing is about 9-11 or so. As judging by the weights, you can tell how small they are. The 3 ferrets [or fee-rats, as I call 'em because if I said "ferret" normally, the dogs will go nuts because they consider a "carrot" a treat [and I thought they were carnivores...]. There's "big rat" which is the largest one of the ferrets. Then there's "fat rat" which is the fattest ferret [it eats a lot, and I mean a lot!]. Then the other, rare type of ferret I call "white rat". The birds I just call "squaking things" mainly because they like to squak a lot and get annoying.

5. Unexplained phenomena

Lately, since about 11th grade, I've been experiencing very sudden jumps of time. The first one noted is so well known, I can recall what happened nearly entirely intact. It was during my school day when I was supposedly correcting the previous day's homework. I was then going to correct a test that was multiple choice and since the teacher forgot to copy a chapter from the book, she had to go copy it. She picked up the text book needed and went off to copy the chapter. Then, I got into a standing position looking down at the test with my body forming about a 145° angle leaning over the table. Then, just before I got into checking the answer for the first question, all of a sudden my teacher came back with the stuff copied. Only 8 seconds went by to copy the stuff when it would normally take about 5 to 8 minutes. Suspicious, I asked her if she found a copy she already had. "No" was the answer. I asked a few other questions to possibly explain it, each without any lead. I think she was confused as well as myself. This was the start of it all. Later on, I've experienced huge time jumps like this, usually around this 5 minutes standard as shown here, but 30 minute jumps have been recorded. I have no idea how this is happening either.

Also, I've been having some weird dreams as well. These dreams are listed here explaining every one of them that I can recall and think of. These dreams range from weird like playing in mud neck deep to very mysterious like a hotel flooded with 95% transparent white mud with an infinite number of floors, to absolutely bizarre like a jungly hotel, again, featuring mud, but this time mostly water.

Some other well-recalled strange phenomenon may be either a ghost or ball lightning. While my parents were asleep, I was watching TV. When I was about to return to whatever I was going to do [computer or sleep, don't remember], I turned off all the lights. I then started to feel my way through the mess of my home and head for my room. Just before the main hallway before I entered the room, there was the hallway light switch and an electric plug about 1 foot above the ground. Then, out of nowhere came a strange ball-like object that I feel is 80% likely to be ball lightning. It resembled something like this:

This is one of my self-created drawings. It's a diagram to give you an idea [a very close match actually what was seen] on what I saw. It flashed about in this position for no more than 1/20 of a second. It's such a short time frame that it is extremely difficult to pick out what it looked like to see if it was a face or otherwise.

This is not the only encounter I had. Near the same time in which I had the encounter mentioned above, just as I was walking out to watch TV, I suddenly saw something near a hanging light in the ceiling that was seemingly an exact match to what the diagram above shows, just a different position. The light was off, the entire area was dark [except for digital clocks]. It seemed a bit scary in both occasions, however, once I turned on the lights, I wasn't as scared anymore.

6. Other things

When I get to my maximum anger value [it can take up to 10 minutes to get it], I can unleash a very powerful attack that you will have a hard time evading it. This hasn't happened since 9th grade.

I do have a mental problem known as "OCD".

Currently, I have at least 2 friends for sure, and I very rarely get to see them or hear from them.

For around May 25, 2004 to July 7, 2004, I've been monitoring my luck in general especially among the week. This graph below illustrates the approximations on how my luck changes from day to day and every 6 hours. On this graph, the far left is Sunday, the first day of the week in my region. Sundays I almost always have bad luck, though some I don't. Each section to the left is Monday, Tuesday, etc.. Each bar demonstrates the hour. The first bar is around 2:00 AM. The second bar is around 8:00 AM, the third being 2:00 PM, and the fourth being 8:00 PM. The red zone is where my luck is bad. The yellow zone is neutral, definitely the most common. The green zone is when I have good luck. By looking at this, my luck is, by average, very neutral, which seems typical. In general, weekends I have bad luck, and late Thursday into all of Friday, my luck is good. Mornings my luck is slightly bad and afternoons, my luck is slightly good. Bacially, I measure luck on a scale from 0 [fully bad] to 30 [fully good] with 15 as average. Note: luck is based on events that happen that day. Take the instance that I had with the 4th of July of 2004. It fell on a Sunday, so usually my luck is low from this, but, since it was an evening, my luck was a bit higher. Now read what happened that day in the history section [Read section 9 here]. Endless counts of bad luck. My luck was actually around 2 or even 1 on this scale. Boy, I'm glad I didn't get the fireworks on that day, but on July 1 [which is also a first].

Timeline: [note: Although they may be out of order, the first 4 are basically school-related. The last ones that follow is an entire year's [or 2 year's] worth in events.]

My basic information
My favorites
My mysterious dreams
My mud dreams
Other dreams
My major fears
Jan 1984 - May 1996
Mar 1996 - Oct 1997
Oct 1997 - Nov 1997
Jun 1996 - Jul 1997
Jul 1998 - Jan 2001
Jan 2001 - Dec 2001
Jan 2002 - Dec 2003
Jan 2004 - Dec 2005

* To learn how these numeric color names work, see this short report.
** You may be asking why a defense of 194 would absorb twice the damage than that of 121, when 194 is actually around 60% above 121? The answer is based on the formula.

( ( .5 × MS × VEL ^ 2 × CSC ) - DEF ^ 1.5 ) × .95 <= DMG <= ( ( .5 × MS × VEL ^ 2 × CSC ) - DEF ^ 1.5 ) × 1.05

Defense, the DEF variable, is raised to the 1.5 power. This means that you take the cube of the square root of the value. The square root of 194 is about 13.928388277... [about 13 13/14], and the cube of that is 2702.1073257737... [about 2702 1/9]. The square root of 121 is 11 and the cube of 11 is 1331. 2702 1/9 is a bit more than twice that of 1331, 2.03 times more to be more accurate.
*** This law states that, "unless the attack force exceeds the target's defense force, no damage is dealt". You can read more about this law is explained in section 2 here.
The law of use-only abilities states that, "use-only abilities will only level up when they are used", and the law of rapid levelling up states, "abilities level up the fastest if and only if you do things at your ability's level and no higher or lower". You can learn more about these two laws, by reading Section 8 here.