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~Yesterday's lovely flower is but a dream today~
~Japanese Proverb~

Pot-pourri is a mixture of dried petals, leaves, twigs and spices used to perfume a room. Making your own pot-pourris is easy and enjoyable. You can experiment with different flower combinations and oils.......
There are two different ways for making potpourri....the dry method and the moist method.

azaleabtn Collect flowers, leaves and branches of the plants early in the morning after the dew has dried off of the plants. If it has rained, wait until two days after the rain before harvesting material. Different types of flowers and leaves can be used. Commonly used flowers are rose petals, lavender, lemon verbena, rose geranium and tuberrose.

azaleabtn Dry the material on a piece of screen wire.

azaleabtn Turn the material every couple of days until very dry. Keep out of sunlight as it will fade the flowers.

azaleabtn You can collect the materials needed in small quantities, which can be stored in airtight containers until needed.

azaleabtn When enough materials have been collected and dried, it time to start your potpourri.


Dry Method

azaleabtn Start by mixing flowers, leaves and twigs.

azaleabtn For every quart of flowers and leaves, add one tablespoon of fixative material.

azaleabtn Add a couple drops or more of fragrance oil. Use an oil with a fragrance in keeping with the type of flower used.

azaleabtn Store in an airtight container for about a week, to allow the various fragrances to meld together.

azaleabtn Shaking the material around a couple of times during the wait will improve the results.

azaleabtn When finished it can be stored in glass containers, baskets, can also be made into sachets.


Moist Method

azaleabtn Flower petals are partly dried by laying them on a sheet of absorbent material.

azaleabtn After two to three days, the petals shrink and dry.

azaleabtn The petals are then alternately layered with salt, stirred everyday for two weeks until they're dry and crumbly.

Add a fixative to seal in the scents and oils.
The mixture is sealed in a jar to mature for about six weeks.


Rose Pot-pourri

azaleabtn 3 cups of red dried rose buds

azaleabtn 1 cup of small dried pomegranates

azaleabtn 1/2 cup of powdered orris root

azaleabtn 1/4 cup of cinnamon

azaleabtn rose or rose geranium essential oil

azaleabtn Paper bag

azaleabtn Place the rose buds and pomegranates in a large bowl and mix in the orris root and cinnamon.

azaleabtn Add several drops of essential oil and continue stirring, so the oil is absorbed by the dry ingredients.

azaleabtn Transfer the mixture to a paper bag, and loosely roll the top.

azaleabtn Leave the bag in a dark place to cure for several weeks.

azaleabtn Every few days, shake the bag.

azaleabtn When it is ready, the pot-pourri can be displayed.

azaleabtn This recipe can be adapted by using different ingredients



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Copyright © Pinkie D'Cruz 1999

Friday, February 05, 1999


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