Mabon A pagan sabbat celebrated in early autumn at the autumn equinox.

Macrocosm The greater world or universe.

Mage A master magician. A mage is often a scholarly and skilled practitioner of the art who prefers their mind, ability, and spirit to be the only tools they use.

Maggid (HEB) A spiritual entity which guides and communicates through an adept during trance. A person of high spiritual attainment is sometimes also called a maggid. The root of the word, mag, means “magus.” See Higher Self; Holy Guardian Angel.

Magia (Persian) sapientia (LTN) Wisdom. The Mother of True Medicine, the secret lore of Nature, hidden and concealed in the very center. The Gift of God. See Magick

Magick Defined by Aleister Crowley as the art of making changes in reality by acts of will and imagination. Usually used to refer to a rule-of-thumb technology for changing mental and physical states by conscious intent and the philosophies and symbol systems used to apply those techniques. Most of what people do every day might be said to be magick.

Magickal Alphabet A magickal alphabet differs from a normal alphabet chiefly in two respects:
1. It is not the alphabet which one uses for daily life and non-magickal activities.

2. Each letter represents a fully developed concept or force.

A magickal alphabet may have many correspondences and attributions added to the main concept over years of use. Within the qabalah, each of the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet has been assigned a numerical value, an image, a color, etc. The 22 letters correspond to three of the four elements, seven planets, and the 12 signs of the Zodiac. A well-developed magickal alphabet should encompass all the facets of existence in the universe it describes. William Gray has suggested assigning consonants to matter and vowels to spirit, showing the vowels, in effect, breathing life into the word. Enochian and Norse runes are both well-known examples of magickal alphabets. See Glyph; Sign; Symbol; Varna.

Magickal Name or Motto A special name taken for use within a lodge, coven, or other magickal order. Frequently, a new name is taken to symbolize rebirth or the attainment of a new level of initiation or revelation (such as the motto V.V.V.V.V., which Crowely assumed upon taking the grade of Ipsissimus). Below are some magickal names used by some of the better known members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Aleister Crowley—Perdurabo

Dion Fortune (Violet Firth)—Deo Non Fortuna

Arthur Machen—Avallaunius

MacGregor Mathers—Deo Duce Comite Ferro

William Butler Yeats—Daemon Est Deus Inversus

See Octinomos

Magick Square An arrangement of numbers in a square so that each row, column, and diagonal adds up to the same sum. Each number from one through the number of divisions in the square is used. Consequently, magick squares, which are attributed to the seven planets, have 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 or 81 divisions. The number of squares to the side determines which planet is attributed to a given square. The square of Saturn has three divisions to the side because Saturn is attributed to Binah (the third Sephirah of the Tree of Life). Magick squares are used in the production of sigils in talismanic magick. See Kamea; Sigil; Talisman; Literal Qabalah.

Magisterium In alchemy an attribute treated as a substance, or an operation to refine, bring out, or accentuate an attribute. “A chemical state which follows the process of extraction, and in which matter is developed and exhalted by the separation of its external impurities.” As a result, there are many types of magisteries:
Magisterium of Quality(Elaboration of form)
Magisterium of Substance
Magisterium of Consistency(Altering the consistency
to a nobler kind)
Magisterium of Odor(To exalt by odor)
Magisterium of Weight(To exalt in weight)
Magisterium of Color(To fix and make constant)
Magisterium of Powders(Calcination)
Magisterium of Principles(Separation)
Magisterium of Occult Quality(Permeation)
Magisterium of Manifest Quality(Outward form)
Magisterium of Fixed Substances
Magisterium of Savor(Exaltation of flavor)
Magisterium of Sound

The list of Magisteries could be continued forever. See Alchemy; Spagyric Art.

Magnum Opus (LAT) The Great Work. An alchemical term for the transmutation of gold and spiritual transformation. Illumination. The attainment of the Philosopher’s Stone. See Alchemical Marriage; Great Work; Philosopher’s stone.

Mahasuya (SKT) The Great Void. That which is beyond all manifestation and is eternal. See Sunya

1.) The title of a position for one of the members of a coven. The maiden is usually the assistant to the High Priestess.
2.) One of the aspects of the triple goddess (maiden, mother, crone) and symbolized by the waxing moon, creation, and the time between Beltane and Imbolc.

Mana A Polynesian term for a magickal force in nature capable of inhering in objects or people. See Ch’i; Prana.

Mandala (SKT) Literally “circle.” Dyyii-‘khor (TIB) meaning “circle and periphery.” A graphic symbol of the cosmos. Usually mandalas are oriented to the four directions with a general deity portrayed. Often there are subsidiary deities or aspects of the central deity assigned to the sides or angles of the mandala, each with its own mantra and ritual form. In ritual use, a mandala is considered to be the ultimate center of the circle with limitless circumference. See Circle; Pentacle; Yantra.

Mania A Roman goddess of the dead who ruled over the lares and manes in the underworld. She is sometimes called the “Mother of Ghosts”. See Ghost; Kama-rupa.

Manipura or Maniouraha Chakra (SKT) The third poer center, or chakra, situated between the navel and the solar plexus (depending on whom you are taught by). The manipura is the center of fire and will. It governs aggression, territoriality, and all actions having to do with power and control. See Chakra

Manna As used in alchemy, Dew Fallen from Heaven. The product of Air. A sweetness extracted from many substances. See Prana

Mansions of the Moon The 28 days of the luna cycle, each day being attributed to a portion of the 360 degrees of the Zodiac. The Mansions begin at 0 degrees Aries (the First House).

Mantic Arts The various practices of divination. The I Ching, Tarot cards, and Geomancy are all examples of mantic systems. There are vast numbers of leser-known procedures for divination.

Mantra (SKT) Sngags (TIB) The transformation of energy through sound, expressed by speech, breathing, and movement. A sound or word connected with a force or concept, intended to bring about changes in inner or outer reality when chanted. By constant reverberation (repetition) the subtle-body of the chanter is said to be altered, supposedly attuning it to the plane of the energy, which is inherent in the mantra. In formal tantrik practices, the mantra is always used in conjunction with a yantra (visualization) and mudra (body position). Probably the most famous mantra is the Sanskrit word Om. See Divine Name; Mudra; Om; Varna; Yantra.

Mantrika Shakti (SKT) The inherent power of sounds, numbers, and letters, particularly those in the Vedic mantras, since all these are transmissions or intelligible essences of the atman. See Varna

Maqam (ARB) The continual awareness of the presence of God. Grace. See Samaya

Marga (SKT) Literally “path.” Generally spoken of as pravritta marga (the outgoing path), wherein the evolving soul descends into the material world and undergoes its various incarnations, and the nivritti marga (the path of return), wherein the soul begins to return to the Godhead. Some people relate this idea of human evolution to the concepts of the left-hand and right-hand paths.

Master An initiate who has reached the highest degree of attainment in a particular path possible while still in physical form. Sometimes called a perfect master. Supposedly various masters inhabit remote sanctuaries and see to the world’s spiritual progress by radiating the vibrations of their advanced state and influence over distant disciples. Informally, anyone who is given total authority as a teacher and guide by the student. See Adept; Ascended Master

Mater Metallorum The Mother of Metals. An alchemical term. Also called Living Silver.

Materia Prima The alchemical Primal or First Matter. These are some of the names of Materia Prima as given by Martin Ruland: Microcosmos, Philosophical Stone, Water of Life (resurrects the King), Venom (destroys the King), Spirit, the Universal Medicine, Permanent Water, Firey or Burning Water, the Pure Virgin, the Virgin of the World, the Serpent, the Dragon, the True Quintessence of Metals, the Matter of All Forms, the Heart of the Sun, Chaos (as it is in the beginning), and the Son of the Sun and the Moon. See Alchemy; Hyle; Lapis Philosophicus; Philosopher’s Stone; Spagyric Art.

Meditation The practice of inverting the mind to pay attention to the inner silence instead of the outer chaos. Other forms of meditation focus on the outer chaos instead. This practice is accepted in almost all religions, but is encouraged most in Buddhism.

Menstruum An alchemical term for that which all metals are derived. Also mercury in which gold is dissolved. “Our Water is a fire and a salt. this fire is the true Universal Menstruum of Vegetables, stronger than the fire of wood, since it transmutes the physical gold into spirit.
The Water of the King of the Philosophers.
As in the quoted text, menstruum is usually used to describe a solvent in the physical process of the purification of gold, but is also used to describe a stage in the metallic nature.

The Roman version of Hermes, God of Thought.
A symbol of magick and intelligence.
The planet closet to the Sun.
A planetary force, related to the Sephirah Hod.
Quicksilver, the element mercury.
One of the Three Principles of Alchemy.

The Mercury of the Philosophers is formed from the Universal Spirit (the Messenger of the Gods).”

When the Sages speak of metals, they do not in most cases refer to those which are used in ordinary life and in the commercial world. Their metals are nothing else but the several states of Mercury during operation of the Magisterium. Just as there are seven planets, so are these states seven in number, and so we speak commonly of seven metals. For the same reason, the Philosophers ascribe the regime of their work to the planet which dominates each state.
MercuryMercuryPeacock’s Tail
SunGoldRed or Purple
VenusCopperYellow (Saffron)

As Raymond Lully says, “Ordinary Mercury cannot be the Mercury of the Philosophers, no matter how prepared. You must always be careful to distinguish what is generally and particularly stated concerning Mercury, as to whether it be about ordinary Mercury , or about our Mercury. Do not make a mistake; otherwise the information will be useless.” Mercury is equally male and female, yin and yang, partaking of both the solar and luna natures. This, of course, was the origin of the word hermaphroditic. As a deity, Mercury is generally considered to have invented (or taught to mankind) writing, mathematics, magick, and science (all the fruits of the intellect). Mercury is roughly equivalent to Enoch (creator of the qabalah), Thoth, Odin (inventor of runes), Nebo, Hermes, Hanuman, and Hermes Trismegistos (author of the Emerald Tablet, the first alchemist). See Hermeticism; Principia Chymia.

Merkabah (HEB) The Throne-Chariot of God in the version of Ezekiel. The merkabah is also the name of a tradition of meditation wherein the mystic ascends, through seven heavenly halls or places (called hekeloth), presenting the proper “holy seal” and pronouncing the necessary divine name to each archangel who guards the entrance to each hekel. Just before the last palace is entered, the journeyer mounts the merkabah and rises into ecstatic realization of the Glory of God. This type of astral projection is sometimes called “rising on the planes.” The Greater Merkabah has been published in English in Meditation and Kabbalah by Aryeh Kaplan. See Chayot; Seven Worlds.

Merry MeetGreetings” A greeting commonly used by Wiccans and pagans. It is commonly abbreviated as MM.

Merry PartGoodbye” The farewell used by many Wiccans and pagans. Commonly abbreviated as MP.

Metaphysical Having the nature of metaphysics.

Metaphysics A field of abstract thought and philosophy about topics not on the physical level of understanding. This includes subjects such as existence, the soul, being, the supernatural, astral travel, psychicism, and so forth.

Microcosm The lesser world, the physical. Said to parallel the macrocosm, or greater world.

Midsummer A Pagan sabbat celebrated in June at the Summer Solstice.

Moerae (GRK) The Three Fates. The daughters of Zues and Themis who determined the destiny of all mortals. Clotho spun the thread of life and ruled over all births; Lachesis decreed the length of each life; and Atropos cut the thread with her shears. See Norns

Mojo Magick.

Mojo Bag A small bag generally worn around the neck. It is charged with energies towards a certain goal and filled with charms, herbs, and/or stones.

Mother of the Elements An alchemical term equivalent to chaos or hyle. The first matter of the elements. See Hyle; Prima; Materia.

Mother of the Stone An alchemical term for the Matter of the Stone at the White Stage. Also used to refer to Mercurial Water, since the Matter of the Stone is formed in it. See Lapis Philosophicus; Laton.

Mudra (SKT) Phyag-rgya (TIB) Sign, symbol, or gesture. Physical gestures or body positions used to channel or retain prana during hatha yoga. Often a mudra is used in conjunction with a yantra and a mantra, forming a set of ritual actions (tantra). The ritual positions used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and other lodges could be considered mudras. The kuji-kiri (ritual hand positions) of the Japanese ninjas are classic examples. Each of the nine hand positions relates to one of the nine power zones or centers of Taoist yoga. One of the meanings of mudra is “seal” or “Know.” See Bandha

Mukti (SKT) or Moksha Liberation. Freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth. The freedom of enlightenment.

Mulaprakriti (SKT) The “root of nature.” The feminine principle, which underlies the manifested universe. Mulaprakriti is considered to be the cause or origin of maya.

Muses (GRK) The personifications of creative inspiration in Greek mythology. There were nine muses, all daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, each with her own branch of the arts.
Calliope—epic poetry


Erato—love poetry

Euterpe—music and lyric poetry


Polyhymnia—hymns and sacred music




Mushin (JAP) Literally “No-Mind.” A Zen Buddhist term meaning action or consciousness without cerebration or intellection. See Satori; Zen.

Mysterium The Essence or Extract of the Interior Nature. Supposedly there are two types of mysterium:
1. Quintessence (general mysterium)

2. Specific Arcanum (mysterium specific to a given thing)
a. The Material Specific Arcanum
b. The Astral Specific Arcanum

See Quintessence

Mysterium Magnum The First Matter of All Things. Mother of All the Corruptible Creatures of God. See Materia Prima; Mother of the Elements.

Mystry From mystos (GRK), “keeping silence,” from myein (GRK), “to be closed (of eyes and lips).” The doctrine of an initiatory school is often called a mystery, as in the Eleusinian Mysteries. See Initiation; Occult.