Lac Virginis Virgin’s Milk. An alchemical term for Mercurial Water. Also called Dragon’s Tail or the Mercury of the Philosopher’s.

Lalana (SKT) Rkyang-ma (TIB) The main left nadi. See Ida; Nadi; Prana; Vayu.

Lamen A disc made from metal inscribed with magickal symbols, worn about the neck during rituals.

Lammas A pagan sabbat generally celebrated on August 1st. This date is marked with the sun being 15° in Leo.

Lapis Philosophicus The primary aim of alchemy. The Stone of the Wise whereby imperfect metals are improved. That Universal Medicine by which age is renewed in youth, metals are transmuted, and all diseases cured. Outwardly, it is a tincture. It is the most potent virtue concentrated by art in the center. There are, traditionally, three or four distinct stages in the production of the Stone. The author Trevisan describes the stages thus:
Saturn clothes the King in Black
Luna clothes in White Linen
Mars clothes him in Red
The Sun completes it

The blackness of the Stone is a sign of corruption, consumption, and reception. There appears an island in the sea, which gradually becomes smaller until the White prevails. In the Black Stage the Stone is called the Raven’s Head, Black Ore, Alkali Mortali, the Dragon Who Devours His Tail, Earth, Lead, Black Sulfur, the Husband, and by the names of all things that are black. When the Water covers the Earth, then the Whit is over the Black. When the Air arises in the Yellow Stage and the Earth sinks to the floor, the Mercury conducts the Soul of the Sun into the heights, and the body of the King lies in the grave. In the White Stage the Stone is called the Water of Life, Spirit, Soul, White Ore, White Stone, White Gold, the Full Moon, White fruitful Earth, Living Sulfur, Living Earth, the Calcined Body, Metallic Salt, and by all the names of things that are white. In the Yellow Stage the Stone is called Heaven, Gold, Red Sulfur, the Pure Body, Hibric, Incombustible Sulfur, Fixed Sulfur, Ferment of the Sun, Red Orpiment of the Philosophers, and by the names of all red things. See Alchemy; Philosopher’s Stone; Secret Fire; Spagyric Art.

Latifah (ARB) An Islamic mystical term meaning “subtlety,” referring to inner spiritual faculties which may be awakened. There are seven latifah, which are roughly comparable to the chakras, though they are not exactly equivalent. See Chakras

Laton (or Laten) An alchemical term for the Matter of the Great Work (production of the Philosopher’s Stone) at the White Stage. The word “Laton” is sometimes used to refer to other stages of the Stone, but it always denoted the Mater of the Work. “It is the first blackness when it leaves off being red and then becomes red again. Then it is called Laton, and is composed out of the Sun and the Moon; so there are two Latons. And if it does not become White, it is of no use.See Joy of the Philosophers; Lapis Philosophicus; Leucosis; Philosopher’s Stone.

Laya Yoga (SKT) Literally “merging.” A yoga that emphasizes the awakening of the Kundalini (a latent power said to sleep at the base of the spine). Laya yoga is considered by many to be an extension of raja yoga, both of which are in the general category of tantric yoga. See Chakra; Kundalini.

Left-Hand Path Defined by some as the path of black magick. Defined by others as the paths that stress doing and action over being and stillness. The Western world could be thought of as the product of various left-hand philosophies, since the urge to act upon one’s environment (and indeed the awareness of separateness from that environment) helped to bring about Western technology. Most magick systems tend towards the left-hand path. Most religions tend towards the right-hand path. Nearly all systems contain some elements of both the right- and left-hand approaches to the world.

Leo Rubeus An alchemical term. The Red Lion. Red Sulfur that is dissolved in Mercury. Lion’s Blood. Male Gold.

Leo Virdis An alchemical term. The Ore of Hermes. The Blood from Sulfur, The first Mercury of Gold, altered by means of the Lunar Body. Sometimes also used to refer to Green Water. “The green is that which is perfect upon the Stone, and can be easily made into Gold. All growing things are green, as also our Stone. It is called a plant. The Stone cannot be prepared without green.” Leo Virdis is sometimes used as a name for Vitriol. See Vitriol

Leucosis The alchemical operation in which the Laton is whitened. According to some sources, Leucosis is performed by the circulation of Azoth in the Vase of the Philosophers. See Azoth; Laton.

Levitation The phenomenon of suspending a body in above ground without a physical bolster.

Ley Lines A term used by Alfred Watkins to denote lines of earth energies. Supposedly ley lines connect nearly all ancient megalithic sites, forming “power grids” that may be tapped for magickal purposes. The most important sites such as Stonehenge and Avebury are built above the conjunction of several ley lines. Ley lines were also studied in ancient China, where they were called “dragon tracks,” with regard to geomancy and weather divination. See Dragon Tracks

Libation The act of pouring a liquid on a symbolic figure of a deity, or on the ground.

Limbus The four elements combined in the Universal World as indivisible seed.

Linga Sharira (SKT) Sometimes used to refer to the entire sukshma-upadhi, but used to mean just the subtle body or etheric double. See Kosha

Lipikas (SKT) The “Lords of Karma” who embody the law. They are considered by some to be gods or higher devas concerned with the judgment of humanity. See Dharmapala; Deva; Karma.

Lithomancy A form of divination by use of stones.

Logogram A letter, symbol, or sign used to represent and entire world.

Logos (GRK) “Word” or “thought.” A Gnostic term for deity in the manifested universe. Generally, the fabric of the universe as pattern, as spell, as Word. See Divine Name; Lost Word; Tetragrammaton; Vac.

Loka (SKT) Place, locality, word, or plane. There are rupa-lokas (material spheres) and arupa-lokas (spiritual spheres). See Plane

Lokapalas (SKT) The guardian deities described in the Vedas who protect the divisions of the world. They are also known as the dikpalas, or “Guardians of the Heavenly Quarters”. The Lokapalas are usually given as follows:

Lost Word Some qabalists and Freemasons believe that a “word” was once in existence that revealed all the secrets of creation and conferred the understanding of all magick. Supposedly, this word will reappear or be rediscovered in the future. Various occult writers have thought that the proper arrangement of the letters of the Tetragrammaton would recreate the lost word. Others have made this claim about the motto INRI. See Ineffable Name; INRI; Tetragrammaton.

Lower Astral Common term encompassing elementals, lesser devas, fairies, imps, nature spirits, and assorted similar inhabitants of the “lower planes.”

Lustration From lustrates (LTN), p.p. of lustrare, to “to brighten.” A ritual purification using water. Rituals involving baptism or holy water are examples of lustration. Cleansing and purification are attributes of elemental Water.