The Buzz Spectors  Version 3.0










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                                                     Ahoy, Mikey! Looks like we have a problem on our hands...


                    Mikey Belec: guitar/vocals     Andrew Ferguson: bass/vocals     

                         Adam Kenworthy: guitar     Eric Hutchins: drums

                                      Kyle Richards: guitar/vocals

The Buzz Spectors 101

What we Sound Like:

As a member of the Buzz Spectors I would say our sound is hard to define. When we first started in 1996, we described it as "slacker alternative with a twist of grunge". With time, we packed up our flannels, cut our hair, and the grunge label slipped away as we evolved into merely a cohesive "slacker alternative" unit. In 1999, as we began to work on songs for our second cd, Dangerous Playground Equipment, the songs were getting faster, solos were disappearing and everything was distorted.  Our label evolved once again and we became "slacker alternapunk". I still use that phrase, but in the new formation I also often refer to us as "indie/punk/pop". If you were to ask Mikey he'd say I'm full of shit. we're just a regular pop band. 


You said new Formation?

Yes, the Buzz Spectors you see today are not the Buzz Spectors your older brothers and sisters grew up with. For those of you who are not familiar with us, we reformed in the summer of 2002. When we originally came together in 1996, the lineup was Mikey Belec (guitar/vocals), Andrew Ferguson (bass/vocals), and Chad Linane (drums). That was and will always be the core of the Buzz Spectors. From 1996-2000 we had various second guitarists, but none of them were around for very long. In july of 2000, the Buzz Spectors played their "final show ever" with TTFN at Kiss the Sky, with Andrew moving to Kansas City the next day and Chad leaving for college shortly thereafter.

 In the summer of 2002, Andrew moved back from Kansas City and the band reformed. With Chad still having a year left of school, the extremely talented Justin Flanigan was brought in to fill his spot on drums. The Buzz Spectors began writing new material for the first time in two years. In November they went into Burning Cow Studios to begin work on a new album. Shortly thereafter Adam Kenworthy was recruited as the second guitarist and all the pieces were in place for world domination. 

...until March 2003 that is, when The Buzz Spectors were attacked by ninjas. Tragically, Justin did not survive the attack. Due to the heroics of one individual, Mikey, Andrew, and Adam were left with only minor injuries. That man was Eric Hutchins, who claimed Justin's vacant drum throne and hence, The Buzz Spectors will continue to bring the rocque for many moons. 

...until February of 2004 when the mighty Buzz Spectors were rocked once again by the addition of a powerful singer named Kyle Richards. He sounds like the bastard child of Mikey and Andrew and a pretty bird that sings well. (totally awesome analogy alert) Look for The Buzz Spectors to reemerge better than ever in the summer of 2004. Until then, buy their CDs and tell them you love them. 

--All Line ups for The Buzz Spectors (Past to Present)--

--Origin of the name "The Buzz Spectors"--

--Other bands the Members have been In--


A 2005 Weaksauce Records Production