The Buzz Spectors  Version 3.0










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Andrew teaches the drummer from 54-71 the lyrics to SUV @ Prodigal Son...04/03.



Okay guys, I know I've talked to a lot of you and you never seem to know what 
the hell we are saying on some of these songs, so without further ado, here are 
the lyrics. 
With love and karaoke wishes, Andrew.

Attacked  By Ninjas (2003)

LIKE A ROCKY SEQUEL (lyrics: Ferguson)

Here's a hello to all of you heard us say goodbye

If you can't tell we're feeling swell it was all a lie

Two years aged turn the page we've got something new

Kicked writer's block it's time to rock the socks off of you

And like a Rocky sequel it only gets better


Things change but we're still here


Grab a beer, grab a smoke, grab a friend that's cool

Say hey these guys really sucked in high school

We yes we did but we were kids finding our own sound

We learned to play along the way never turning down 

And like a Rocky sequel it only gets better



AMERICAN TRAGEDY (lyrics: Belec)

Go to work and

Cap the night off

As we drink away the days of our lives

Throwing darts and

Playing foosball

As we drink away the days of our lives

And it goes on and on and on

And we know it’s probably wrong

But there’s no used to be fighting it

Because we know we’re too far-gone

Went to school but

Forgot what I learned

Cause I drank away the days of my life

Swilling beers and

Throwing shots back

As we drink away the days of our lives

And it goes on and on and on

And we know it’s probably wrong

But there’s no used to be fighting it

Because we know we’re too far gone


And don’t you know that you can

Chalk it up to an American tragedy

Just another exercise in futility

Chalk it up to an American tragedy


Go to work and

Cap the night off

As we drink away the days of our lives

Throwing darts and

Playing foosball

As we drink away the days of our lives

2X chorus


NEW MASCARA (lyrics: Ferguson) 

Take it

Take it down like medicine

Take it like a warm slice

Take it like the first bite

Tell me 

Tell me that you like me

Tell me that you love me

Tell me that I'm lovely



Oh slap me

Smear my new mascara

I didn't mean to scare ya

I really didn't wanna


I need 

I need a new profession

I need a new obsession

I need a Smith and Wesson

Deal with 

My ever changing mood swings

My constant fear of new things

We are all just nude things


Chorus X2

I'm really never gonna


STANDSTILL (lyrics: Kenworthy/Ferguson)

Problem solution is under control

Don't worry I'll never grow old

Sister satisfaction why don't you believe

Everything you hear or see

And I found a way to never age

If you don't look now I'll stay the same


Uptown or downtown take a look around

At all the things you thought you'd never find

Take a walk as we talk around the city block

I bet I can change your mind

And I found a way to never age

If you don't look now I'll stay the same


I know it's simple for you but what about me 

I'm trapped inside of a dream 

I know it's simple for you but what about me

I'm trapped inside of a dream 

Inside of a dream X3


ZIPLINE (lyrics: Belec)

Fell from the old oak tree

No don’t you die

Sucks that you skinned your knee

But don’t you cry

There’s no place left to be

Up in the sky

Sounds like hyperbole

But don’t ask why


Gotta run away

Gotta run away


Gonna runaway all night

Mom and dad and me

Not a family


Tried to stay out of sight

Stuck in jr. high

Just a little guy

Little guy

All the cool kids wanna fight

Gonna run away

Gonna run away

Run away

Gonna run away all night


If you decided to stay

You’ll lose your mind

But if you run away

Where will you hide

Someplace that’s cold and gray

You’ll sleep out side

Leave this place anyway

Cause there’s still pride



no don’t you cry


GLORIOUS BEERCAN (lyrics: Belec)

Wake up

Wake up

Wake up

It’s time to go to bed

Sun up

Sun down

Drink up

Is what my brother said

Round and round the room will go

Where it stops then I will throw

My head

My hands

My arms

And slam against the wall

Break this

Break that

The china with a basketball

Fuck you

Fuck me

And throw ourselves against the wall

Burn this

Burn that

The carpet with some alcohol

Parents leave and children say

Cat’s away the mice will play

Na na na na na na


We’re gonna burn the fucking house down

Parents leave and children say

Cat’s away the mice will play

Round and round the room will go

Where it stops then I will throw



My head

My hands

My arms

And slam against the wall


FOURTH TIME (lyrics: Ferguson) 

Hanging out talking in a rabbit suit

Riot gear and combat boots

Who says fashion matters anyway

Karate fight while drinking on a Thursday night

Something here is just not right

Not right today

I tried to make sense I swear

I'm lame


Tripping out kick it with the marching band

Betting on a losing hand

Where'd my luck go in this town

Spin around cause I'm trying not to hold your hand

It took four times to understand

Why for three years I've been down

I tried to make sense I swear

I'm lame


You keep talking to me like you are so bored so go away

I don't need you hanging on my shoulder just to tell me that I'm lame


NO PATIENCE (lyrics: Kenworthy/Hutchins)

Mary's sitting in her room 

Wonders why the world is broken 

And why it all must end so soon 

So many words are left unspoken 

Words she's never said before 

Words she'll never say again 

Tommy's sick of living life this way 

Life gives no rewards for trying 

It's been 3 months to the day 

since he told himself he wouldn't cry YEAH! 

His tears are leaving dry spots on the floor 

There's nothing left to cry for anymore 

No Patience

No feeling 

Last of all, so sick of it all 

It's time to leave it all behind 

No Patience 

No Feeling 

Last of all, so sick of it all 

It's time to leave it all behind 

His tears are leaving dry spots on the floor 

There's nothing left to cry for anymore


MESSING WITH MY MIND (lyrics: Belec)

The guys stare at you when you’re trolling at the bar

You turn and wink at me as if you were a star

Don’t give me that look cause you know the reason why

I am so sick and tired

Quit messing with my mind

Sometimes you flirt with me and tell me that I’m cool

The you ignore me and I feel like I’m a fool

Don’t give me that look cause you know the reason why

I am so sick and tired

Quit messing with my mind

Every time that you’re around confusion builds all up inside

Should I ask you out or should I turn and walk away

Then my heart

It hits the ground

I see you with that other guy

Now I’m so frustrated that I don’t know what I should say to you

Sometimes you flirt with me and tell me that I’m cool

The you ignore me and I feel like I’m a fool

Don’t give me that look cause you know the reason why

I am so sick and tired

Quit messing with my mind

I am so sick and tired

And you’re the reason why


THAT IS COOL (lyrics: Ferguson)

Remember the old days when we would walk along the lake

Skipping a rock or two talking bout the future

You said I wanna be an astronaut

I said that's pretty cool but it's probably not gonna happen

But you still have your dream and that is cool

(We drive) in cars nobody wants

(We dress) in clothes already worn

It's blue tag day at the discount store

45 cents will get you out the door


Remember that one time when we were jamming to Sublime

Taking a hit or two talking bout the future

I said I wanna play big rock shows 

And do dirty things just you and me at the Metro

And I still have my dream and that is cool

(We work) the jobs we've have for years

(We don't) question the routine

It's Tuesday night at the pizza place

Ten dollars each gets you a plate


I know that you can say I have not lived up to      

Everything in my life you thought that I could do

I do not see why you're picking on me 

Cause I am happy and that is cool X2


TRUMAN (lyrics: Ferguson)

I am always happy because when I get down

People lie to me and make it all seem okay

I'm afraid of water and so I've never really traveled

I guess I'll have to explore the world some other way 



I wanted so much more but I'm trapped in this bubble 

Of a world that is fake

And I wanted so much more but I'm trapped in this bubble

And it's more than I can take


I've been collecting magazines to try to piece together my queen

That they stole from me years ago

And I tried to tell my friends but they were hired by the man

To try to make my life a TV show




I want to break through

And I want something new

I need to break through

I...just to see you


WHAT YOU SAY (lyrics: Belec)


Dangerous Playground Equipment (2000)
SODA POP AND PIE  (lyrics: Belec)
 I got my soda pop

I know the 411

I got my catcher in the Rye

I think they’re after me

Worldwide conspiracy

I think there’s sour grapes in my American pie

You know that I

I don’t know who they are

But they can’t see me

Swinging out on my star



And I know

And I know

Where we’re going from here

It’s no show

It’s no show

Masked emotions of fear


Skim milk and ham and cheese

Rosie O and Sally Jessie

I’m sleeping under a blanket made of lead

I know the aliens

The green ones are my friends

Oh is this happening or am I still in bed


Double chorus:


Repeat first verse

MOUTHWASH BRIGADE  (lyrics: Ferguson) 
i just saw a guy with a piece of steel hanging through his tongue 
and now i want one too
my mom said she'd take me to get it and for seventy-five bucks 
i can get one too
so i'll join the mouthwash brigade
i can't drink lemonade anymore
but it's cool don't mind that drool
on my lip it's hip to be
in the mouthwash brigade
and now i have to carry a bottle of mouthwash wherever i go
so it doesn't get infected
my tongue is all swollen and it is looking kind of green
it's just as cool as i expected
and i heard that with my tongue pierced girls would swarm to me
'cause oral sex would be easy
but instead i can barely talk and they all just seem to gawk ( backing vocal: he's a geek)
and some of them even tease me
TAKE ME HOME  (lyrics: Belec)

Take me home

All alone

But I don’t like you anymore

And I don’t want to be your friend

Who the hell do you think you are

Living is the end

Red red rum

Wind whistles the drum

But I don’t like you anymore

And I don’t want to be your friend

Who the hell do you think you are

Living is the end

SUV (Lyrics: Ferguson/Belec)
hooray whoopee look at me 
i just bought an suv
i saw an ad for it while watching my tv
ain't it neat, ain't it cool, it goes through mud
but i just drive it to school
my suv
repeat 1st verse
my friends get mad, my friends get mad
'cause they all wish they had the car i had
instead they have ford tempos or dodge spirits
'cause they couldn't get a hand out from dad
i have a rough life in a suburban town
where miniscule things seem to keep me down
but this car changes everything for me 
i can't help but smile in my suv
oh no, holy shit, fuck me
i just crashed the suv
i was changing a cd and ran into a tree
i'll be killed, i'll be slain, 
i survived the crash but my dad's gone insane
'bout my suv
hey mike.
what's up, andrew?
remember how we crashed the suv?
yeah man, we were so drunk and high.
yeah well my dad goes to the country club with the mayor.
no shit? that's cool man.
yeah so they're going to cover it up and make it look like we hit a deer.
a deer? fuck yeah.
and i'm going to get a new suv with even bigger subwoofers.
no shit? really?
so we can play hanson and dave matthews band all night long.
i love dave matthews band.
me too.
THREE MONTHS  (lyrics: Ferguson)
i got your letter the other day
and i just don't know what to say
it says you're going far away
aren't you already far enough?
you said you needed to explore
but isn't that what the future's for?
i'll turn my sad eyes to the floor
i'm getting used to this kind of stuff
and a lot of shit will go down in the next three months i know
it's not a choice for me to make
just remember that i'll be here sitting by myself alone
listening to my poor heart break
the bad news comes in like a storm
and tastes like coffee that's luke warm
the kids are pulling the alarm
i guess i'm really not that tough anymore



WE MEANING ME (lyrics: Belec)

When you say we you don’t mean we

You mean we meaning me

When you say we you don’t mean we

You mean we meaning me

When you say we’ve got to get together and

When you say we’ve got to get things done

When you say we’re two birds of a feather and

When you say that teamwork is number one



Fuck you and the horse you rode in on

Because you didn’t do shit

I’ve been working my ass of in the cooler

Because your fat ass won’t fit


Fat man, always tells me how to do my job

With your glasses and your Hitler mustache

You know you’re nothing but a big fat slob 

(Repeat x3)

ALIENS & INDIANS  (lyrics: Ferguson)
i watch t.v. 
and all i see
are aliens and indians
they are my late night friends
(aliens and indians) x2
i like sci-fi
i cannot lie
they will not go away
they're like p.b. and j.
(aliens and indians) x2
why can't we be free
to fly high through the sky
chant for rain and heal pain
carve weird symbols in the desert floor
and wear feathers in our hair
i am not scared
it is now clear
way too much beer 
a world wide conspiracy
by trl and mtv
(aliens and indians) x2
brothers and sisters i have brought you here today 
to point out an alarming trend of aliens and indians
infiltrating our cable systems
you see the indians have teamed up with the aliens
who feel persecuted from the early days here 
in the pilgrim days of america
and they are coming with more technology 
and eventually will completely take over the planet
BLINKED & YOU WERE GONE (lyrics: Ferguson)
i met you, it was a week night
we were wearing the same shirt and you had red hair
i was attracted and i reacted
i had a girlfriend but i didn't seem to care
as time passed i found out
we had a common crush on louise
it came to on a saturday
i had a ring pop and i asked and you agreed
i blinked and you were gone x4
two years passed and here we are again
a cup of coffee and a goal to just be friends
i said that i had tried
to win you back but failed in the end
and you said that your dad said
it was cool that you were seeing me
i knew that i was doomed 
it's never cool to be liked by her family
NORTH CLARK  (lyrics: Belec)

Dollar fifty for the l-train

Down to Belmont on a weekend

Where all the brothers and the sisters

Go to buy their weed

Keep on walking down to north Clark

For some food and conversation

While we’re hanging out ant Mickey d’s

Down to the metro with my friends and I

Give up a dollar for the homeless guy

Try to ignore him though he seems absurd

But don’t say sorry cause he hates that fucking word

Dollar fifty for the l-train

Back to the loop when the show’s through

So we can back to the condo

Maybe catch some z’s

Get to the building

But she fumbles for the keys

And we’re impatient, getting colder

Another minute and we’re gonna freeze

Stay overnight at the Hancock center

Stay up all night on a drinking bender

Take some Tylenol be for we go to sleep

But turn off the alarm before that thing starts to fucking beep

HE SAW THE END (lyrics: Ferguson)

You've been blessed with a gift 

To see the future laid out before you, you know it's true

You've been blessed but you've been cursed

Cause in the end you know just what happens to you



And you can see her red hair shining

As you take your luke warm hand

And you can feel the teardrop forming

Cause you proved you're right again


Your fascination started with the death of the Big Bopper

And a coin toss

Buddy Holly was not your favorite you repeatedly stated 

You were at a loss




Your inspiration comes in strange ways

A plastic doll a spot on the wall, it's hard to tell

Your vision leads us to the end

Another clue for a sacrifice or two and then he fell


The Buzz Spectors (1998)

WHINNY COOPER  (lyrics: Ferguson)
Whinny Cooper, I saw you on the Wonder Years
Whinny Cooper, what are you doing here
Whinny Cooper, I can't see so clear
Whinny Cooper, pull up a chair and grab a beer
Cause I want to go where the party flows
Whinny Cooper, Captain Morgan's just not my thing
Whinny Cooper, round here they say the doctor's king
Whinny Cooper, say hello to Caleb from home ec
Whinny Cooper, it's all here so what the heck
Cause I want to go where the party flows

The time I got high x4

Whinny Cooper, I think I'm starting to black out
The doctor's broken, now there's something to cry about
They say I did it, but I just went in for a checkup
Justin kissed McConnell, I never thought he'd get the nerve up
But when the doctor breaks no one really knows


FORTS IN THE BACKYARD  (lyrics: Belec)
Dad in on the couch
Mom in on the phone
Kids in the backyard
We are never alone

Selling lemonade
Building forts in the yard
Mom, come see what we made
We are never alone

We are never alone
We are never alone
There is somebody home
We are never alone

PHYLLIS WILCOX (lyrics: Ferguson)
Phyllis Wilcox lives in the circus
Phyllis Wicox always thinks that she is right
She's running away with Mr. Henry Lee Lucas
But she'll be dead by tomorrow if he gets out tonight

And Phyllis Wilcox says she loves him with all her heart
She has a stupid husband who doesn't keep them apart
He is spineless and lets the rapists do their thing
I wouldn't sit on the throne if another man was king

But not this time x2
Phyllis Wilcox don't you think it's getting late
Phyllis Wilcox it's time to set things straight x2

And Phyllis Wilcox has a daughter who does it too
She brings home a felon and says, "But Mom I learned it from you"
Her future's wasted because her mom is so mislead
Maybe this trend will stop when someone ends up dead


HYPOTHETICAL ROAD TRIP (lyrics: Belec/Ferguson)
Going on a vacation
Down on route 66
I'm gonna camp outside
I hope the weather's nice
Or we're probably gonna all get sick
Gonna head down to Frisco
Gonna start my ass in Chi-town
Gonna hop onto I-55
And gonna work my way on down

Well don't you know that route 66 is now I-55
I better get started now cause it's a long fucking drive

And now I cross the Golden Gate
So I can have some fun
With the blondes in black cars
While I'm cruising on route 1
And maybe take a detour
Make a stop in Sin City
Where the girls are pretty easy
And the lights are very pretty
With a hand in the air
And backpack on my back
Trying to get a ride with the driver
Of a Mac Truck, hitchhiker's thumb
Soup can blues
When you're living life on nothing
You've got nothing to lose


I-55 is the place to be
On a nice sunny day with Mike, Chad, and me
It's a cool little place that heads down south
With the music pumping loud and the smokes in my mouth
I see a cute girl and tip her a wink
And seeing her smile causes me to think
Back to the old days, route 66 ways
The future is I-55 get on my highway 

JUST A CAMEO  (lyrics: Ferguson)
I was standing at the local dairy counter where I work
When you came in, in a lovely fifties skirt
I motioned for you to come a little closer
And I said you can't fool me, your name is Shirley
You only smiled but I read it like a novel
I left there in a hurry, and ran away with you

When I think back to that night
My only dream in black and white
How did I end up with you?

You once said you only smile in the dark
But it wasn't dark that day and you smiled anyway
There would be no chance of rain, but that didn't change
The way we frolicked in the park
I know it sounds way to ideal, but I could swear it all was real
Why do you always seem, to find me fast asleep


Second Chorus:
The way you laid it out for me 
And handed me my destiny
How did I end up with you?

And each night I go to bed
Hoping to find you in my head
But it was just a cameo

GROW UP  (lyrics: Ferguson)
When I was a kid, my dad used to say
Go and get a job, and get the hell away
When I was a kid, my dad used to say
Go and get a job, and get the fuck away

And grow up

When I used to swing, I felt like I could fly
No one could touch me, I was one with sky
When I used to swing, I felt like it was mine
Now I don't swing but I get just as high

I'm grown up

(third verse is the same as the first)

The real world bores me
It's just so fucking corny
Wish I could just go back to where I found
My life on the playground
The real world bores me
It's just got nothing for me
Wish I could just go back to where I found 
My life on the playground

ASTRONAUT  (lyrics: Belec)
I want to be an astronaut
I want to soar up into the sky
And never come down 
I'm gonna fly to Jupiter and Saturn
I wanna battle aliens
And fly at warp speed through their space
On a dangerous intergalactic chase
And I will always win because
I'm living in a fantasy where I can never lose

I want to be like Captain Kirk
And score with every space girl
And explore a bunch of strange new worlds
I'll name them after me
I wanna conquer other worlds
And I will be the king of them
And they'll all think that I am real cool
They'll help me build an empire
Completely devoted to me

I wanna be an astronaut
I wanna be an astro........naut x2

I wanna find a strange new place
Where no one knows that I'm lost in space

Do you remember the Battle Star Galactica?
Sure maybe it was a rip off of Star Wars
But it was a neat show
And Buck Rogers, he was the MAN
He was like Luke Skywalker and Hans Solo
Combined into one

Chorus X4

Lost reality
Swallowed by the madness
Living in a dream
And can't find consciousness
Been to nothing 
Going nowhere
Lost my mind
But I'll find it when I get there

Gone yellow mad
Insane forever 
And I'm gonna change back
At half past never
I'm in a happy place
On a happy day
And it seems so strange 
But it feels okay

1 2 3 4 living in the madness x8


A 2005 Weaksauce Records Production