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Phoenix of Immortality

The Path of the Phoenix:
The Spiritual Road to Physical Immortality
by Robert Coon

The Cup of Perfect Health

Ye who seek the Grail of Christ
Listen to my Voice declare my Love for you
Within the Temple of your Heart!
Come, my Beloved, 'tis I, the Living Spirit of Truth,
Who - in Devotion to your Will Divine -
Now reveal to Thee the Straight and Narrow Road
To Avalon - Realm of Perfect Health!
Arthur awaits Thee beyond mortality!
Through the Open Portal of your Heart,
Step into Eternity and take thy rightful Seat
About the Table Round! Siege Perilous
Stands ready to welcome
All who overcome death!
You say your Heart is locked away,
The road nowhere to be found?
Then Arthur bids thee take this KEY
Forged from Gold of Avalon:
‘Tis GRATITUDE unlocks thy Heart
And lights the way to Avalon!
‘Twas long ago, the wounded King arrived upon
These Diamond shores to Initiate the Healing
Of the World ... Weak and weary, Arthur gazed
Upon the sacred Mount of Zion, that some call
The PHOENIX TOR ... Then suddenly and clearly,
He heard this Message echoing within his Soul:
"Heal Thyself, Oh Mighty King, Heal Thyself!"
His Strength renewed and with Vision Clear,
King Arthur began to Sing a Song of Gratitude
For All things Great and Small!
And then, with three Great Outpourings
From his Heart, Magick came of Age:
With Gratitude for Mordred,
Excalibur is dedicated to Peace!
With Gratitude for Lancelot,
Arthur's Table Round is NOW Restored!
And with Gratitude for Guinevere,
The Holy Grail Returns from Avalon to Earth!
Oh hear this, Ye who Quest the Grail:
The Lord has firmly rooted a Beacon of Life
Everlasting within the Phoenix Tor of Zion
To shine forever as a Blessing without end
Upon All who travel the Road Overcoming all things!
The Foundation Stone of New Jerusalem,
the Holy Grail of Gratitude,
is NOW placed in Trust within YOUR HEART!
Translate your Flesh and all Matter Into Immortality Divine!
Behold! As Avalon and This Earth forever fuse as ONE, death is Now Abolished!
Behold! Merlin and Morgan step forth Again to walk with us upon this Earthly Paradise Restored!

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