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Mark. My Words.
Friday, 26 March 2004

This blog will be closed down in two weeks,

or whenever i get around to it...

...if they don't shut me down first

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 3:03 PM EADT
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this is the end, my friend...

wht can i say? i really enjoyed my short stint at blogging, and i'm going to miss it. but, to be fair to you, the reader (i hesitate to say 'fan')i have to face the fact that i can no longer spare the time necessary to keep this blog in a manner worthy of your time.

there is some grief for me in this. but in the end i think we will all be happier...

so, thankyou to all of you who have read this blog at some stage or another. An extra special thanks to all of you who commented. There really should have been more of you...

and, i just realized that my last entry came before a fantastic piece of news - Mark (that's me) and Kaia are now ENGAGED!!

special isn't it. the wedding will probably be around March next year.

So, without further ado,

farewell, and may the schwartz be with you.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 2:59 PM EADT
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Wednesday, 7 January 2004

this is part two of my interstate week. I am now blogging from the ACT, which is not really a state, rather it is, as the name implies, a territory.

but who wants to split hairs.

big shout out to the Canberra crew. Thanks to Matt & Leanne for the accomodation - and the towels, very soft.

The trip to canberra was rather uneventful. CDs were OK Computer, a Counting Crows album (Kaia's), and also the Matchbox 20 album that has Push on it (also Kaia's).

bought some servo sunnies too.

tomorrow, will attempt to blog from Victoria, then Tas sometime over the weekend...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 10:11 AM EADT
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Monday, 5 January 2004

Well, i'm now blogging from an alien computer in an alien state. New South Wales.

So much is contained in those three simple words.




i'd like to post a huge 'welcome back' entry, but i thought i'd gradually ease myself back into it all.

just to say that the Christmas / New Year period has been a bit strange for me this year (apart from throwing up repeatedly Christmas morning). It was the first time spent away from my family. I was with Kaia the whole time though, so that was good.

And all her friends seem okay. They're a nice bunch really.

so, until the next state (hopefully tomorrow or the day after)...


Posted by ill/techneeqs at 9:33 PM EADT
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Friday, 21 November 2003
what's a boy to do?
Well. What can i say? There is no excuse for my recent behaviour.

I've let you down, I know.

To go almost two weeks without posting a blog entry is nothing to be proud of, and I accept full responsibility for my actions.

All i can say is that i'm deeply sorry.

Mind you, tomorrow will be my first day off since the 3rd of November. No Ki, Tuesday was not a day off, it was a day of study, which i did a lot of.

But now I'm faced with the dilemma of how to spend that all that time. I don't want to just waste it in front of the telly.

Speaking of which, I just thought i'd throw in my two cents about the Australian Idol.

I liked it.

The end.

Now, back to time off...

Ummm. I think I'll do some gardening, and also sort out all the papers that have been slowly stacking into a rather immense pile in the centre of my bedroom.

In other news, work is really stressful and heas been very busy. I like that. Mostly because i've (generally) been coping with it. Love the morning time with God. so refreshing.

Bible verse for the day: John 6:27-29 (NIV)

[Jesus said]"Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the son of man will give you. On him God the father has placed his seal of approval."
Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?"
Jeus answered, "The work of God is this: To believe in the one he has sent."

That's it, That's my job. To believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God. Phew. That takes a lot of pressure off, i tell ya. Doesn't mean i sit back and veg. But it puts things in perspective...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 6:02 PM EADT
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Sunday, 9 November 2003
an exercise in italics
thinking about going to see the Matrix Revolutions.

it'd be a nice post state conference vibe i reckon.

although i'm a little hesitant - the reviews i've heard (nothing official mind you) have all seemed less than, well, 'this is the best movie i've ever seen!'

the conference was great. I got to go swimming, and just so you can breathe easy, i picked up my boardies on the way. phew! The water was really cold too, so it was probably a good thing. I only stayed in for about half an hour, but that was long enough.

hardly spoke to Ki all weekend though.

And i'm still very tired from being sick. bluargh.

Song of the Day: Van Morrison's 'There'll Be Days Like This'

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:40 PM EADT
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Friday, 7 November 2003
Gilligan's Island
In a matter of three or so hours, I will be on my way to Philip Island for Fusion Victoria's State Conference. It should be a fun time, and I get to go swimming (weather permitting) tomorrow afternoon. the only problem is that the water at this time of year, is somewhat chilly.

I'm all set with about a month's worth of clothes paked into my hiking pack. You never know what could happen, and I have a scouting background - Be Prepared.

In getting into the spirit of the weekend, I'm also wearing the hat I bought on the way to Uluru earlier this year. It's a bit of a gilligan's island hat, except that it's blue, and not terry towelling...

I just realised I forgot my board shorts.


Oh, it's okay, I've got my speedos...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 3:02 PM EADT
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Thursday, 6 November 2003
The days are longer, the pants are shorter
Woke up this morning from the strangest of dreams. I was in the biggest army that the world had ever...

Hang on, take two.

I woke up this morning from a very strange dream. I dreamt that my mouth was really dry, and no matter how much water i drank, it was just so dry that my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth and i couldn't breathe or anything. Then I woke up, and felt the same way, but without the water. I think I'm getting sick(er). Not so bad as a few weeks ago though. My nose is getting blocked-er too.

lots to do today though. No time to be sick. Thursday is busiest-day for Mark.

But it's very summery at the moment. Three consecutive shorts-wearing days. woohoo.

Life just seems better when you're wearing shorts.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 9:56 AM EADT
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Tuesday, 4 November 2003
Michael kicks out Johnny...
Thank God for REM

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:39 PM EADT
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Music Request
I know he did really well at the ARIA's last week, and Whispering Jack was my constant childhood companion, but could John Farnham please stop invading my conscious awareness, please.

Subconsciousness is fine, and I'm open to negotiating semiconscious space, but the conscious is a no-go zone buddy. no go.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:31 PM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 November 2003 5:38 PM EADT
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