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Mark. My Words.
Sunday, 9 November 2003
an exercise in italics
thinking about going to see the Matrix Revolutions.

it'd be a nice post state conference vibe i reckon.

although i'm a little hesitant - the reviews i've heard (nothing official mind you) have all seemed less than, well, 'this is the best movie i've ever seen!'

the conference was great. I got to go swimming, and just so you can breathe easy, i picked up my boardies on the way. phew! The water was really cold too, so it was probably a good thing. I only stayed in for about half an hour, but that was long enough.

hardly spoke to Ki all weekend though.

And i'm still very tired from being sick. bluargh.

Song of the Day: Van Morrison's 'There'll Be Days Like This'

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:40 PM EADT
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Tuesday, 11 November 2003 - 6:21 PM EADT

Name: ki

you mentioned me so i thought i should say something.

Sorry I made you sick. I feel bad. Although slightly cheated. I had the coldie thing for weeks and you have had it for just over one and are already on the mend where as im still stuck with it.

i just calculated we have spoken on the phone approx 230 hours, kind or hard to work out though as has so many variables.

i think some comments i make on blogs turn out to be more like emails.

maybe i should just go post in my own blog. or have some vegemite toast

Wednesday, 12 November 2003 - 12:56 PM EADT

Name: ki

i tried to comment yesterday but with all my fab computer smartness i deleted it. im so clever.

it said something about being sick and how it was unfair that you only got sick for a bit while i have had it for weeks and weeks and weeks.

And about how I calculated that we have spoken approx. 230 hours- just on the phone. plus our few and far between days we see each other. oh well we have that month to look forward too.

oh yeah and i talked about how my comments are really just emails in the comment space. for comment fun ness
not that i agree with comments in the first place. but thats me.

i told chris today where my blog was. yay for me.

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