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Mark. My Words.
Friday, 10 October 2003
989 times 747 equals 738783
I'm about to fall asleep at my desk.

It's been a long week, and I am bushed. There'll be a bunch of people from Morwell coming around tonight. They'll also be visiting the Twelve Apostles tomorrow morning. At least that's the intention. I'm not sure if they realise that the Twelve Apostles are pretty much halfway to Adelaide from here. Adelaides about 9ish hours drive away. Good luck to em though.


Going to a 25th Birthday part tomorrow night. Will be good to catch up with some friends.

I think i'll have a nap when I get home. As long as the Morwellians aren't there yet.

Hmmm, not sure that i am living the lifestyle i imagined a 23yo would be living had i imagined the lifestyle of a 23yo when i was say 14.

Not sure if the previous paragraph made sense.

am okay with that, as am too tired to care.


the title of this entry comes from the way i test if calculators work. Just in case...

I mean, it could be a government plot to corrupt the minds of the young so that...

whatever, i'm going home

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 7:42 PM NZT
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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
Stop. Smell the roses
I finished yesterday feeling somewhat overwhelmed at what I had to do. The funny thing about that overwhelmed feeling, is that it is seldom based on the actual things I have to do, but rather on the sense that there's a lot of things i have to do, and I'm not doing them.

Make sense? No? Okay. Well maybe it will when i desribe how i got out of that overwhelmed feeling. It was as simple as sitting down in front of my trusty notebook, and listing, in order, all the things i could think of that i have to do.

And as i sit here and look at it, i think, "hey, that's not so bad. Busy, but not difficult."

It also helped that I had a quiet time this morning, which i felt way too busy for yesterday. Taking that moment to just slow down, read the bible, pray. It really helps having God in mind.

So, yeah. I stopped to smell the roses, and I got more done than I thought was possible.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 1:49 PM NZT
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Tuesday, 7 October 2003
Woke up a bit late this morning. oops

Have been a bit sick the last few days. I woke up with a cold on Saturday morning, and have been a bit sniffly since.

Picked up a copy of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" from my grandfather on Sunday. I've read a bit of it. It's an interesting read. It's kind of like a travel journal, mixed with a philosophical text. It works for me. I'm still waiting to see where it's going - what the bottom line is. But i have this sneaking suspicion that there will be no bottom line - that there is no amazing plot twist. Sort of like those european films you see on SBS from time to time. They just are.

Or like "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". You keep waiting for the drama - for something to go wrong. But it never really does. It's just a journey - life.

I've started eating only fruit for breakfast again. Summer approaches, and i feel the need for fitness...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 3:39 PM NZT
Updated: Wednesday, 8 October 2003 1:41 PM NZT
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Friday, 3 October 2003
Glenn's birthday - Happy Birthday Mate!
Glenn is my friend, who is an artist. It's his birthday today. It's also the first day of Blackstump, which I'm not at. These two events (the birthday and the stump) often occur simultaneously. It's the bane of Glenn's existence...

So, where have i been for the last week? That could be a very long story...

But in the interest of sanity, I shall keep it brief. I've just spent the past week or so at Fusion's international Conference. I was inducted as staff, so I'm a company boy now. That was pretty exciting.

Also, got to see Kaia for a record of eight consecutive days. That brings the total number of face to face contact days since the beginning of our 'relationship' to eleven (I think). Anyway, it was great - we got to talk about a whole bunch of stuff. I thouroughly enjoyed it.

I was also able to meet Howie, a long-standing friend of Kaia's, of whom i have heard a great deal, and now have a face to put to the name. I like having a face to put to the name of people that i'm hearing about. it makes it so much easier not to get confused about who's who.

And Jen was cool too

If anything else about the week comes to mind, i'll let you know, in the mean time, it's Friday, i'm young...

I think i'll go have a bath, a hot chocolate, and watch some movies...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 6:40 PM NZT
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Wednesday, 24 September 2003
The Seldon Plan
been reading Asimov lately. Am hoping to get my butt into gear and write a little discourse about 'Foundation'. That and some of the other books/stories i've been reading recently. maybe a reviews section on the site...?

In other news, saw Finding Nemo last night. Was a great film, although I'm not sure that it's suitable for young'uns. I experienced the whole gamut of emotions from fear, through laughter and fun, through to a total wrenching of my heart. And all that lies between. I'm not sure that a seven year old could handle that kind of emotional seesawing...

...or maybe i'm just too sensitive for this harsh reality we call life.

Now to the future. Tomorrow morning (very early) I am off to Poatina. A small town situated in the foothills of the Great Western Tiers in the Northern Midlands of Tasmania. I take to the air in support of modern transport, and land again in the middle of nowhere (aka Launceston Airport), to spend the following week participating in Fusion's annual International Conference.

Where I get to see Kaia again...

Truth be told, I am somewhat excited at the prospect.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 2:30 PM NZT
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Tuesday, 23 September 2003
Rocky. Eye of the Tiger was just playing on the radio.

I feel like running down the street, up stairs, and shadow-boxing...

I've never even seen rocky. My favourite Sylvester Stallone film was probably... umm. "I am the Law". I know: a quote, not a movie, but whatever. Rocky was released in 1982, the same year that ET took the world by storm.

And the same year that my twin younger brothers were born.

What a year!

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 12:21 AM NZT
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Monday, 22 September 2003
my first time...
from what i can gather about blogging, it's customary for the first entry to contain a hysterical mass of comments about how this is great, and how i'll post every day and then some, and how everyone will be so excited to read about the trifling details of my lfe...

i'll be surprised if i'm still doing this in a month's time. i've never been very good at keeping a journal, and just because this one is computer-based, doesn't give it any special consideration.

i'd like to give you some idea of who i am however.

so go to the writer's profiley thing. i don't know what it's called! i'm a newbie, or whatever...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 7:20 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 22 September 2003 7:23 PM NZT
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