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Mark. My Words.
Sunday, 9 November 2003
an exercise in italics
thinking about going to see the Matrix Revolutions.

it'd be a nice post state conference vibe i reckon.

although i'm a little hesitant - the reviews i've heard (nothing official mind you) have all seemed less than, well, 'this is the best movie i've ever seen!'

the conference was great. I got to go swimming, and just so you can breathe easy, i picked up my boardies on the way. phew! The water was really cold too, so it was probably a good thing. I only stayed in for about half an hour, but that was long enough.

hardly spoke to Ki all weekend though.

And i'm still very tired from being sick. bluargh.

Song of the Day: Van Morrison's 'There'll Be Days Like This'

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:40 PM EADT
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Friday, 7 November 2003
Gilligan's Island
In a matter of three or so hours, I will be on my way to Philip Island for Fusion Victoria's State Conference. It should be a fun time, and I get to go swimming (weather permitting) tomorrow afternoon. the only problem is that the water at this time of year, is somewhat chilly.

I'm all set with about a month's worth of clothes paked into my hiking pack. You never know what could happen, and I have a scouting background - Be Prepared.

In getting into the spirit of the weekend, I'm also wearing the hat I bought on the way to Uluru earlier this year. It's a bit of a gilligan's island hat, except that it's blue, and not terry towelling...

I just realised I forgot my board shorts.


Oh, it's okay, I've got my speedos...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 3:02 PM EADT
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Thursday, 6 November 2003
The days are longer, the pants are shorter
Woke up this morning from the strangest of dreams. I was in the biggest army that the world had ever...

Hang on, take two.

I woke up this morning from a very strange dream. I dreamt that my mouth was really dry, and no matter how much water i drank, it was just so dry that my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth and i couldn't breathe or anything. Then I woke up, and felt the same way, but without the water. I think I'm getting sick(er). Not so bad as a few weeks ago though. My nose is getting blocked-er too.

lots to do today though. No time to be sick. Thursday is busiest-day for Mark.

But it's very summery at the moment. Three consecutive shorts-wearing days. woohoo.

Life just seems better when you're wearing shorts.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 9:56 AM EADT
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Tuesday, 4 November 2003
Michael kicks out Johnny...
Thank God for REM

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:39 PM EADT
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Music Request
I know he did really well at the ARIA's last week, and Whispering Jack was my constant childhood companion, but could John Farnham please stop invading my conscious awareness, please.

Subconsciousness is fine, and I'm open to negotiating semiconscious space, but the conscious is a no-go zone buddy. no go.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:31 PM EADT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 November 2003 5:38 PM EADT
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Sad. ness...

Kaia has gone now. We said goodbye yesterday at Melbourne Airport. I just couldn't help myself, i had to wait until the plane left, and wave goodbye as it taxied onto the runway.

It was a really good week (5 days). We went on our first date. We found this realy nice restaurant in Mt Waverley. Vietnamese. Mmmm. I like vietnamese food. It's like halfway between Chinese and Thai. The service was brilliant, and really quick. The only draw back, I think, from Ki's point of view, was the fact that they had rugs on the walls for decoration. Me? I liked the rugs. Wouldn't necessarily put rugs on my own walls though...

It's Melbourne Cup Day today. That means Public Holiday in Melbourne. But I'm at work. Although I did sleep in. Quite a lot. But here I am.

Was trying to think of a funny/clever way to end this post.

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 5:22 PM EADT
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Thursday, 30 October 2003
a new pet!

I tried blogging yesterday, but then work things came up. sorry

Spent last night onthte lounge room floor. On a comfy mattress. It was nice and soft and thick and foamy, but a little skinny - there was no way to roll over easily. And being a fairly energetic sleeper, i woke up once or twice, teetering on the edge.

I have also discovered a new pet hate. Or more likely an old one, that I've just noticed...

Photocopies of photocopies of photocopies. They lose all the crispness of the original, and develop weird variations on hte straight line theme. like Lisa Simpson's sax during the opening sequence of The Simpsons.

Except, on paper.

and with lines, and edges, and stuff.

not really like the sax at all.

you know what i mean...

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 9:57 AM EADT
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Tuesday, 28 October 2003
can't get enough of your blog babe
yeah, Barry white.

oh yeah, my 'essay' on image is now here

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 7:21 PM EADT
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lounge rooms and horse riding
well, it's been a while.

I apologise for my inconsistent blogging. It's just that I don't have access at home, and last week was a bit psycho. It began with two days of re-experiencing the previous couple of days' meals...

sorry, a bit graphic. They were better he first time though.

And then on Saturday I had a breakout to coordinate for my centre, as well as preparing to MC the day. Breakouts are these day trip things that we run for young people. Good fun - this one was a WILD WILD WEST theme. We went horse riding. Well, I didn't get to go horse riding, but i did get to play charades.

Yep, non-stop action on our breakouts.

But I'm feeling better now. Enjoying a very healthy dinner consisting of Minties. Moments like these, hey...

So, the big news at the moment is that Kaia is coming to visit tomorrow. That's pretty exciting. She's staying here until Monday. This is the first time either one of us has seen the other in their natural environment. hmm, a bit nervous. But i'll clean my room tonight, I think.

I get to become more closely aquainted with our loungeroom floor. lovely brown carpet.

Hey! Eye of the tiger is on again... What's with Blogging and eye of the tiger?

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 6:53 PM EADT
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Saturday, 18 October 2003
And now, the moment you've been waiting for...
I've moved this essay on image elsewhere, because it was bugging me in the blog space.

I'll put a link to it somewhere, when I work out what's going on with my web page...

In the mean time, you might like to try the garlic bread.

*UPDATE* (I could have just deleted the other stuff, but i've done enough of that for one day)

The essay hes bee moved to here

Posted by ill/techneeqs at 11:19 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 7:19 PM EADT
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