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                                                                Supporting Cast


Brian J. Mason reborn, Largo had all the secrets of Genom, including a faction that was in conflict with the company. This was led by a man named Flint that was chief of GPCC. Having thrown in with that group, Largo gained control of the GPCC by plotting the downfall of Flint, at the expense of the Sexaroids.  Largo used his new resources to accelerate the HyperBoomers and to blackmail Genom into handing over the OMS. Largo wanted to become a God amongst Boomers through that device, and planned to lead this new race to become superior to humanity. As fate would have it, he was defeated by the Knight Sabers; he was taken down by a satellite attack on top of Genom Tower (I am trying to forget Leon shooting him) and disappeared till he resurfaced in 2034. He left many questions as to the fate of Sylia and the Boomers.
    While his personality was human, Largo's body was that of a SuperBoomer. As if that was not enough, with a black box that could control the orbital satellites, he could control them himself. He destroyed many of Genom's Tower's throughout the world with that weapon. Largo was pure evil. He had no respect for life and card only about his will and his vision of being a God. He enjoyed making people feel small, and was amused by destruction, suffering and death. He also did not have respect for the life of his fellow Boomers, which he used as he did humans.


Being a Type 33-S Sexaroid Boomer, Sylvie spent most of her life as a slave, serving as a concubine to a high-ranking SDPC official named Kaufman. Seeking freedom, she eventually escaped Genaros space station with Anri (a fellow 33-S) and a prototype Battlemover, the D.D. Upon arriving in MegaTokyo, Sylvie became the "vampire killer", using the D.D. to steal blood for Anri, who been injured from the escape needed it to heal. As any good fictional world, one day she met Priss and they became friends instantly. They spent their time together riding and enjoying each other companies. Hanging over her though was her mission to save Anri. Sylvie infiltrated GPCC to steal a datadisc which held Anri's cure. Unfortunately, her plan went awry. Although Sylvie stole the D.D. as an act of rebellion against Genom, the Battlemover became uncontrollable. Priss was force to kill Sylvie (ironic huh?) in order to stop the machine and save MegaTokyo from a micro-neutron bomb that would have destroyed the city.
    Having been manufacture for sex, Sylvie was incredibly beautiful. She was instantly appealing to both sexes, and everyone seemed to like and admire her. This remarkable appeal was partially due to her Sexaroid nature, but also the fact that her personality was open and genuine. Sylvie was a pure person with a strong will and brave heart, yearning for freedom and eager to do anything that life had to offer. Her tragic death scarred Priss deeply, almost forcing her to leave the Knight Sabers. Like any Sexaroid, Sylvie appears completely human, but she has the ability to mesmerize people if she can get eye-to-eye contact.


Anri, like Sylvie, was a Sexaroid and spent most of her life on the space station Genaros, a slave to Kaufman. When Anri was injured in the escape, her circulatory system was damaged horribly. Sylvie was the only person that she could rely on to help keep her alive. She felt bad that she was the cause of so much death but she could not bring herself to end her own life. When Sylvie was killed, Priss brought the datadisc to Anri, which gave her the secrets to heal herself. However, since her and Sylvie's escape had originally been orchestrated by Largo, he quickly brought her under his wing to help with his plans. Anri wanted to leave MegaTokyo to lead a new life, but she was fascinated by Largo and joined him without thinking it through and was used  by the megalomaniac. Largo also poisoned her mind with the fact that Sylvie was murdered by the Knight Sabers and this helped fuel the naive Anri into helping him. Anri wore the phony Nene Hardsuit when Largo attempted to frame the Knight Sabers, and she infiltrated Genom Tower under the name Milly Jackson to aid in the capture the Defense Minister. In the end, Anri's devotion to Largo led to her death by his hands, but her sacrifice to save Priss' life fueled her motivation to defeat the power hungry Largo.
    Being a Sexaroid, Anri is very attractive, but she was designed to be cute rather then beautiful (See Nene lol). Although she fell prey to Largo's scheme just as Sylvie did, her death helped stop Largo and bring back Priss's confidence.

Dr. Raven (Pops)

As Kasuhito Stingray's mentor and best friend, Dr. Raven taught him a great deal about the complex filed of mechatronics. However, preferring a more hands-on approach to science, he set up a private garage in Timex City, where he dos custom work for high-performance automobiles and motorcycles.
    Fulfilling his loyalty to his deceased friend, Dr. Raven looks after Sylia and Mackie. He has their full confidence, and works with the Knight Sabers to help them with the maintenance of their Hardsuits and Motorslaves. His knowledge of advanced mechanics has been a huge asset to the team.

J.B. Gibson and Naomi Anderson

  Gibson and his girlfriend Naomi were taking a ride there Griffon car when the Outriders motorcycle gang attacked them. Due to that, Gibson was severely injured and Naomi went into a state of shock. Gibson was bent on getting his revenge and decided that his car would become the physical substance for his rage. With the aid of his friend, Dr, Raven, he transformed the Griffon into a somewhat intelligent monster for all the equipment that he put into the car. It took the ADPolice to finally stop the car, and the Knight Sabers to save the couple from mad machine.
    Gibson never got completely over the edge. He still had some sense of honor. When Priss tried to catch up with him, he did not attack her, and he only led the ADP on a wild chase, never intentionally trying to hurt them. He is very protective of Naomi and loves her deeply. As a result of Gibson's revenge, she broke out of her state of shock to realize what was happening. Both were arrested after the incident and no one knows how serious the injuries Gibson sustained from the car.


Fargo is one of the most enthusiastic (He likes Sylia a lot!) and reliable of Sylia's informants. He seeks out Genom-related contracts for the Knight Sabers as well as supplies sensitive information to Sylia as she needs it. His actual background is hazy, but he does have links to Genom as well as the criminal underworld. Perhaps he is linked to the Yakuza or be an inside man at Genom. Either way, he is able to deliver and maintain the trust if his clients in a very dangerous business.
    Fargo fancies himself like a spy. His disheveled hair and clothes might make you think otherwise. His loyalty it insured by a retainer fee and the fact that he can see Sylia. I is attracted to her and they might have had a relationship in the past. I personally do not think there was one, but Fargo truly wishes that there might one day be one.

Reika Chang aka Vision

Reika has spent most of her life defying authority. Her family has led the Hou Bang, a secret Chinese society (Meaning The Tiger Corps) for generations. Her own father even led the group till he and her mother were killed by a rival company. Thus leaving a void in the succession. Reika cared nothing about this, for she hated her clan with a passion and wished only to become a successful singer. She assumed the identity of Vision and used the Hou Bang's resources to keep her true name a secret. Vision became very popular, climbing the top of the World Charts until she dropped out of site in mid-2032. This disappearance was due to the death of her younger sister Irene. who was killed by Genom. Determined to deal out justice herself, Reika choose to embrace her heritage because the could support her vengeance. The Knight Sabers managed to sway her away from her mission, and thus she now continues her singing career. It still remains unclear to what her future will hold. She could become the leader of the Hou Bang or follow her musical career. It won't be easy, if not impossible, to do both.
    Independent and beautiful (wow that is the third time beautiful has been used to describe a woman on this page lol), Reika is an emotional person, easily moved to grief or anger. Her music expresses her fiery soul, but she finds that she is too human to kill. Still, thanks to her training by the Hou Bang, she can handle herself in a fight and pilot mechs. In addition, her heritage and career have given her a lot of resources. Cash, one jet and personal Battlemover (Keep that thing away from the 33-S!)

Irene Chang

Like Reika, Irene wanted nothing to do with the shadowy underworld. She moved to MegaTokyo and adopted the name Irene Can and live rather happily in the metropolis. Linna met Irene at the aerobics center that she worked at and the two became fast friends (Sounds familiar right? bet you know how this ends.) Irene also became engage to a man that work for Genom's R&D department. No one knew that the secret project that he was working on was Mason's SuperBoomer. When he was killed in a cover-up, Irene swore to expose Genom's evil. She ended up being murdered by Genom. Her death inspired the Knight Saber's attack in Genom's facility and eventually, Reika's quest for justice.

Lisa Vanette

Lisa is the niece of Chief Todo of the ADPolice, a high school senior, and an aspiring photographer. She has won several awards at her school, but wanted to make her break and get a real scoop. She spent her winter break at the ADP Headquarters to try and find that break. She became good friends with Nene (no...this one does not end bad.), and it was this friendship that preventing her to expose the Knight Sabers. She still got her scoop and perhaps might gain a job at the MegaTokyo newspaper.
    While only a young girl, Lisa is a go-getter and a risk-taker. She's resourceful and very persistent, and will face danger to get what she wants. She values her camera since it was able to get the shot that identified one of the Knight Sabers (Good Job Nene!).  Of course, it is not as valuable as the one her father gave her that Priss smashed when she found Lisa taking pictures of them...Priss gives the best first impressions don't she?

                                                     Knight Sabers Members
                                                        Genom Corporation
                                                      Timeline and Synopsis
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