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                                    Knight Sabers Roster

Priss S Asagiri

     Priss lost her parents in the Second Kanto Quake when she was 12. Her childhood was spent in an orphanage where she then ran away from at 17. She then joined a motorcycle gang and became a small time singer. While dodging fate on her motorcycle and singing onstage at local clubs, like Hot Legs, she knew she needed more. Priss then fell in love with the leader of her gang, but it would not last. He learned secrets that he should not have and was murdered. Due to the involvement of an "organization", the ADPolice said that his death was and accident, which is why she hates the police. She left on her bike, with weapon at hand, to take revenge out on his killers. Before she could reach them, a Mercedes Benz ran her down on the road. Priss tried to attack the woman, but she was too hurt and the woman was able to defend herself. Then, to Priss's surprise, offered her something much more. She trusted Sylia and is now a member of the Knight Sabers. Her regular job is a lead singer for the rock band, Priss and the Replicants. She calls and old trailer as her home, and is trying to brush off Leon's advances.

    Priss is a rebel and a thrill seeker, but her self destructive nature is countered by a strong will. She moves between being causal and hostile, and she generally does not let people to get close to her. Most people that do, end up dead. Some of her interesting traits are a big appetite, disdain for housework, and OBSESSION with motorcycles. She goes through a least two bikes a year since she drives like a maniac. Priss is skilled in hand-to-hand combat, has incredible endurance and heals pretty fast (I swear she has a healing factor). Since she grew up on the streets, she fights dirty but gains a lot of information in the less reputable parts of town. Nene's term of endearment for Priss is Apewoman.

Sylia Stingray

  Sylia was raised in the lap of luxury, as she is the daughter of the creator of Boomer technology. In 2022, he was assassinated by Genom, specifically Brian J. Mason, so Sylia was left alone to raise her younger brother Mackie. However, Dr. Stingray left her a huge fortune, and all his research data was downloaded directly into her brain using a technique from his Boomer research. Sylia now had the means to fight her father's killers. Meanwhile, having stole Dr. Stingray's technology, Genom corrupted his work. Sylia then vowed to stop Genom's abuse of her father's life's work, and set to work designing compact and powerful battle armor. She perfected her Hardsuit technology in 2030 and set out to recruit women for her vigilante group. By 2031, the Knight Sabers were a reality.

    Sylia is elegant and enigmatic. She keeps many secrets, and maintains a cool, controlled (Perhaps distant) front. She is driven to defeat Genom's evils, and has sacrificed her personal life for this cause. She has also adopted the Knight Sabers as her surrogate family, and seems determined to elevate them all beyond the limitations which brought them to her to begin with. Her financial empire and network of contacts is extensive; she owns several real estate properties, has access to military and corporate secrets, and has an ever growing array of intelligence and counter-intelligence resources. In combat, Sylia is calculating, efficient fighter.

Linna Yamazaki

  The Second Kanto Quake caused a great deal of chaos, including damaging several Boomers to the point of sending them into rampages. The then new ADPolice were unable to control the situation, and many citizens died because of the ADP's inefficiency. Linna's parents died during those roits. However, her natural optimism kept the orphaned 15 year old from becoming bitter like Priss. Instead, Linna overcame her grief and pursued her dream of becoming a dancer. Soon, an audition for a musical provided her with a chance to make her break. Her dreams were shattered when the judges were dissatisfied with her performance. It was at this low point that Linna met a mysterious woman who, unlike the judges, was very impressed with her abilities. Now Linna's excellent reflexes and strong will help support the Knight Sabers.

    Linna is practical to the point of seeming superficial. As an underachiever, she is fickle and highly materialistic. However, she is honest, polite, fun loving, and sympathetic to people in trouble. She is the most "normal" member of the Knight Sabers, concerned with everyday things, like money and men, rather then being obsessed with vengeance or cuteness. Since she teaches aerobic classes every day, Linna is in excellent shape. Linna's fighting style is flamboyant, energetic and up close and personal. This makes her the perfect choice as the Knight Sabers melee combat and maneuverability expert.

Nene Romanova

Unlike most of the Knight Sabers, Nene isn't an orphan. Raised by well off but overly strict parents and nosy parents, the mischievous girl quickly became fed up and ran away from home. Always too smart for her own good, Nene breezed through the classes at her all girl school despite the fact that she often cut them. Her boredom and innate knack for computers ("little miss cyberpunk" as Priss likes to call her) led her to all sorts of high tech mischief, including computer hacking, wire tapping, and other such electronic espionage. Meanwhile, Sylia had posted a highly complex, encrypted "help wanted ad" program across the Net, knowing that no true hacker could resist such a challenge. Nene easily deciphered the ad's code and discovered an invitation to join the Knight Sabers. She decided to take the offer and became the final element of Sylia's team: communications and electronic defense expert.
    Nene is open, brave (well she tries), intelligent, and resourceful, but is also often silly, innocent and naive--How could we not mention exceptionally cute! Deep down, she desperately wants to be accepted as an equal by others, particularly her fellow Sabers. Her job as an ADPolice Operator makes her the main "detective" for the group. Nene is not much of a fighter (which is putting it mildly). She is the slowest, weakest, least graceful, and least violent of the Knight Sabers. Linna and Priss make up for her two-fold and it does get on their nerves that Nene can be a nuisance in battle. If she must go to battle, her favorite tactic is being sneaky. Why should you fight hand-to-hand combat when you can scramble their neural net? Besides, fighting is SO not cute.

Mackie Stingray

Sylia's younger brother could almost be considered a normal teenager, except that he is a brilliant mechanic. He doesn't attend any kind of school, and he's an assistant to the Knight Sabers. Mackie is a lucky to be able to fiddle with all sorts of machines and mecha. And for a kind with a ton of hormones, he loves hanging around all the beautiful women. While Mackie is heir to half of the Stingray fortune, Sylia controls it all until her brother turns 21. In the meantime he lives with Sylia in her penthouse apartment at Lady's 633 and works in her lingerie shop, the Silky Doll (great place for a teenager to work eh?). Mackie is now beginning to come into his own. He's not a full fledged Knight Saber, but he has become a valuable assistant. Not only is he a mechanic (under the tutelage of Dr. Raven), he drives the Knight Sabers support vehicles (like the Silky Doll wagon, heavy trailer, or Skycarrier), and even has access to a powered suit in case he has to enter the fray. His youthful enthusiasm and raw talent have proven immensely valuable to the team.
    Mackie is not consumed by the same drive to combat Genom that his sister is. He does want to avenge his father's death and keep Genom from misusing Boomer technology, but he is not obsessed like Sylia. This can be explained due to he is younger, less experienced, and having led an easier, more sheltered life due to her protectiveness.

                                                                       Genom Corporation
                                                           Other Characters
                                                       Timeline and Synopsis
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