Fun Stuff

About Me / FAQ

It seems that the first thing I visit on a lot of pages these days are their "About Me" section. So I figured - why the heck not? Its kind of silly now (as opposed to the high calibre of decorum and philosophical thought found throughout the rest of the site but I like it. E-mail me more questions 0;-)

Who Loves Who? SMG and Conan have a baby

What? Cordelia and Willow? Giles and Drusilla? You saw Buffy and Spike doing WHAT? Yup - this is the scary page 0;-) Warning: Some of these ideas might start making sense after you finish reading. *eg*

Buffy Buddy

Come in here and find out who your BtVS soul mate is *hehe*
Way fun for all 0:-) 


Yay for the prettiest quiz ever - it may not be the most difficult (if it is - you sure have to re-evluate your BtVS priorities) but it has the prettiesy background - courtesy of my cyber best friend Anthony from Buffyholics Anonymous. Plus you get to keep a pretty award if you pass 0;-) Wo0h0o!!!


The zodiac - a la BtVs provided by your favorite web mistress. Be amazed by how similar the BtVS characters are to the different signs.

Life's Questions

My psychicness has extended to where I now I believe I am capable of answering all questions about life and living - wether I am off or on-line 0:-) Laugh at my presumptiousness.

Unauthorised BtVS Postcards

Everyone loves receiving these - they're crunchy, funny and just so cute! Show someone how much you care and send a pic of Giles as "Ripper" 0:-) Also have a couple of beautiful rose pics up... 

Me? An Addict?

If you have ever asked yourself this question - this is the page for you. 0:-) I dare you find out just how far gone you are. *wg*

Chat Room Fun Time

So I figure everyone else has a chat room - why shouldn't I? 0;-) I figure it won't be very popular but it will be there. 0:-)

Season 3 Reviews Webring

So maybe a webring isn't your idea of fun? *shrug* It makes me happy and doesn't fit anywhere else on the site *lol*

So You Wanna Stalk A Slayer?

Stalking is bad. 0:-) You shouldn't stalk. But you can send as much snail mail as you want using this handy link. I have to admit that although I am guaranteed a Buffy autograph by just sending off a little card or letter I still haven't done it. I don't know if its out of laziness, refusal to depart from my computer or because I think Sarah Michelle Gellar is a ditz. Buffy Summers ROCKS!!! SMG is ok. 

What's in the glass?Posting Board

What? You disagree with me and think SMG is the greatest thing since potatoes and cheese? (hehe inside joke) This is where to post! (hence the name)


Another new section of the site - This poll will determine my site of the month 0:-) First site to get 100 votes wins! You can vote 3 times a day and add your own site to the link so make sure you visit!


Check out the gratuituous display of my awards and apply for your very own. Please keep drooling to a minimum 0:-)

Double Trouble)

Dont Warn the Tadpoles! Cool New Happenings! Season3 Pics, Links, Rants, Summaries Them Wacky Slayerettes Games, Awards, Chat, Zodiac, Buddies, Cards, Tons More! Where to Get Cool Buffy Stuff Search My Site! The Coolest Tunes Are You? E-mail the Webmistress! Good Boys and Girls Link! Link Your Site to Mine! Leave Something Behind
ICQ #8557096