The Slayer

Since the show is about her - lets celebrate Sarah Michelle Gellar. Although she is not the best actress on the show, she does have one heck of a stunt double!!! Sophia Crawford ROCKS!!! Buffy is really cool and I really sympathise with her. That's it. No offense but you have to wonder - if Buffy weren't The Slayer would we still like her - I mean as a person?

Her Angel

Angel/Angellus...David Boreanaz is one of the greatest actors ever...he evokes emotion on a level unparallelled by any other actor - you have to admire a guy who can convince us to love him one season, hate him the next and mourn his "passing" for a whole summer.

Mommy Dearest

Joyce Summers - the oblivious parent who really tries to understand her daughter but can not. A lot of people don't like her but I empathise and wish her the best.

Her Watcher

Ahh - the beloved Giles who endures all without complaint. The missing father figure from Buffy's life who always manages to save the day. 0:-) I rather imagine Giles enjoys being in Sunnydale and experiencing life through Buffy and pals.


Giles' one true love - his beloved techno-pagan who could "skim/scan" and play. Although Angellus has destroyed her body, her spirit lives on.

Art of Willowism

The endearing, kind hearted, wonderful Willow. This girl has really grown as a character. I don't know if its the Slayerettes thing, or the whole Oz thing but Willow has really gained a lot of confidence and believes in herself now. Yay Ms. Rosenberg - teacher of the year.


Mr. Chameleon hair himself. Oz the bass player, the test taking genius, the werewolf - this guy has it all. He's wonderful and although the whole Willow/Werewolf thing still freaks me out - its cute 0:-)


I don't know what it is but Xander keeps getting better and better looking every season. His clothes, wit and hair are just fascinating! *lol* I sound like a Cordelia.


Speaking of the "Queen C" Here's where to go to check out the Baywatch pics - why else? Cordelia keeps getting nicer and if she really works at it I might revamp my page on her *lol*


The unemployed patron saint of scorned women. We first saw her last year when she zapped us all into Bizzarro Land. These days, she follows Xander around and they partake of the sex.

The other Slayer - Kendra

Poor Kendra - so many people have forgotten you already. The exotic Slayer, born of Buffy's death - in the end she was nothing but a poor substitute for UPS...I have not forgiven Joss for this one yet 0:-(


Here's the person I expected to die next but is for some reason sticking around. 0:-) The ever-loud, ever-obnoxious Faith!

Spike & Dru

Welp - I saved the best for last - hope you're still here 0:-) These are my two favorite characters - I would rather listen to them ramble than watch Buffy save the world any time - they are so delicious! If I really had to choose I would say Drusilla was my favorite character of them all.

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