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Rather than make a new page when I have x number of pictures all the old stuff will just be text-linked here without thumbnails. I'd rather not do it that way but I have to. :(

That aside, I love these people. They rock. Any one of these may be a little on the PG-13 side. You have been warned.

Hey, if you've stumbled here and see that I don't have a website for you or it's outdated please drop me a line. I'd really appreciate it. Likewise if I was affiliated with you and you still have my old topcities url please update to (it will link my new main folio when I find one.) Thank you, love you.

Last Update 4/24/05
* indicates a design by the artist
# indicates a character belonging to the artist
All images (C) the artists, all characters (C) me unless otherwise indicated

Fellanora by Night Shade
Allaidh by Bapgoyle
"I'm Serious" by Ebony
Fellanora by Night Shade
Fellanora by Night Shade
Fellanora" by Night Shade
Fellanora by Jet
Fellanora by Stickman
Fellanora by Kenza
Fellanoraby Kit
Fellanora by Agent4HARM
Demoness by Cortan
Allaidh by Night Shade
Allaidh by Night Shade
*Fellanoraby Dogmatix
*M-Garg! by Dogmatix
Fellanora by Deacon Blue
Fellanora by Agent4HARM
Fellanora Beauty
Fellanora by Zack
Demoness by Zack
Demoness by Jessi Davis
Fellanora by Beauty
Morlan Re by Ami
Allaidh by Bapgoyle
A Dragon by Cortan
"Santa Baby" by Agent4HARM
Fellanora and #Beauty by Beauty
#Character by me and Lauren. (Collaboration.)
#Dara by Zond
#Dara by Zond
#Dara as an Adult by Zond
Fellanora by Thalla
Fellanora by Kyan
"Torment Fellanora" by Night Shade
"Fell's been NPC'd" by Jacks. (I have a link for him. The trick to this one is a gen was used but he modeled it after both real Fell and gargoyle Fell. Squee!
Fellanora by Supergirl
Allaidh by Supergirl
Senethra by Supergirl
Fell and #Supergirl by Supergirl (She's so talented I may be forced to be sick...)
Sprite by Supergirl
Fellanora by Supergirl
Fellanora by Supergirl
Demoness by Supergirl
*Supergirl (blk bg) White background drawn by Supergirl, colored by me. :)
*Supergirl and *Friend drawn by Supergirl, colored by me. :)
*Supergirl drawn by Supergirl, colored by me. :)
*Supergirl drawn by Supergirl, color by me. (I had lots of fun with these, can you tell?)
*Supergirl drawn by Supergirl, color by me. :)
*Instructor art by Supergirl, color by me. :)
"Sisters" Fell and *Nimo art by Supergirl, color by me. :)
Fellanora art by Supergirl, color by me. :)
*Nimo art by Supergirl, color by me. :)
*Nimo's Spell, 106k, drawn by Supergirl, color/language/text by me. :)

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For questions or comments, please contact me @ Fellanora(AT)yahoo(DOT)com. (You know how that works)
Unless otherwise noted, all characters, babble, ideas, and images (including backgrounds, banners, buttons, HTML & etc) created by and property of M. "Fellanora" Kirk. All Rights Reserved and all that jazz, dig?