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Slash Fiction
Mary Sue Fiction
Original Fiction
Family Stuff
Actor Peter Lucas, my concept of Prince Draculea
Prince Vlad Tepes Draculea and Nicolae

Dreams of a Dom I: Child of the Night (Dracula)

Part One

Clive hummed to himself as he put his key in his lock. It had been a wild night at Lavender's Green. Scribe was back in town, and she'd introduced a new dance. If anyone had ever told Clive that he'd do something called 'The Bunny Hop' and enjoy it, he wouldn't have known whether to laugh or to slap them.

But it was fun. It was kind of like a Conga line, but bouncier. Hop front, hop back, hop, hop, hop forward. He found that the song he was humming under his breath was the Bunny Hop song. "Dah dah dah dah dah dah, dah dah dah. Dah dah dah dah dah dah. Hop, hop, hop." He chuckled. It was such an excellent opportunity. After all, you had your hands right there on someone's hips. It wasn't unlikely at all that one's hands would slip to interesting places. Heaven knew it happened to the person behind him often enough. He hadn't been groped that much since the last orgy he'd gone to.

There had been more than one offer of a good time, but Clive had turned them all down. It wasn't that he had turned to chastity, far from it. It was just that he had all he needed right now, and nothing that had been offered was good enough to tempt him.

He opened the door and stepped into the darkened apartment. Well, not entirely darkened. There was a dim glow coming from the far corner of the living room.

Clive shut the door quietly and narrowed his eyes, peering into the darkness. Sitting before his desk was the reason why he had come home tonight instead of fucking some lucky near stranger into fits of ecstasy--Trenton Vitelli.

Trenton, not yet eighteen and Clive's lover for the last few months, was sitting at the computer that Clive had bought last week. Trenton had talked him into it, convincing him that it would make keeping records for Attitudes infinitely easier--once he learned how to use it.

That was also why Trent was here now, he supposed. Tomorrow was Saturday and Trenton was supposed to come over to show him how to use the spreadsheets and accounting programs. Clive had given Trenton a key to his apartment when the relationship started, knowing that the boy wouldn't abuse it, and Trent had apparently decided to come over early.

Clive put his keys on the table and slowly crossed the room, coming up behind the boy. Trenton never stirred, aside from an occasional motion of his hand, operating that moose thing.

Trenton had his elbow propped on the desktop, and he rested his chin in his hand. Clive peered over his shoulder, curious as to what the boy was doing. It didn't look like one of the business programs he'd purchased. "What are you up to, Trent?"

Trenton jumped, with a gasp. "Clive!"

"Yes. You weren't expecting anyone else, were you, Precious?"

"Oh, no! I just didn't think you'd be back so early."

Clive frowned. "Early? Darling, it's almost two am."

Trenton blinked. "That late? Geez, time kinda ran away from me. I got the Internet hook-up, like I promised. I'm on the 'net now."

"Hm. I wondered what you were up to. Cruising the information highway, eh? What are you reading?"


"Trenton?" Clive put his finger under Trenton's chin, tipping his face up so that he looked into his eyes. "You're blushing like a virgin bride. I really think I should have a look at this. Get up."

"Look, Clive, I..."

"Up, Precious. Now."

Trenton knew better than to argue when Clive had that tone in his voice. "Yes sir." He stood up, and Clive sat down at the keyboard. "I... I just kind of ran into this."

Clive stared at him, then said softly, "Trent, dearest, you know what happens when you lie to me." Trent's hands unconsciously went to his rump, rubbing. It hadn't happened often, but it had left an impression on him. "Now, would you like to reconsider that last statement?"

"My friend Randy has a computer, and we've been messing around on it, and I... I discovered slash."


"It's... um... it's sexy stories about guys together."

"Ah. So you have been cruising the Internet. Pornography."

"Are you mad at me?"

"No, Trent. It's natural to be interested about such things. You'll get tired of it quickly enough, I suppose. It's very repetitious after awhile--rather boring."

"No, not this. It's not really pornography. I mean, there is some of it out there, but the stuff I'm reading isn't like that. Not just sex, sex, sex. Well..." he smiled. "there is a lot of that, but there's more, too. The stuff I read is mostly fan fiction, stories written about characters from television or movies or books."

Clive was feeling a little more interested. "You mean someone chooses a couple of characters they like and writes about them doing lots of lovely, dirty things together?"

"That's pretty much it."

Clive was definitely interested now. "Someone might write a story where Batman and Robin are partners in more ways than one?"

Trenton grinned. "Oh, they have reams of stuff about them!"

"Really?" Clive looked speculatively at the monitor. He touched the screen. "What sort have you been reading?"

"Well, there was Death and Doom and the Land of Many Happy Ducks, and... Don't look at me like that, and don't start planning what you're going to do to my butt for it. It's not a lie, it really does exist."

"Mhm. What else?"

"All kinds of stuff! Some of it is kinda hetero-phobic, but most of it is shibby."

Clive stared at him. "You made those words up."

Trent shook his head. "Nuh uh. Learned 'em from Kristen, Beth, and Allison."

"School friends?"

"Net friends. They're fangirls, and they just wuv slash."

"Excuse me, did you just say wuv?" "It's a perfectly acceptable term in netiquette."

Clive sighed. "Usually, Trent, you make me feel young, but sometimes..." He looked at the screen again. "What's this you're currently reading?"

"Oh, that's terrific!" Trenton leaned over Clive's shoulder, pointing. "Would you believe it? It's a slash version of Dracula! Sex and horror--a perfect combination."

"I should say so! Vampires are extremely sexy, but they're always biting big bosomed girls in the movies. Not that there's anything wrong with big bosomed girls, but really... I mean, they live for centuries, you'd think they'd get a little adventurous."

"They sure do in this story. Dracula doesn't love Mina or Lucy in this one. He falls in love with a boy named Nicolae."

"How perfectly wonderful." Clive put his hand over the mouse and moved it tentatively. "How does this work again?"

"Let me sit back down and I'll show you. I still have a few chapters to go."

"Oh, I don't think so. It's way past your bedtime, Pet."

"Clive! I want to finish the story."

"It will still be here tomorrow." He paused. "Won't it?"

"Well, yeah. But I'm at a really good part. I think Vlad is about to kill off Ernestu, and I've been waiting for that for..."

"You're going to show me how to get to the beginning of this thing, then you're going to bed."

"But Clive!"


Trent sighed and showed Clive how to get back to the beginning of the story. "When you want to go on to the next chapter you just click here. When you're ready to go to bed, click here, and here, and it will shut the program down."

"Thank you." He pulled Trenton down and gave him a kiss, flicking his tongue between the soft, parted lips. "Now, toddle off to bed, like my good boy."

Trenton's pupils were wide and dark, and not entirely because of the dimness of the room. He said softly, "You'll be coming to bed later?"

Clive smiled, pulling him close for another kiss. He broke it by biting down lightly on the boy's lush bottom lip, then soothing it with a lick. "Yes, but don't wait up. lover. This looks interesting, and I may be awhile."

Trenton gave a martyred sigh, which Clive ignored, and went into the bedroom. Clive turned his attention back to the computer, murmuring, Homosexual vampires. Now there's a concept that should have been explored ages ago. Let's see. Hmm. A mental movie, eh? Oh, and the author includes a cast.

Click. Ah. Oh. Very nice. Mhm. Oo. Even nicer. Yes, I'm going to have some very interesting visuals with this. Now, back to the story. Click. Thank God, I did it right. I'm going to have to listen very carefully to Trenton. It begins to look like this Internet is a very interesting thing. 'CHILD OF THE NIGHT, The Year of Our Lord 1460, Castle Draculea, Romania. Duties. "My lord, you must marry, and soon." Vlad Tepes Draculea, Prince of Wallachia, slammed his gilded goblet down upon the table, dark red wine sloshing from it's side to stain the rich linen table cloth. He scowled at the old man his father had, before his death, charged with advising him. "Why, Stefan? Why must I?" You tell him, Vlad.

Clive kept reading. He grinned in pleasure when the servant casually began to service Draculea. Oh, Vlad. You're someone I'd like to meet. A natural Dom if ever I saw one. He moved on to the next chapter, thinking that he'd just finish it and go on to bed, perhaps wake Trenton up with a nice nibble on certain sensitive parts of his anatomy. Then Nicolae was introduced.

Heavens. That's almost exactly the type of reaction I had the first time I saw Trenton. Just bam, and I knew I had to have him, sooner or later. "I have a definite craving for one of your servants, I think. Yes, I believe I need him quite badly." Testify, my brother.

Clive kept reading, and reading, and reading. He nodded at the sex scene between Simion and Vlad. Good rendering of a Master/servant relationship. Many writers couldn't grasp the difference between that and Master/slave. The fact that it was very hot helped, too. He chuckled at Nicolae's initial show of reluctance, while it was obvious that he wanted it as much as Vlad did.

He scowled at Ernestu's callous treatment of the boy. When he reached the whipping scene he had to stop and get up to pace the room, working off some of the anger he felt before he damaged something without thinking. A good Dom would never treat a submissive like that! Of course, that was the point. It wasn't consensual. Ernestu was just a sadistic (in the bad way) bastard, and Nicolae was a victim. And incest. It made his blood boil. He realized that this was exactly what the author had intended, and he silently congratulated them. You wanted the bastard to be hated? You achieved your goal, but I have the feeling that Vlad isn't going to let him get away with that shit.

Of course that meant that he couldn't stop reading it till he found out what happened to Ernestu, and that didn't happen for a good number of chapters. He read as Draculea slowly seduced the boy, showing both gentleness and strength--the mark of a good Dom. He almost cheered at Draculea's brutal humiliation of Ernestu before the wedding, and bit his nails worrying that Vlad would rape Nicolae before learning the real reason why the boy had run away. The 'first time' scene was very sweet, and very hot. Finally Ernestu was disposed of in a very satisfying manner. The description of his body's preparation for burial was icky, but interesting.

He shook his head over Beta trying to manipulate Vlad, but people caught up in bad Domme/sub relationships often did foolish or hurtful things. He had to smile when Nicolae threw the pillow at Vlad, and asserted his need for a little say in his own life. You had to let your subbies be a little independent--it wasn't healthy for them to look to you for every tiny decision.

He clicked the button for the next chapter, then blinked at the screen. "What the fuck do you mean, to be continued? There has to be more! Oh, fuck! This thing can't be even halfway over yet! He's not even a vampire, and they haven't gone anywhere near Victorian England, with all those lovely riding crops and canings at school."

He did a quick check of the chapters again, and saw from the dates that one was posted every week to ten days. He scowled. "Well, crap! NOW what do I do?"

He thought. Okay, from what he said there's a lot of this stuff out there. Maybe this author has more work. Trenton said something about searching. I could try to figure that out." His eyes fell on the date and time icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, and he blinked. "Or I could go to bed. Christ, it's almost six am. I shouldn't have fussed at Trenton if I'm going to do the same thing.

Clive reluctantly switched off the computer and went into his bedroom. The shades were down on the windows, and there was only the faintest hint of gray under the shades. He stripped quickly and walked over to the big brass bed that held place of pride in the room. He reflected that a brass bed was absolutely perfect for a Dom. So many convenient bars and posts just screaming to be used for restraints.

He paused for a moment to admire Trenton. The boy was still deeply asleep. He lay curved on his side, one fist curled loosely by his face. Clive smiled. With his other arm he was hugging a pillow. The older man let his eyes wander fondly over the emerging planes and angles of the boy's face. He was just now moving into manhood, leaving his puppy stage behind. This was such a delicious time in a young man's life, and Clive was relishing his favored position in the boy's world.

He thought about waking Trenton to make love, but he really was tired right now. It wasn't that he thought he couldn't perform, but he wouldn't be able to give his best, and Trenton deserved more than a half-awake Dom. So Clive got the spare pillow from the closet, slipped into bed, and cuddled up behind his young lover, spooning their bodies together. Trent sighed in his sleep and instinctively nestled his buttocks firmly against Clive's crotch.

Enjoying the warmth and intimacy, Clive closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off to sleep, thinking That prince could come nibble on my neck, if he liked, but what I'd really like is to get my hands on his little consort, and I don't mean Beta."

Part Two

Clive blinked, looking around. All right. I have no problem with the suburbs, but this is fucking rural. In fact it was the most undeveloped area Clive had ever seen. Aside from that one time one of his lovers had talked him into taking that cabin up at the lake. He had to smile, remembering that. He admitted that there WAS something a little special about fucking someone tied to a tree, but even there they'd had electricity and indoor plumbing. He squinted through the moonlit darkness and couldn't see a single telephone or pole or power line anywhere.

He looked down at the ground And when was the last time I encountered a dirt road? This is bizarre. I don't know about Kansas, but I am certainly not in Metropolis anymore.

He scanned the area. In one direction he could make out a cluster of small buildings. Shit. Not one of those is much bigger than a good sized RV. Where exactly have I landed? I'd say the Ozarks, judging by those mountains over there. He noticed a much, much, much larger building looming a little farther away in the opposite direction. I think I'll try there first, instead of Dogpatch. He started walking. Though if I could be assured of running into Lil' Abner, I might be tempted to try it. Always wanted to see what he had inside those overalls.

As he approached the edifice, he slowed. Finally, just outside, he halted, staring up at it. Yes, Clive, that is indeed a genuine dungeon-bottomed, turret-topped castle, complete with guards at the gate. He smiled slowly. Did I just say dungeon? I should be right at home. He strolled up to the gate.

The guards watched him approach with a great deal of interest. Finally when he was about ten yards away they lowered their spears into the 'we-mean-business' position, and one of them said, "Halt!"

Clive halted, drawling, "All you had to do was ask, Precious."

"What be yer business here this time o' night, stranger?"

"I'm taking the five dollar tour." When they blinked, he sighed. "I haven't a clue. I was rather hoping someone here could tell me, but it's beginning to look like getting an intelligent response might be a bit harder than squeezing plasma from a pebble."

The guard's exchanged glances, brows wrinkling in obvious consternation. At last the second one said, "'E's either a madman or one o' those nobles what got knocked in tha head by bandits, I reckon. Ether way I 'spect Simion should be told."

"Right. Off ya go."

While the second guard disappeared back into the courtyard that lay beyond the wall, Clive said, "Excuse me, did you just say Simion?"

"Aye. Prince Draculea's head steward. He says what's what, right after tha prince 'imself."

Clive rubbed his hand over his face. "Draculea. Wouldn't happen to be a very tall, dark haired, forceful, sinfully handsome chap, would he?"

"Yuh, that's tha prince."

"Mm. Tell me, is he married to a bitty little thing that thinks a whole lot of herself? And is he, shall we say, fond of a certain tall, young, handsome librarian?"

The spear point lifted to the 'business-is-about-to-open' level. The guard's expression was suspicious. "You know a great lot ta just be passin' through on a tour, stranger."

"You have no idea."

The second guard returned, followed by a stocky, fair haired man with a shrewd face. He regarded Clive closely, and said, "You choose dangerous hours to travel, stranger."

"I didn't choose, Simion. I just sort of showed up."

Simion cocked his head. "You know my name. How is that?"

"It will be a tad difficult to explain. Well, at least to explain in a manner that doesn't make you want to lock me in a looney bin or burn me at the stake. Can I come in? I feel distinctly uncomfortable, surrounded by so much nature."

Simion nodded, beckoning, and Clive passed into the courtyard. "Resume your watch, men." He led Clive toward the castle proper. "I will speak with you, then we will see whether my lord should be bothered, or whether you would be better simply locked away."

"Oh, I think he's going to want to see me. We have a lot in common."

Inside the great hall, Clive stared around in what was the closest he ever approached to wonder. "Good God, I keep thinking that the set designer should have won an Oscar."

"Your name, and your story?"

"Yes, a let's-get-to-it sort of fellow, aren't you? All right, here it is. I am either in the middle of one of the most interesting dreams I've ever had, or I've done a Scribe and somehow fallen into an alternate universe. Either way I find it simply fascinating."

Simion frowned. "Are you saying that you are from another world?"

"Basically, yes." Simion stared at him. Clive stared back.

"It seems you truly believe this yourself." Simion studied him. "Your manner and dress are such as I have never encountered. I think the prince will wish to see you, then decide himself what to do with you."

"Suits me right to the ground, Precious. Lead on."

Simion led him up the great staircase and along several corridors. At one point a door opened, and a thin, sour faced woman, very pale, peeked out. Clive twiddled his fingers at her, "Hello, Lena. How's Beta?" The woman shot him a venomous look before shutting the door. When he noticed Simion's stare, he shrugged. "She's a bitch, but there's no reason why I can't be polite to her." Simion couldn't quite repress his smile.

Simion knocked on a door, and a voice inside called, "Enter."

The room was large and well appointed. There was a huge, high bed draped with a velvet spread, and fur throws. A lusty fire roared in a huge fire place. There were comfortable chairs drawn up before it, but only one of them was occupied. However, it was occupied by two people. When the dark haired youth saw him, he gasped and started to stand up. His companion, much to Clive's approval, wrapped his arms around his waist and held him on his lap.

"Domn!" the boy said urgently. "We have a guest."

"Oh, don't get up on my account, dear boy," Clive said as Simion led him toward the pair. "Please, stay comfortable."

Simion bowed slightly, as did Clive. Normally he didn't go past simple courtesies, but hell, this was a prince, and, from what he could tell, a fellow Dom. After all, didn't the kid even call him by a variation of the title? Simion briefly related what Clive had told him. All the while the pair in the chair watched him. He found himself the focal point of both brown and crystal blue eyes, which he didn't mind at all. Clive had always relished the spotlight.

Draculea looked at his lover. "What say you, Nicu? Does he speak the truth, or is he some new form of spy? Perhaps he's a sorcerer. I suppose I should burn him at the stake, in that case."

Nicolae considered. "First, Domn, I do not believe there are nearly as many sorcerers as The Church would have us believe. Second, if he were a spy, I doubt he would have simply walked up to the gate and confronted the guards at such a late hour. And thirdly..." he shrugged. "I know there are other worlds than this. If I believe in Heaven and Hell, then surely I must believe that the good Lord created other realms. Who is to say that they might not touch at times?"

Draculea nodded. He spoke to Clive. "So, Clive, you are a reluctant traveler?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say exactly reluctant, though I will be wanting to go back soon." He smiled at Nicolae. "You see, I have a boy of my own waiting for me."

Draculea smiled slowly, nodding. He rubbed Nicolae's thighs. "Is he as special as my Nicu?"

"Domn..." Nicolae was blushing.

"He is to me. But your boy is very special. I believe he's a good boy."

"He is." Draculea pulled Nicolae's head down and kissed him. Nicolae cut his eyes at Clive, and tried to pull back, murmuring a protest, but Draculea held him firmly, pressing the kiss. Finally, with a small groan, Nicolae surrendered, parting his lips to allow Draculea's tongue to quest inside. When he finally let Nicolae pull back, Draculea said, "Sit. Simion, wine for my guest. Then you may leave us."

Soon Clive was sitting opposite the cuddling pair, sipping a glass of rather good wine. It certainly was more potent than most from his world. After watching them snuggle for a few moments, he said, "You're a Dom, aren't you? A Dominant?"

Draculea regarded him. "The term is not familiar, but I think I have a sense of it. Do you mean that it is I who is in control when we pleasure each other?"

Nicolae's face was flaming, but he was looking at Clive through half lowered lashes. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Nicolae, you're a submissive, aren't you?" When the boy bit his lip, Clive said gently, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Pet. The person I love best in the world is my own little submissive, Trenton. I don't know what I'd do without my sweet brat."

Nicolae looked at him gravely. "But if you have left him in your own world..."

Clive frowned. "Yes, that's the one part of this I'm not best pleased with, but I've read a thing or two about 'lucid dreaming', where you can consciously direct your dream. I think it's time to try that." He smiled, and it was a beautiful, but hard expression. "Besides, I know my lamb. If he can hear me at all, he'll come running."

Clive stood up, looked up at the ceiling, and said in a loud, firm voice, "Trenton! Trenton, I want you here, right now." There was a moment of silence. Draculea and Nicolae exchanged looks. Clive shook his head. "Don't give it up yet. He's a sound sleeper." He raised his voice to a hard, no-nonsense near shout. "Trenton Vespasian Vitelli, get your round little ass here, on the double!"

There was the sound of rapid footsteps The door to the room burst open and a tall, lean boy with dark curls burst into the room, hurrying to Clive. He took one look at the Dom and dropped quickly to his knees. "Please, Master, cut me some slack. I woke up in what looked like a set from Shakespear in Love and had to figure out how to get here."

Clive ruffled his hair. "I'm not really mad at you, Pet, but that tone of voice does get your ass in gear, doesn't it?"

"You know it does." He pulled a petulant face. "You used that name. I never should have told you."

"Vespasian is a noble name." Trenton peered around Clive curiously and examined the brown eyed young man who was sitting on the lap of a handsome, older man.

Trenton blinked. "You look exactly like Keeanu Reeves. Now I know I'm in a dream." He looked back at Clive. "The question is, am I in your dream, or are you in my dream?"

Clive shrugged. "It hardly matters, does it? After all..." He bent down and kissed Trenton. "We both like the same things."

Trenton smiled. "From different perspectives." He wrapped an arm around Clive's legs and rested his head on the hairdresser's thigh. "I just noticed something, Clive."

"Well, let's see. Would that be the fact that we're in the Child of the Night scenario with two very hot men, or the fact that you're naked?"

Trenton blushed. "The second one, but now that you mentioned it... Clive? You haven't, like, groped Nicolae, or anything, have you?"

"Not yet. Why? Do you object? You haven't to my other playmates."

"It's not that, it's just..." He tugged Clive down so he could whisper in his ear. "That's The Impaler, man, and in the story he is, like, way protective and possessive."

"Yes, but this is the dream version of the story, Trenton." He smiled at the others and addressed Draculea. "He knows me too well. He knows that I'm attracted to your boy, and he's afraid you'll take offence and do something painfully nasty to me."

"Ah." Draculea looked at Nicolae. "Are you offended, Nicu?" Nicu shook his head shyly. Draculea addressed Trenton. "You need not fear for your Master, boy."

Nicolae spoke to Trenton. "It does not hurt or anger you that your lover has... has expressed admiration for another?"

Trenton shrugged. "Clive is Clive. He has to spread it around, I knew that when we got together." He rubbed his face against the leather of Clive's pants. "It doesn't bother you that Draculea is sleeping with his wife?"

Nicolae looked surprised. "No. I know he loves me." When Trenton nodded, he said, "Oh. I see."

Draculea was examining Trenton appreciatively. He said, "Boy, you've reached your adulthood, yet you are as smooth as any child."

Trenton blushed, sliding a glance at Clive. "My Master likes me smooth. I like it, too."

"I've heard that the Eastern potentates favor this, too, but it is the first time I have seen it. Intriguing."

"Trenton, Darling, I know neither one of us is ready for this in real life, but I was just thinking..."

"Yeah, Clive."

"Do you think you might like to...?"

"I said yeah, Clive."

"Good boy." He bent to whisper. "Which one?"

"I don't care. As long as I don't have to act all Dommish."

"Clive, Trenton." They looked over at Draculea. He was stroking Nicolae's hair, who was staring at Trenton. "I have a request. Nicu has never known the joy of mounting another. That will not happen with me. I love my boy, but, well..." Clive and Trenton both nodded in understanding. "I was wondering if Trenton would be willing."

Trenton looked up at Clive, green eyes bright. Clive smiled. "Oh, like I'm going to say no when you look at me like that. Give us a good show, Pet." He sat back to watch as Trenton crawled across the floor to where the other two men sat.

Draculea pushed Nicolae off his lap, then spread his legs and pulled the standing boy back into the vee. Trenton knelt before the other young man and put his hands to his crotch. He fumbled for several moments, and Nicolae groaned quietly. Finally he looked up and said, frustrated, "Dude, I can feel a real nice hard-on in there, but I can't figure out how to open the damn things! There's no zipper or buttons."

Draculea laughed, reaching around from behind. "Ties, young one. Let me." He deftly undid the laces that closed Nicolae's pants, then pushed them down his hips. "Take off your shirt, Nicolae. Let them see how beautiful you are."

Nicolae slipped his shirt over his head as Trenton reached for him. He sighed softly as the other boy took hold of his sex and closed his lips around his cockhead.

Clive watched as his lover began to give the other boy slow, sensuous head. He said, "I'll just get Trenton ready for Nicolae, shall I? That way the dear boy won't have to break his rhythm, because believe me, when Trenton gives you head you don't want to spare the time for lubing and stretching."

Draculea, peering around Nicolae's torso to watch the curly head bobbing up and down over his lover's groin, said, "There is oil beside the bed."

"Not necessary." Clive pulled a tube out of his pocket and opened it. "Astroglide--one of the better inventions." He squeezed a thick smear onto his fingers and put the tube away, kneeling beside Trenton. "Trenton, can you reach back and spread yourself, and still keep your balance?"

Nicolae sounded a little breathless. "I can hold your shoulders, Trenton."

Trent pulled off his cock for a moment, long enough to grin up at him. "That'd work. And by the way, you taste great." Then he bent back to a task that he obviously found very pleasant.

"Could I see some of that?" Vlad asked curiously.

"Certainly." Clive handed him the tube. "Just unscrew the top." Trenton, with Nicolae firmly gripping his shoulders, had reached back with both hands, gripped his buttocks, and spread them, presenting Clive with the open crease. "Perfect, Love." As Draculea squeezed a blob of Astroglide onto his hand and tested it between his fingers, Clive slowly worked one finger deep into Trenton's ass. "Nicolae, you're very lucky to have Trenton for your first time. He's very tight, and very hot."

Nicolae's eyes were a little glazed by now. His hips were making tiny thrusts, driving himself deeper into Trenton's mouth, but Trenton and Clive had worked on this a good deal. It was hard to gag the boy without making an actual effort. He just continued to swallow Nicolae's prick, sucking and using his tongue lavishly. Nicolae gasped as Draculea reached between them and probed between his buttocks. "Domn?"

Draculea kissed Nicolae's side, his other hand sliding up to play with the boy's taut nipples. "We must offer our other guest hospitality, Nicu."

"But..." Nicolae moaned as a second finger slid into him and Vlad began to move them apart, stretching him.

Clive was doing the same with an appreciative Trenton. "I think I know what he intends, Nicu, and I have no problems with it whatsoever. I think you'll like it. It isn't a treat many submissives get: filling, and being filled at the same time." He thrust his fingers into Trenton's snug back passage, crooking to find the little spot that made him shiver and moan so deliciously. He found it, and Nicolae threw his head back as he experienced the vibrations Trenton made.

"Do you know what else is nice about a wet dream like this, Baby?" Clive cooed as he pumped his fingers in Trenton's gradually stretching anus. "No STDs, and no rubbers. You get to have it bareback." Nicolae was twisting his hips, "Gentlemen, I think we should get on with this project, or sweet Nicolae is going to miss his chance." He pulled out and slapped Trenton's rump. "Do me proud, Baby."

When Trenton released Nicolae's spit slick dick, Draculea stood up. His free arm wrapped around Nicolae, two fingers still buried in the boy's ass, he began to urge him toward the bed. Nicolae squirmed. "Domn, please. Let me walk."

"You will, Pet, but like this. I'm not quite through with you yet."

"I cannot. Please, Domn." Draculea's other hand slid down to wrap around his cock, giving him a squeeze.

"It may be a bit awkward, Nicu, but you can do it. Try." He thrust his fingers deeper. "Do it for me."

Clive watched as they made their way slowly and carefully to the bed. The combined stroking of his cock and plundering of his asshole while being forced to perform the mundane action of walking, all the while being the focus of hungry eyes, was driving Nicolae crazy. Clive thought that he'd have to remember this, if he and Trenton ever reached the stage in real life where they decided to swing together.

Trenton followed on his knees, then climbed up onto the bed. "Knees and elbows, Trent. I think that's the best position if it's his first time, and I'll be joining in."

Trenton positioned himself, spreading his knees and putting his head down on his crossed arms. He wiggled his ass, crooning, "Come on, Nick. I've been thinking about you since chapter two."

Draculea released Nicolae with a final pet, then stroked Trenton's ass as Nicolae climbed up on the bed behind the other boy. "You truly have a treasure, stranger. If it were not for my Nicu, I might envy you." He probed at Trenton's opening, and the boy pushed back to meet him, sliding his finger halfway in. "Ah, this little one is eager."

"Prince, I want to ask your permission to do something." He pulled a long leather strap out of his trouser pocket. "If it's all right with Nicolae, I'd like to bind his arms." When he noticed the prince's frown he assured him, "It won't hurt him, but it gives the experience an extra fillip," He smiled, "and it reminds the sub of his position in the scheme of things."

Draculea looked at Nicolae. "Nicu?"

Clive said, "It's an interesting experience, Nicu. Leather can be very erotic. Ask Trenton."

Trenton sighed. "Oh, yeah. I'd advise it, Nicolae."

The older man rubbed the strap against Nicolae's cheek. "It's very soft and smooth. Feel." Nicolae's eyes half closed. "I'll be careful of you, Pet. You'll like it. I'll take good care of you."

Nicolae slowly put his hands behind his back. "No, precious. Like this." He got the boy to bend his elbows, bringing his forearms together, and he quickly tied them together. Then he pulled out two more straps Oh, it's so handy to have whatever you need in your dreams and quickly tied his wrists just below the opposite elbows. "Try those." Nicolae pulled, and couldn't move his arms a fraction. "One of my better jobs."

"Domn?" Nicolae looked between Draculea and Clive. "I don't know how I'm going to do this."

Trenton snickered. "You don't really have to do anything, if you don't want to."

Clive was stripping, quickly and efficiently. "That's true, dear. Between Trenton and myself, we can take good care of you. But my prince," He looked at Draculea. "You shouldn't be left out."

Draculea sat on the edge of the bed, unlacing his pants. "Do not fear, my friend. This time is for Nicu." He began to stroke himself slowly. "I will be contented to watch." He reached under Trenton and caressed him gently, "and perhaps play with your little friend a bit." Trenton leaned over to rub his face against the other man's arm gratefully.

"Now, Nicolae. Hold still, and we'll get you situated." Clive reached around him. With his right hand he gripped Nicolae's hard-on firmly and used his left hand to part Trenton's buttocks. "Look, Nicolae. Isn't he beautiful?" His thumb teased Trenton's slightly spread opening, making him moan. "This is for you. You're going to fuck my sweet boy, and you're going to give him a good time, aren't you?"

Nicolae's voice was hoarse. "I hope so, Domn."

Clive rubbed his hard cock against Nicolae's rump. "And I'm going to fuck you. Feel how hard I am for you, sweetheart? Trenton, you've never done this before. You're going to be able to feel the force of my thrust pass through Nicolae into your body. It will almost be like both of us are screwing you."

"Oh, damn. Please, Clive, put him in me." He moved his hips, pushing his cock deeper into Draculea's strong grasp, and the prince laughed softly.

"Yes, friend. Do not make our dear ones wait any longer."

Clive pressed Nicolae's rosy glans to the slick opening. "Push, Nicu, slowly. Very slowly." Nicolae pushed. As he slipped into the grip of Trenton's body, his head dropped back, and he drew in a deep gasp. "Don't stop, boy. Keep going, all the way. Don't be afraid, Trenton can take it. He'll enjoy it." Nicolae's chest was heaving as he pushed forward. At last he was sunk fully in Trenton's yielding flesh, resting against his buttocks. His chest hitched slightly, and he gasped, "Vlad!"

Draculea stopped masturbating a moment to rub the boy's shoulder. "Yes, sweet boy. It feels good, doesn't it?"

"Oh, Vlad. So tight, so hot."

"Trenton, baby," Clive said quietly. "Squeeze." He watched the slight tensing of that long, smooth back, the ripple of muscles beneath the skin. When Nicolae whimpered he knew that the motion had reached its target. Clive grabbed Nicolae's hips and held him firmly, just in time to keep him from thrusting. "Not yet, Nicu."

"Please, Master," he whined.

"Wait." He spread the pale globes of Nicolae's buttocks and fitted himself to the slick pucker of Nicolae's opening. "Wait."

He pushed strongly. Nicolae cried out quietly as he was entered, but it was not a sound of pain. "Oh, yes." Clive reached past the boy and gripped his lover, pinning Nicolae between them. "Now." He ground against Nicolae, and Nicolae in turn ground against Trenton.

Draculea resumed stroking himself, and Trenton. Clive grunted as he moved against the boy before him. "These are a couple of lucky little boys, Prince Draculea. Both of them are being pleasured two different ways. I'd say they owe us a thank you, wouldn't you?"

The prince had stopped stroking himself again, but continued to squeeze and milk Trenton's cock. Clive liked that. There was always room in the world for another thoughtful Dom. He alternately rubbed Trent's heaving back and his own lover's chest, plucking at the hard nipples.

Nicolae was making a low, continual sound, and Clive could see the muscles jumping and straining in his arms and shoulders. He wanted so badly to be able to grip and touch, but Clive was an expert in restraint. Nicolae was not getting free till someone released him.

Clive sped his efforts, plunging into Nicolae hard and fast. Nicolae rocked back and forth, feeling a dizzying mixture of helplessness and power. He was plumbing Trenton's depths, and doing it well if the small cries the boy made were to be believed, but he was also being possessed as fully as ever he had been. In other words, it might be Nicolae's prick inside Trenton, but there was no doubt that Clive was controlling things. A comforting sense of being cared for washed over Nicolae.

Clive would have laid money that Nicolae would have been the first to reach completion, but it was Trenton. Since he hadn't been ordered to resist climax, he gave himself over to it eagerly, filling Draculea's hand with hot sperm as he twitched and whimpered. The prince carelessly wiped his hand on the velvet spread, then lifted Trenton's head and kissed him as Nicolae continued to drive into him.

Trenton managed to stay up, but only because his legs and back were so strong from all his long hours of swimming. He began to buck back onto Nicolae's prick, bearing down on him as tightly as possible, determined to bring him off. He was, after all, performing for the first time before his Master, and he wanted to make a good show of it. It might determine whether or not there was ever another encounter like this, and Trenton rather thought he would like that.

He finally felt the hot gush deep in his rectum that signaled Nicolae's completion. The boy shouted as he lunged into Trenton's ass, Clive's added force driving him almost up to Trenton's navel, or so it felt.

"Trenton, honey, get out from under there and take care of the prince," Clive ordered. When Trenton crawled out from under Nicolae, Clive quickly tipped him into Trenton's former position. Since Nicolae's hands were tied, Clive made sure to turn his face to the side so he wasn't stifled before resuming a near punishing pace.

Meanwhile Trenton moved to where Draculea had sat on the edge of the bed, moved his head over the other man's crotch, and began to suck him off. Draculea put his hands in Trenton's hair, holding him steady, and began to thrust up, but with short, careful strokes. Clive watched him closely, remembering the damage he had been able to do when he used fellatio as a form of punishment for Ernestu in the story, but this time there was no negative intention, and both partners enjoyed it immensely.

Draculea soon stiffened, burying himself fully in Trenton's mouth. Clive came when he saw the thick, white dribble oozing from the corners of Trenton's wide stretched lips. He spewed into Nicolae's depths as Trenton pulled back off Draculea's softening cock and began to lick his lips clean, like a contented cat.

As he felt the warm, tingling pulses of his orgasm, Clive felt something else a little peculiar. Things seemed to be fading. All the color seeped from the scene before him, then the edges blurred. Oh, no. I do not believe this! I've never yet passed out after coming, and I'm not about to start now.

But it didn't seem that he had any choice. Things had faded to a dark grey, then complete blackness...

and he suddenly realized that he was lying on his back, instead of being up on his knees, and someone was shaking him. A familiar voice was saying, "...almost noon, and I'm starved, and there isn't anything to eat here, and don't you dare make a crack about fellatio. Wake up, please?" Clive opened his eyes to find Trenton, fully dressed, leaning over him. "Finally. I was considering getting a glass of cold water to dump on you, except I'm kinda fond of the skin on my ass."

"Wise lad." Clive yawned and stretched.

"How long did you stay on the Internet last night, anyway?"

"Long enough so that I'll probably welcome a nap this afternoon. I had the oddest dream."

Trenton grinned. "Well, it must've been a good one, considering the state of your sheets."

"Really?" Clive ran a hand down his own belly and encountered a familiar stickiness. "Heavens, I haven't had a wet dream in simply ages, but if anything deserved gummed up sheets, this one did."

"Yeah? I had a pretty good one myself." Trent sat at the foot of the bed as Clive got up and made his way to the bathroom. "I guess it was from reading right before I went to bed. I was in the Child of the Night story."

He heard Clive turn on the shower. "Is that so? I'd sing a chorus of "It's a Small World After All", but I can't handle massive doses of sugar before my first cup of coffee. So, were you being ravished by that devil of a prince?"

"No. Actually I was getting screwed by the ingenue--Nicolae."

Trenton was surprised to hear the shower door jerk open, and even more surprised when a naked and dripping Clive appeared in the bathroom doorway. "Precious, I want you to listen to me very carefully. Did your dream start with hearing me call you, and trying to find me in some big rock pile of a castle?"

Trenton's mouth dropped open. "How did you know that?"

"You had trouble getting into Nicolae's pants because you weren’t used to flies that didn't unbutton or unzip?"

Trenton swallowed. "Thinking about opening up a psychic friends hot line, Clive?"

"And I had Nicolae's arms tied, and was fucking him while he fucked you?"

Trenton's voice, which he had been sure had completely reached it's adult register, cracked. "You're freaking me out now, Clive."

Clive smiled. "Oh, I don't think there's anything to be worried about, dearest." He walked over to his young lover, leaving puddles on the floor, and cupped his chin. "Don't I always take care of you? Didn't I then?"

Trenton nodded, some of the apprehension leaving him. "Yeah."

Clive kissed him. "I'll have to try that lucid dreaming thing again. It's a blast. And besides..." he kissed Trenton again, then started back to complete his shower. "What could be more natural than finding the man that I love in my dreams?"

Dreams of a Dom Contents
Write, precious