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Slash Fiction
Mary Sue Fiction
Original Fiction
Family Stuff
Clean Sweep
The Further Adventures of Clive, the Leather Hairdresser

Part Twenty
Happy Ending

Trenton had his seventeenth birthday on a Thursday. Clive was out of town, doing hair for a fashion shoot. They'd offered an absolutely obscene amount of money, and he'd decided to take it and use it to give bonuses to the staff.

Trent hadn't mentioned it before he left. He had rather hoped that the day would have been significant enough for Clive to remember it without being reminded. Anyway, he had a swim meet the next day, and he was concentrating on that.

His mom fixed a cake, and some of his school friends came over. He got teased a lot about attaining such a grand old age. When they left, his mother gave him a big box, in shiny black paper tied with a silver bow. He examined it, then looked at her curiously. "From Clive," she explained. "He asked me to give it to you."

Trenton carefully unwrapped the paper and opened the box. He just stared into the box for a moment, then reached in and reverently lifted out the garment that was inside. It was a leather jacket--not black, but a warm brown that Trent knew instinctively would look good with his hair. It had so many zippers, chains, and buckles that he gave up trying to count them.

"Oh, my!" said his mother. "Trenton, isn't it beautiful."

"Yes." Trenton stroked the soft leather, then held it to his face and inhaled deeply, letting the scent flood him. He smiled at his mother. "Clive tried this on."

"But how can you tell, dear?"

"I can smell him on it." *Let your admirers give you leather,* Clive had advised. That night, Trenton lay on his bed, dressed in the jacket, and nothing else, and masturbated. He whispered to the ceiling, "I'm seventeen, Clive. Did you forget? Please don't have stopped wanting me."

Friday he concentrated on the swim meet he had that afternoon. It ran long, lasting into the evening. He did well. He won two of his races, and came in second on the last. After he was finished, he sat on the sidelines, wrapped in a towel, listening to his coach while his mother stood behind him, proudly fingering the ribbons he'd won.

"Fantastic, Trent! You beat the state record on that freestyle! Just a couple of points off the national record on all of your events, and I think you could be world class with just a little more of an edge."

Trenton, tired, shrugged. "I don't know what else I can do, coach. I'm busting my nuts already." He glanced at his mother apologetically. "Sorry, Mom."

"I'll tell you what you can do--invest in some depilatory. Use your razor on your pits instead of just your face. Cut down on the drag, Trent. I know you boys feel a little embarrassed doing that, but it really helps, and you know it. I've suggested it before."

"I didn't think I really needed it. I'm just now getting body hair, and you want me to get rid of it?"

The coach sighed. "Trent, I don't want to have to make it a requirement for you staying on the team, but if I have to..."

"I think I can persuade Trenton to see reason."

Trenton's head jerked around at the familiar voice. Clive was coming down out of the stands, wearing a jacket that was, except for the ebony color, the twin of the one he'd given Trenton. He gave Lynette a peck on the cheek. "Hello, pet. Got back a little earlier than I'd expected, so I came down to watch your baby boy's triumph."

He ruffled Trenton's curls, then nodded approvingly. "Still wearing your cap during practice, I see." Clive smiled at the coach. "So, am I to understand that you are suggesting a clean sweep? All the body hair?"

"Well, he could just trim his pubes, but other than that, yeah. I think it'll give him that extra edge he needs to take him over into the international arena. I truly believe he could make the Olympic team next year."

"Well, then, it's done."

"Clive!" Trenton squeaked. "Don't I get any say?"

"No, you do not."

"But I don't want to shave my body."

"You won't--I will."

Trenton blinked. Clive returned his gaze calmly. "Oh. Um. Okay."

"Good. Lynette, dear, could you loan him to me for the night tomorrow?"

Lynette looked from Clive to her son. Trenton was blushing. *Oh, my. Well, it had to happen sometimes, and Clive really cares about him. He'll keep him safe.* "That would be fine, Clive. I just need him to help with the shopping tomorrow afternoon."

"Certainly. Trenton," Clive's eyes were dark. "Come to Attitudes tomorrow evening around nine, and bring whatever you'll need till Sunday morning." Trenton nodded.

Trent headed for the locker room to change, and Clive walked with him. Just outside the door, Clive paused, taking Trenton's arm. He said quietly, "Trent, we've both been waiting for this for a long time, and I have to be sure that you are sure. I'll spell it out for you: I intend to have you as many ways as I can manage. I like it rough, but I won't hurt you any more than is necessary to bring you pleasure, you have to trust me on that."

"I trust you."

"But you're still so vanilla pet, that I don't think you know what the sort of scene I have planned entails. There'll be the shave. Your coach may allow you to keep your pubes, but I won't. It all goes. And when you're as smooth as a baby, the fun really starts."

Trenton swallowed. Clive smiled, and continued. "Leather straps, ropes, chains. I have quite a selection. They'd all look good on you. As for the discipline part, I think we'll stick with my bare hand this first time. I'll want to put a nice blush on your ass before I fuck it."

Trenton closed his eyes with a tiny whimper. "Oh, yes, darling. I'm going to fuck your ass, and that beautiful mouth of yours. And I don't see how I'll be able to resist tasting you myself."

"Clive, please. I'm in my trunks, and I'm getting hard. Someone will see."

He felt Clive's breath brush his ear. "You have to be certain, Trenton. I don't want any turning back, once we start."

"I won't. I want this so bad."

"Just remember, whatever I ask you to do, I care about you deeply, and I respect you. Don't come to the shop during the day tomorrow. Wait until the appointed time, and then... be ready." He stroked the boy's cheek softly, gazing into his eyes. "We're going to be good for each other, Trent." Then he left. Trent showered with cold water.

For approximately the next twenty-four hours, Trent alternated between being in a haze, and moments of hyper-clarity. It was really going to happen. Clive was finally going to... going to... everything. Which was exactly what Trenton wanted. He wanted to be able to surrender and submit to someone he knew cared about him, and would look after both his well being, and his pleasure with equal attention.

Finally Trent took the small overnight bag he had packed the moment he returned home on Friday and headed for Attitudes. Everything except for a restaurant far up the street was closed, and that one was shooing the last patrons out as he passed. Attitudes was locked, of course, and dark. Totally dark, this time, no light coming from Clive's back office.

Trenton reached to knock but halted, hand raised. Clive rose from where he had been sitting in one of the waiting area chairs, a shadow among shadows. The reason Trenton hadn't been able to see him was that he was in head-to-toe black. Clive stood on the other side of the door for a moment, staring at him. His expression was stern. He did not smile. Trenton felt heat kindle in his belly.

Clive unlocked the door, and opened it. "Why are you here, Trent?" His voice was calm, quiet.

Trenton felt confused. Why was he here? He had been dreaming about this since he was fourteen. He studied Clive, looking for a sign of how he was expected to act. He didn't know that by doing this, by instinctively seeking to please, he was showing himself as a true submissive.

Trenton considered. Why was he here? What did this mean to him? At last he said simply, "I'm here to give myself to you."

Clive nodded. "Any other response and I would have sent you home. You're ready. But one thing must be clear. When you step across this threshold, for the rest of the night, you're mine. Mine to kiss, cuddle, spank, lick, or fuck as I see fit. Do you agree? Think about it, Trent. Don't just say yes. These are games, but they're fucking serious games."

Trenton thought. He lowered his head, not looking at Clive, and said, "I'm sure, Master."

He heard Clive's breath hitch slightly. "Take three steps forward, and don't look up." Trenton did as he was told, moving not an inch more. Clive shut and locked the door, then stood behind him. "Drop your case." Trenton started to bend to set it on the floor, and he said sharply, "I said drop it! Is this how you're going to listen?"

Trenton dropped the bag quickly, bending his head. "I'm sorry, Master."

"Just pay better attention, boy. I'll be very clear with my orders. Now, stand still."

He didn't touch Trenton, but he moved up so close behind him that the boy could feel the heat of his body. They just stood like that for a long moment. Trenton started to shiver. He had to bite his lip to keep from making any noise when Clive's hands settled lightly on his shoulders. He could feel warm breath against the nape of his neck. Then there was the silken brush of lips, and the light scrape of teeth as Clive, very gently, bit him. Trenton's eyes closed automatically, and he moaned.

"Your safe word will be swan dive. What's you're safe word, Trenton?"

"Swan dive."


"Swan dive."

"Remember it. Use it if it gets too much for you. Now, are your eyes closed, Trenton?"

"Yes, Master."

"Keep them closed." His hand was taken, and he was urged forward. He moved slowly, but without hesitation. Clive would keep him safe. After a little they paused, and he heard a door open, then they moved forward again. Again they paused, and the door was shut. Trenton knew they had to be either in Clive's office, or his private station.

"Open your eyes."

It was the station, as he'd hoped. Trenton had been dying to put it to 'special' use ever since the day Tuscon had come in. He'd listened to the sounds of hard, Dominant sex coming from this room, and realized that what he wanted more than anything else in the world was to have Clive do to him exactly what he was doing to the big bodybuilder. Now his wish was coming true.

But the place looked different from all the glimpses Trenton had over the years. He supposed it had been the flourescent lights: they always gave a place a sterile look. All the overhead lights were off. The room was lit by dozens of candles of all shapes and sizes, sitting on counters and shelves. The mirrored walls and ceilings reflected the lights, so that the room was filled with a golden shimmer.

Trenton finally got a good look at Clive, reflected in the mirror, and his heart almost stopped. Clive always looked hot, but tonight he was enough to cause spontaneous combustion. He wore skin tight black leather pants tucked into knee high boots of the same color. His long-sleeved shirt was of black suede. His skin and hair seemed to glow.

"I want you to take you clothes off, all of them. Do it very slowly. Hand each garment to me as you remove it."

Trenton toed off his sneakers, handing them back to Clive. He didn't turn around. He hadn't been given permission. He pulled the T-shirt off, dragging it inch by inch up his back, then over his head. Clive was watching every movement with the intensity of someone considering a life or death proposition. Before he had the shirt off, Trenton's nipples were hard. He handed the garment back to Clive, who folded it neatly, and set it aside. "The pants, Trenton. If I have to wait on you, you'll suffer for it."

Trenton undid the snap on his jeans and pulled down the zipper. The metallic rasp was distinct in the quiet room, and Trenton realized that it was one of the sexiest sounds in the world. He pushed his jeans down, stepped out of them, and handed them back to Clive, then just stood there.

Clive didn't smile, but his eyebrows lifted as he folded the jeans and put them away. Trenton was now totally naked. "No underwear? You surprise me, Trenton."

"I'm sorry, Master."

"Oh, no, I'm not displeased. Quite the contrary." He reached around Trenton with one hand and gently rubbed his right nipple. It stiffened even further. "It isn't often one finds a virgin with such marvelously slutty sensibilities."

Clive moved up behind Trenton, taking him in his arms, and Trent leaned back against him, his eyes drifting shut. He could feel the different textures: leather, suede, and the velvet of Clive's skin, as his soon-to-be lover shifted slightly. He felt Clive's lips against the nape of his neck as the other man murmured, "I hope you're well rested, love, because I'm going to wear you out."

His hands smoothed over the front of Trenton's torso, stroking his chest, sides, and abdomen. Clive never dipped any lower, but Trenton's cock started to rise even without direct stimulation. God, it was marvelous. He didn't have to do anything but experience, and this was how Clive wanted it, too.

He swayed when Clive stepped back, and opened his eyes to find the older man smiling at him softly in the mirror's reflection. "Go lie on the table, pet. On your belly, to start with."

Clive's special chair had been lowered and opened till it resembled nothing more than a padded massage table. It was covered with a large, white bath sheet. Trenton got on it, and Clive slipped a pillow under his chin, allowing him to fold his arms over it. He pulled a small wheeled table close to the platform, saying, "This will take a little while, Trenton." He stroked his hand down the boy's back. "You're going to have to be very patient, and very still. I'm going to be using this."

Trenton gasped when Clive opened the straight razor. It was five inches of gleaming, lethally sharp steel. Clive's voice was calming. "Don't be afraid, precious. I'm very good with this. If you're just a good boy, and very still and quiet, you won't get a scratch or a nick. But you have to trust me, Trenton. Do you trust me?"

Trenton swallowed. He knew that all he had to do was use his safe word, and Clive would stop. And Trenton would probably never get this opportunity again. The idea of that sharpened steel moving over his balls frightened him, but it aroused him, too. "I trust you, Master."

"Do you know your safe word?"

"Swan dive."

"Are you ready to begin?"

*Begin? Oh, man, I'm half-way there already.* "Please, Master."

Clive went to the sink, and returned with a basin of steaming water. He sponged down the backs of Trenton's legs, then applied shaving cream. Trenton didn't move, though it was cold. Then, at his ankle, he felt the first, light rasp of the razor. Clive made a long, smooth stroke, up to his knee. He wiped the foam on a towel, wet the razor, and repeated the process. Pausing, he ran a finger down the smooth trail he'd left in the foam. "Oh, yes," he purred. "You're coach is going to be very pleased, Trenton. You'll just cut through the water once I'm done with you." He gave a low chuckle. "If you have the energy left to swim."

Clive efficiently shaved the backs of Trenton's legs, all the way up to where the curve of his ass started. He was as good as his promise: Trenton felt the edge of the blade, but it never split or scraped the skin. When his legs were done, Clive sponged him down and dried him off, then stroked his back consideringly. "You don't need it here. Maybe later in life, but not now."

"Shall I turn over, Master?"

"Did I tell you to turn over?"

"No, sir. I beg pardon."

Clive slapped Trenton's ass. "I still have this to finish."

"Sir?" It came out as a squeak.

Clive parted Trenton's cheeks, running his fingers along the upper curves of the crease. "There isn't much here, but I intend to get it all. I'd really advise you to be calm now, Trent." It wasn't easy. The shaving cream wasn't any warmer. But the razor moved with the same precision, and soon the cleft of Trenton's ass was pristine. "Now you can turn over."

Trenton did. Clive was replacing the water with fresh. When he set the bowl on the table, Trenton saw that there was a massive erection straining at the fly of his pants. Clive noted his gaze, and smiled. "Yes, things are progressing nicely, but we don't want the festivities to end too soon, so I think precautionary measures are in order."

He went over to his 'toy cabinet', and pulled open a drawer, rummaging. He returned with what looked like a handful of thin leather straps with snaps at various points. He showed them to Trenton. "Have you ever seen one of these?"

Trent shook his head. "What are they?"

"These are one of the most sensible, practical inventions man has ever come up with--they're cock rings."

Trenton's mouth went dry. "What... what do you do with them?"

"I'll show you." Clive reached down and gripped Trenton's cock firmly. The boy moaned, and Clive said quickly, "Don't move, Trenton! I know you want to try to push into my hand, but don't!" The boy subsided. "Good. Now then." He wrapped one strap tightly around the base of Trenton's erect prick, snapping it in place. A second strap went down, then up, nestling between Trenton's balls, lifting and separating them, holding them snugly. Clive stroked Trenton's cock twice, then let it go. It didn't lie back flat. It hovered. "You see? The constriction will keep you from orgasm until it's released. You can stay hard for... oh, a long time. I don't think it's actually been measured. Possibly hours. Now..."

Clive pushed the other set of straps into Trenton's hands. He did something with snaps at his fly, and pulled away the crotch of the pants. His cock and balls were freed, while the rest of his clothing stayed in place. It was more erotic than anything Trenton could have imagined. Clive moved in close. "Put that on me." Trenton's hands were clumsy, shaking as he fastened the straps around Clive's erection, but the older man didn't complain. Trenton knew enough not to touch Clive any more than was necessary to do the job, then lay back. Clive stroked himself a couple of times. "Now, pet, we can proceed."

He shaved the front of Trent's legs with the same care, then his arms. After each section was done, it was sponged and dried. Trenton was getting the equivalent of a bath. He'd never felt so clean before. The absence of hair really made a difference. Plus, the newly de-nuded skin was incredibly sensitive.

Clive used a small pair of scissors to trim the hair in his pits before shaving them. "Too much drag on the razor, otherwise." Clean pits was a really weird sensation: he'd gotten used to the hair. Then Clive shaved his chest. Trenton watched as the blade skirted around the firm points of his nipples. They seemed to grow even harder as Clive progressed. Clive even shaved his belly. "Might as well be thorough, dear."

Then it was time. Clive got the nail scissors again, and leaned over his lower body. He laid a hand gently on Trenton's quivering abdomen. "Just relax, Trenton. I'm going to take good care of you." He caressed Trenton's straining prick, then his heavy balls. "I love you. I would never endanger you. I would never really hurt you."

"I know."

Clive slowly clipped away the pubes till there was only a quarter inch of stubble left. Trenton managed not to flinch this time when the cold shaving cream bathed his crotch, coating his balls. "I'm going to get the trickiest part out of the way first, so you can enjoy the rest of it." Clive started to shave his balls with minuscule, gentle strokes. Trenton couldn't watch this, and squeezed his eyes shut. "Almost done, pet. Just a little more. There, those are done. Now just the groin..." Clive finished it off neatly.

Trenton felt a warm cloth wiping away the last of the foam, and Clive said, "You can open your eyes now, baby." Trenton did, to find Clive smiling down at him. Clive leaned over to reward him with a deep kiss. "All done. You're as clean and sweet as a newborn baby. You were very, very brave, pet. Even Tuscon acts up more than you, and I use disposables on him, and he's used to it. Now, I need to get some oil on you, so your skin isn't irritated." He indicated two bottles on the table. "You have your choice: vanilla or honeysuckle?"

"Honeysuckle, please."

"Good choice. Stand up." Clive poured oil into his palm, and rubbed his hands together. "Face the wall, Trenton. I want you to watch this. Don't close your eyes." Starting at his ankles and working up, Clive worked the oil into Trenton's legs. Then he paused, getting more of the slippery fluid, and worked it into Trenton's upper body: chest, shoulders, arms, neck, belly. The area that would be covered by swim trunks, he studiously avoided.

As he was stroking Trenton's belly, the boy moaned. "Please, sir."

"What, boy?"

"Please touch me."

"I am touching you, Trent. But I suppose this is what you want." His greased hand engulfed Trenton's aching cock, stroking. Trenton whimpered, throwing his head back. He'd never been so engorged, and he felt super-sensitive. "Yes, it's very nice, isn't it? But there's so much more for you to experience." Clive pumped lazily, licking a trail across Trenton's shoulders "And it's the first time for you, for all of this. That makes it even more delicious. But it is time to begin getting you ready, my love. Bend forward a little and brace on the counter."

Clive went to the cabinet again. When he came back, he looked at the boy's expression, and smiled. "No, baby, I'm not going to fuck you yet. You want it though, don't you?" Trenton nodded. Clive hefted his cock, displaying it. "You want this in your ass?" A clear drop of precome glistened at the slit, and Clive spread it over the glans with his thumb, teasing himself.

"Please, sir." Trenton whispered.

"Soon, precious, soon. But I have to get you ready." He coated his fingers again with oil. "I want you to reach back, take hold of your buttocks, and spread them wide for me." Trenton obeyed, blushing hotly at being left so open before his lover's gaze.

"You're very beautiful, Trenton," Clive said quietly. Trent shivered as Clive stroked the length of his crack. "Who do you belong to?"

"You, Master. I belong to you." He gasped as Clive slowly slid one finger up inside him.

"It's going to ache some, Trent, but is there any real pain? You know what I mean. Are you all right?"

Trenton knew that Clive was referring to the injury he had gotten from Gervase. He wanted to be careful not to do anything like that. "Yes, sir. It does ache a little, but it feels so good."

"Mm, well, let's have some more of a good thing, then." Clive pressed a second finger in beside the first and pumped them gently, wiggling them to stretch the muscular little ring.

"Can I push, sir?"

"No, not yet. Wait." Clive held up something. "Another toy I expect you haven't encountered before." It was a short, conical hard rubber device, tapering from a two-and-a-half inch base to a rounded one inch tip. "It's called a butt plug."

"You... you're going to put that in me?"

"Oh, yes. It's only three inches. After all, Trent, you're planning on taking something much larger later on. This will just get you adjusted before I mount you." Trenton shivered. God, what it did to him, hearing Clive talk so calmly about all he had planned. "I'll insert this, and you'll hold it till I'm ready to fuck you. By then you'll be nicely opened, but still tight inside. No tearing, Trenton. Now, take a breath."

Trenton breathed deeply. He felt the plug nudge against his slightly stretched hole, then Clive pushed, working it in. It was thicker than the fingers he had used, and Trent whined a little. "Steady, boy, almost done. There, it's in." Trent's ass muscles started to clench around the alien invader, and Clive said, "Don't push, boy. It might work its way out."

Clive went back to the cabinet and returned with a couple of red silk scarves, which he draped over the end of the table before sitting on its edge and patting his lap. "Come put yourself over my knees, Trenton."

Trenton lowered himself across Clive's lap. He felt the smooth brush of Clive's suede shirt against his side, and the slick leather of his pants under his chest and thighs. Trenton's hard-on dangled between Clive's thighs, and Clive's own erection prodded slickly against Trenton's belly. Trent's breathing became ragged.

Clive stroked Trenton's back and ass. "I'm going to spank you now, Trent. You have to understand that this isn't a punishment. You haven't done anything wrong, pet. It's just part of my love-making. There will be some pain, but the feelings it raises are so special. Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir."

Clive gave Trenton's left buttock a small, brisk slap, then his right. It wasn't bad, just a tiny sting. Clive kept doing it, setting up a tingle in Trenton's flesh. Then the force increased. It started to really smart. "Look at yourself in the mirror, baby. See how pretty your ass is." Trenton saw that the skin of his butt was flushed a gentle pink, the blood drawn to the surface by the spanking.

Clive continued to spank, the force of his blows increasing till he was smacking Trenton with a sound like a ruler slapping on a flat surface. Trent's ass went from pale pink to rose. He was jounced each time Clive's palm landed. His cock swayed, bumping Clive's erection, and the inside of his thighs. Clive's prick stabbed at his belly. And the plug...

It was moving inside him. Every little motion he made, it would shift slightly. He felt like he was going to go insane. He wanted to come so badly that he couldn't stand it. He realized that he was crying, tears dribbling down his cheeks, but it felt so good.

"Please, sir," he sobbed. "Please fuck me. I need it."

"No, Trent. You just want it. In a minute or two, though, you're going to need it." He drew back and cracked Trenton's ass with all his might. Clive was a strong man. Trenton howled, and humped against him. Clive didn't try to stop him this time. He continued to rain full force blows on the wildly pumping ass, watching it turn a glowing red. Finally he stopped, grabbing Trenton's hips to still him. "Trenton! Calm down, baby!" Trenton sobbed, continuing to thrust. Clive grabbed a handful of his hair, roughly pulling his head up. "I said stop!"

Trenton went still except for an all over body tremble. His eyes met Clive's in the mirror, bright with tears and lust. "I'm sorry."

Clive released his grip on his hair, and stroked his back soothingly. "It's all right, pet. I understand. It's all so new to you. I'm going to take care of you, I promise. How do you want me to fuck you?"

"Any way you want, sir. I just want your cock inside me."

"That was the proper response. You really are a natural submissive, Trenton. I'm very lucky. Of course," he smiled. "You're lucky, too, because I'm a natural Dominant. Get up, and lie back on the table."

When Trent arose, Clive got up to clear his way. Trent lay down on the table, as instructed. Clive picked up the scarves. It was a measure of Trenton's trust that Paris, Gervase, and the other silk scarves never entered his mind.

Clive knotted a scarf around Trenton's right wrist, and secured it over his head to a ring set in the table's corner. Then he did the same with Trenton's left wrist. "Are they too tight, Trenton?"

"No sir."

"Do you need a drink of water? Get it now, because there'll be no stopping till this stage is done." Trenton nodded, and Clive brought him a glass of water, with a straw, holding it while he sipped. Clive finished off the last of the water himself before putting away the glass.

Then Clive went to the foot of the table, and lowered it even farther. He reached down, and began caressing Trenton's feet. "Did you know, you even have sexy feet? I suppose all that time in the water keeps them nice and soft." He worked his way up Trenton's legs, touching the backs of his knees. When he came to Trenton's thighs, he said, "Spread you legs wide." Trenton obeyed, and Clive knelt in the V. Trenton started shaking.

"Calm, baby, calm. We're almost there." Clive crooned, stroking his inner thighs sensuously "Lift your legs, and let me put them up on my shoulders." Trenton lifted. Clive grabbed his ankles, and settled his legs securely, then knee walked closer. Trenton rolled back onto his spine at the advance, and his ass was brought up into position.

Clive paused, stroking the glowing flesh of Trenton's butt gently. "Do you want me to use a condom, Trenton? I will, if you want me to, but I had myself checked over when we got back. I'm clean, and I know you are."

"No, please, sir. I want to really feel you."

"Oh, you'll feel me, Trenton. You'll feel me."

Clive gripped the butt plug, and eased it out of Trenton. The boy groaned softly, a little from pain, but mostly from a sense of loss. Clive massaged his own cock with his greased hands, then prodded Trenton's relaxed, slightly open hole experimentally. The boy moaned, and tried to push onto his finger. "Nice and slick. Good." He unsnapped his cock ring with a groan of relief. "Now. I'm going to fuck you into next week."

Trenton felt a hot, smooth nudge at his back passage, then Clive slid into him. The boy moaned as the massive prick slowly pressed the tight walls of his channel apart, delving into him. "So big," he moaned.

"Do you need me to stop, Trent?" Clive paused. "Do you need to use your safe word?"

"No." Trenton tried to push up and capture more of Clive's prick. "More."

"Thank God, darling. I would have exploded." Clive pushed harder. "More, yes, baby. All of it. Take all of it." Trenton's breath was hitching when Clive finally came to rest, completely embedded in his body. His knees were pressed up almost to his shoulders. "Wait. Get used to it, precious."

He stayed over Trenton, looking down into those beautiful jade green eyes, seeing the heat and need, and love. Yes, love. Not the slavish adoration he sometimes got from his submissives, but something deep and sweet. "Oh, God, baby." he murmured.

"I love you, Clive."

Clive moaned, pressing a kiss to Trenton's leg, and started to fuck him. He moved slowly at first, drawing back till he was almost out of him before sliding all the way back in. Trenton undulated beneath him, easily finding his rhythm. After a couple of minutes, Clive edged even farther forward, tilting Trenton's pelvis at a slightly different angle.

His cock head passed over Trenton's prostate at the next thrust, and the boy arched, crying out his pleasure. Once he had the angle, Clive hit it again and again, increasing the speed and power of his thrusts.

Trenton shook his head, in a sexual daze as the waves of heat and ecstasy passed over him, radiating from his cock and his ass to bathe his entire being. He was going to blow apart at any minute. "Please, Master. I want to come. Please."

"All right, Trenton." Clive unstrapped the boy's cock ring, and Trenton almost screamed with relief. It had become a pleasure/pain during the last few minutes. Clive's still slippery hands gripped his swollen, hot flesh, stroking firmly. "Come for me, precious."

Trenton couldn't hold it back any longer. "Clive! Master..." It started as a shout, as he bucked up, his spunk exploding in a white hot gush. It died to a mewling whimper as he jerked, and Clive milked the last of the sperm from him. "Master," he moaned. "You, too. You come, too." He bore down with his aching ass muscles, squeezing the dick that was slamming in and out of him.

Clive stiffened at the sudden rippling of untrained, but strong, muscles. "Fuck!" He rammed into the boy so hard that he bent his knees up around his ears, then continued with short, brutal strokes that drew grunts from his partner. Then he came, flooding the tight back passage with his semen.

As he held himself there, trembling and catching his breath, Trenton craned his neck. He couldn't quite reach to kiss Clive, but he managed to lick his chin, whimpering softly. Clive laughed, and careful lowered the boy's legs, pulling free of his body. He reached up and untied each of Trenton's arms, pulling them down and massaging his wrists.

Still lying on Trenton, he whispered. "Scene's over, little boy. Did you have fun?"

Trenton replied by putting his hands on either side of Clive's face and kissing him deeply. "I think I've been pretty much spoiled for anyone else."

"I should hope so." Clive sat up, and pulled Trenton up till he had the boy sitting on his lap. Trenton cuddled against him, his arms around Clive's neck, and his head on his shoulder. Clive stroked his back, his hair. They just sat quietly for a long time. Finally Clive said, "I've never had anyone be so open and generous, Trent. I love you, too."

Trent rubbed his cheek against Clive's. "I'm glad you waited to say it. I think it's easy to say it when you're having sex, but harder when you're just... together." He pulled his head back, saying anxiously. "But I meant it when I said it."

"I know you did, precious. I've known it for some time. This is just the first time either of us actually put it into words. It isn't all that easy for me. I've told plenty of people I desire them, I want them, even that I care about them. But I never said I love you. Not till now."

He cupped Trenton's face, gazing into his eyes. "This won't be a stroll in the park, Trent. Our group is pretty liberal, and your Mom doesn't have any problems with this, bless her. But you have to realize that there will be people out there who will say nasty things, hurtful thing. About both of us, but mostly about me, because they'll see me as taking advantage of you."

"They're wrong!" Trent burst out. "I want you, Clive."

"I know, lamb. But I'm more than twice your age, and I'm a Dom. Some automatically see us as users. I just want you to know what you're getting into."

Trenton sat up a little straighter, grabbing Clive's face again. His voice was firm. "I've had three years to think about this, Clive. How many teenagers do you know who can concentrate and plan and work for anything for that long?"

Clive bit his lip, smiling. "Not a hell of a lot."

Trenton nodded. "I'm not backing out. You'll have to kick my butt out to get rid of me. And if you did, I think I'd do something soppy like hang around and moon over you."

Clive rolled his eyes. "God, we can't have that."

"Then you'll have to keep me."

Clive smiled, tightening his hold on the boy in his arms, and kissed him softly. "Yes," he murmured. "I guess I'll have to keep you."

The End

Clive wants you to write.  I'd listen.  He has a strap.
Clean Sweep, Part Nineteen
Clive wants you to write.  I'd listen.  He has a strap.