June 2001


I call you my overcomers, says the Lord, for you are my overcomers in this hour, stepping into a new land, with a new song in your hearts.  You are blessed in this hour, for in this hour, I have brought you to the place where you have been given the opportunity to overcome all that tried to stop you from pressing through to the other side.  To those who have just come through these times, I give you a song to sing as you come into the promised land, which I give to you, to take for your possession in this hour.  It is the kingdoms of the king, I hand it to you, and with it the scepter, which gives you divine authority and power to rule the kingdoms of the king in this hour. For you have overcome in this hour.  This is the song of the overcomer in this hour. 

The song which was sung on the lips of those who have just come through as overcomers was the song of praise which they sang as they pressed through the wilderness to the other side.  Rejoice, my overcomers, for this is the day to rejoice, and dance and sing before me as I bring you up to the top of the mountain of Zion.  For you have been faithful to press through until you have gone through to the other side.  You have not given up in the face of adversity, nor grumbled and complained before me, about what you faced. 'Because you have rejoiced in all that you have faced, and have been faithful to not seek your own will and purposes in this hour, I will bless you mightily in this hour.  Your song will be the song of Zion, for I will bless you beyond measure for your hearts have been pure and holy before me, and you have pressed through the hard places in the wilderness and not complained, nor grumbled in the hard pressings which I allowed.  You have rejoiced and sang the song of the overcomer  which is the new song of my third day in this hour.  For it is those who have not sought their own glory, nor positions, nor merit before men, who I will exalt in this day. Because they have not desired it, nor sought after it, I will give it to them.  Because they have done a good work unto me, I will bless them more than they could have ever imagined.  I am exalting the meek and humble in this hour, for their hearts have been before me seeking my face, and my will and desires and purposes in this time.  Because they have sought that which is good before me, I will bless them greatly.

Out of the sea of sufferings and trials has been birthed a new song from this 3rd day, a song of triumph, a song of the overcomers, for they have overcome in this hour.  Out of the death is birthed life, resurrection life that I will fill those who have come through this time.   

For by obedience and submission at the cross, death was overcome.  Is it not the same today?    Through the death of self, and all flesh, if you will overcome you will be come through to the promised land, which is the resurrection glory. I will fill you up and you will rise up in this last hour, for you shall be called the overcomers.

 For many of you, even now have come through the sifting time, that I have been doing in you.  For I am burning out that which is not of me in you, and sifting it, and blowing away the chaff with the winds of my Holy Spirit. This is the hour of purifying my holy vessels for how can you enter into my presence, without being purged and made clean?  It is a time of purifying, of being made holy in this hour, so you may enter into a place where my presence dwells. For no flesh can stand in my holy presence. For out of the death of self, I have birthed life, once again, for this new day.  For my remnant shall be called the overcomers, they have overcome in this 3rd day, for such a time as this.  I am raising them up as one child, in this 3rd day, in my glory as manifested sons & daughters of my glory for this appointed hour and time. 

 I am taking those who have allowed themselves to settle into the comfort zones in me, to be removed out of those places in this hour. To be pressed into the hard places until they can come into this place, also.  For there is no victory in comfort, nor can life be birthed out of such a place as that.  I am bringing, many now, into this new place, now, a new beginning. To seek me in the higher ground.  Do not let the seeds of apathy take root in your hearts, but press in until you go higher in me. Let me set a fire in each of you, to seek more of me.  This a new time, and new beginning, which I am bringing you into.  Seek me and press in, until you press into that higher ground where I dwell. I want to raise you up into my glory in this third day, bring you into the place where you will enter into the resurrection life of my glory, for my purposes to be birthed and fulfilled in you and through you in this earth. 

 Out of despair, and the trials and sufferings, I have birthed life.  I have birthed a new man, a troop of overcomers who are marching to a different beat, to another song, the song of praise springs forth out of their hearts and out of their lips they sing the song of praise to me as they press through the wilderness through to the other side.   Joy and gladness fill their hearts to overflow in the river of joy, with the song of Zion bubbling out of their hearts,  as they dance and leap and jump as they enter the promised land, up to the top of the mountain where his presence dwells.  It is this song that they sing that is birthed out of their hearts that comes up from the earth to me, as one heart and one mind in the unity of the spirit.

Vessels of Holiness and Purity 


Only those who have surrendered unto me in this hour, and have allowed me to do a complete work in each of their hearts will be able to enter into this new work of mine in this hour.  I am bringing those who desire me more than their own fleshly desires into this time of cleansing and purifying.

 Seek me my beloved ones, seek my face with total desire, and I will bring you into the Holy Place, the secret place where I dwell.  For it in this place, where I dwell, where my presence, fills the tabernacle with my presence, where my holiness and purity fills this place with the fullness of my presence. 

 I am bringing many of you  through the burning fires which will burn out the impurities which are still in you and I will purify you as you I bring you through the cleansing fires. 

 For only that which is holy and pure can stand in my presence.  So you must be cleansed before entering into this place of purity where I dwell, where my presence fills the inner chambers of the Holy Place.   

 I am separating all that is unpure and unholy from amongst you.  I am causing this separation to occur because I will not allow the unpure to pollute the purity of my work in my vessels in this hour.  For you will truly be my vessels of holiness and purity, filled to overflowing with my glory, for my purposes and will to come to pass in this hour.

Many of you will not understand what I am doing in this hour, and you will try to hold on that which I am separating from you.   But I say to all of my children, will you willingly give up all that you have held on to from your past to come into this new place in me?   You must be willingly and totally desire to give up all your idols to come into this 3rd day work in this hour.  Not because you have to, but because you want to. Because you want to please me more than anything that you hold close to you heart that is before me and you.   You must desire to willingly give up everything, as a living sacrifice to me, because you love me more than any earthly possession you have, to come into this place now.  

I am doing a work of sifting and of separating the wheat from the chaff.  The winds of the spirit are blowing and separating the wheat from the chaff, after it is burnt.

 My children must come unto me so I may cleanse them and purify them with the consuming fire.  Then, as each of my children are consumed in the Holy Fire, then the chaff can be separated from the wheat as it is the consuming fires sweep over them.  Then as the winds of the spirit blow, the wheat will be separated from the chaff in this hour, for my purposes and will, for this appointed time, as I have predestined it to be.  

How can I fill  you with this new oil from heaven in this 3rd day work, if you have held back part of your heart offerings to me?    So come before me, and let me do a complete work in each of you.  Hold back nothing from me.  I desire that my children will be willing sacrifices of love to me in this last hour.   Only those who will walk in this place, according to the spirit of truth, will know my voice in this last hour.  For you will be called mine, and I will be in each of you, and you in me, for you will know me and you will hear my voice in this last hour.

Shaking the Very Foundations of the Earth


I am purging my land of all that has polluted it, over the earth.  For I am washing the earth in many places now, with my cleansing waters. I am shaking the very foundations of my earth, in this hour.  For the kingdoms of the earth, will not prevail in this hour, for I am the All Mighty I Am, and there is none that over me.
I am bringing flooding the earth with my cleansing waters now, which have been polluted by the sins of the people who have inhabited it.  I bringing forth fires over the earth, to cleanse and purify the places that I want cleansed with my holy fires.   I am doing this both in the spiritual realm, as well as in the physical realm.  
In the physical realm, I am bringing these signs to the earth for all to see that they have no power in themselves. But I am in charge, and will pour out the judgments upon the earth, as I see fit, for my purposes and will to come forth out of these things.  For the earth is mine says the Lord, and no power, principality, king, or person, will have power over that which is mine, in this hour.  I shall pour out my work and wrath over the earth, as I will, to birth life out out of death, as it has been in times past. For out of the death and destruction, will be birthed life in this hour, in those who will come forth to be saved in this time.
In this hour, I am allowing the cup of indignation and fornication to be filled to overflowing, so that they will receive all that they have drunk from in their time and hour.  
I am unleashing signs upon the earth, now, as has never been seen before this hour.  To bring men to repentance, to their faces, to repent of their evil deeds, and to come into the place that I have for them, which is eternal life.  For the righteous ones, these signs being poured over the earth, will not move them out of their place of peace. They will know that these things are necessary to bring men to repentance.   It will be a sign to them that the time draweth near to the end. 
For I am shaking the very foundations of the earth in this hour, to shake the very kingdoms of the earth off their thrones in this hour, spiritually and physically.  In this very hour, the very people of the earth who do not know me, will tremble in fear of what is being done among them.  For this is an evil time, where men's hearts will be risen up inside of them, rising up in self and thinking that they can control even the very atmosphere around them through their wick knowledge.  Yet out of this wicked and perverse age, will come those who I have already foreordained for my kingdom, called to be sons and daughters of mine. 
So, I say to my children, prepare your hearts now.  For you will be a testimony to the earth, in the midst of these disasters, and many will come to you to seek answers in this hour. They will see your peace, and the glory of mine upon your faces, and will be drawn to your peace, which will be the rock that is in your heart, that keeps you stayed in the midst of the raging storms.  
Out of these shakings, and rumblings, and signs that I am performing in the earth, will come many. For they shall see my glory upon your faces, and your peace, which is my peace in this hour, which will be sign unto them, and will attract those who are called to be mine in this hour. 
Remember, my little ones, you are my living epistles read by all men.  They will know you by the light that will shine from you, and from the peace that will be in you and around you, in the midst of calamity.  For my children will not have fear in the midst of the storms, but they will be perfect peace, though the mountains shake around them, and the earth beneath their feet, rumble and shake, and be removed, and the very windows of heaven pour out the very waters of the deep, upon the earth in this hour.   My children are known by their peace in this hour, for they dwell in the peace of Zion, which is their name in this hour.  For I am their peace, and I am their very foundation stone, their rock beneath their feet, on which they stand, which keeps their feet on solid ground in the midst of the storms which rage about them.  I am the plumb bob of their hearts, for they are centered in me, and they cannot be moved out of this place.  These ones will be those who bring many into my kingdom in the last hour.  They dwell in me, and I in them, for they are mine, and I am there's.  Set apart for this hour, for such a time as this.

The Joshua Generation of Overcomers


As the Father came to me this night, He said to me, I am calling forth a generation of Joshua's in this hour, to overcome and take possession of the promised land.  For it is the hour in which you shall take possession of the land that I have promised to you, my overcomers.  Be not afraid, but walk in victory to take possession of all that I promised to you in this hour.
It is the hour of victory and I say to each of you, my beloved, "Do not be afraid-- for the land is already yours.  You only have to go in and take the spoils."
For out of adversity, calamity and trials, you have overcome in this hour.  And you were made strong in all that you overcame, and each trial you faced made you stronger as each of you traveled through the wilderness of the desert.  And to you it is given in this hour, all that I have promised, to bring forth my work in this hour, in all the places I take you from this day forward.
Go forth and take possession of the promised land in this hour, the land flows with milk and honey, and I have given it into your hand for this hour.  For you who have faced the giants in the land is to whom the victory is given in this hour. So rejoice, and blow the trumpets on Zion, my Joshua's and Caleb's as you march into that which I have for you to possess.  Rejoice that I have given to you all things of the kingdom in this hour.