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Magick FAQ!

Q: What is magick?
A: Magick is the ability to make things happen, though focusing your energy though praying and using elaborate ingredients that symbolizes your intentions

Q: How does Magick work?
A: You focus your energy and thoughts into the spell. and in return perhaps your prayer will be heard by the spirits above

Q: What’s good and bad about magick?
A: This is a difficult one based on ones own observations. Me however I believe that Love spells are bad because it controls ones mind to make them think you love them, this in turn is taking advantage of them for example.

Q: Why does magick seem to be evil by one God religions?
A: Believe it or not but one god religions have magick as well. They just call them Mericals. This is basically the same thing as magick. Magick seems to be evil to them however because we do not see eye to eye or God to God in this case.

Q: Are all Pagans Wiccan?
A: No not all Pagans are Wiccan. In fact there are many religions in Paganism. Examples Shinto Buddhism nature religions, such as the Celtics of Europe, and the ancients
Romans and Greek Gods and Goddess. Side note Wicca is actually a pretty new religion it just has old customs and Gods and goddess it was created around the 1950s.

Q: Are Males into Witchcraft called warlocks?
A: No most Witch’s consider male to be Witch’s. Witch’s them self only use warlock for some one who has broken from a coven giving its meaning oath breaker. Most who use warlock for a male are non believers, and Hollywood movies