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My Bio

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Name: James Lavon Champion
Code: Zephyrus Wind walker

Age: 21
Height: 5 foot 7 inch = 168 Cm
Weight: 150 lbs = 68 Kg
Eyes: Blue / part hazel
Hair: Brown
Sign Element: Fire
Element: Wind
Color: Orange, Indigo
Element: Fire / Wind
Rank: Self Proclaimed Priesthood
Zodiac Signs:
Leo the Lion good side Generous and warmhearted Creative and enthusiastic Broad-minded and expansive Faithful and loving Loyal Bad side Pompous and patronizing Bossy and interfering Dogmatic and intolerant
The Ox People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat
Birth Star: Ashlesha (The Serpent) Business-oriented, greedy, stubborn nature, opinionated, mystic, intuitive, good communication skills, erratic career, unpredictable, deceptive and evasive.
Birthstone: Peridot
Elemental Colors: Gold, Red
Favorite Color: Green and Orange
Favorite Holiday: Lughnassadh August 1st
Celtic Tree: Hazel
Wands made of this wood symbolize white magick and healing. Forked sticks are used to find water or buried treasure. If outside and in need of maigckal protection quickly draw a circle around yourself with a hazel branch. To enlist the aid of plant fairies, string hazelnuts on a cord and hang up in your house or ritual room. Magically, hazel wood is used to gain knowledge, wisdom and poetic inspiration.

My Gods: BISHAMON God of happiness and war, a strange combination. Bishamon protects men from disease and demons. Bishamon was often portrayed wearing a wheel of fire like a halo, which some see as the Wheel of Fate. CERNUNNOS Horned god of virility. Cernunnos wears the torc (neck-ring) and is ever in the company of a ram-headed serpent and a stag. Extremely popular among the Celts, the Druids encouraged the worship of Cernunnos, attempting to replace the plethora of local deities and spirits with a national religion. The Celts were so enamored of Cernunnos that his cult was a serious obstacle to the spread of Christianity. Lugh a sun god and a hero god, young, strong, radiant with hair of gold, master of all arts, skills and crafts.
Personal Interests and Information
Talents/Skills: The Arts, Cooking, Singing, Magick Predicting Card or Rune Reading
Eye Color: Blue (right is part hazel)
Hair Color: Dark brown
Favorite Food: Miso Ramen, Sushi, Jaeger Schnitzel Smoothie’s
Glasses or contact lenses? Contacts
Skin color: peach with red tint
Shape of Face: Rounded
Distinguishing features: Accident Prone
Dress: Bright colors something different every day / but bright some times strange or exotic Habits: Drinking to much soda, cooking more then I need
Health: Fair (depending on accident prone or not.) Hobbies: Drawing, Poems, watching Anime and Foamy, Chatting with online friends roaming the web.
Favorite Sayings: Why put off tomorrow what you can accomplish today
Speech patterns: very fast people often tell me to slow down (animated sweat drop)
Disabilities: Need a Calculator in Math
Style: whatever style I want to be.
Greatest flaw: Spelling
Best quality: Absorbing rear useful knowledge
Educational Background: High School Diploma Starting College
Intelligence Level: Highly developed in many areas
Learning Experiences: Lived in Germany 1986 - 1989
Favorite Subject: Science, Middle / Ancient History, Art, Astronomy, Astrology
What most embarrasses me? Being naked.
Name Meaning
James: One who supplants.
Lavon: White
Champion: Warrior of the King
Family Shield: Silver with Red X Peace and sincerity, Warrior
Price: Family Shield:
Birth number: 8
Magick Number: 6
Souls Urge Number: 2 You secretly long for peace, tranquility and harmony. You want quiet and an absence of conflict you just don't Understand why everyone can't get along.
Personality Number: 4
Master number: 22/4 You are a builder. You build solid relationships, interesting and productive careers, and loving and stable homes. Like the number nine, you have a strong humanitarian streak and long to make the world a better place. You have a remarkable ability to understand the motives behind most of our behaviors and an instinctive understanding of the human condition. Because of this, you may become cynical, seeing people as all evil or all good, unable to realize that there are many shades of grey between black and white. Your hard work, however, if seasoned with patience and balance will inevitably pay off.
Life Path Number: 3 Your life path is one of exuberance, spontaneity, joy and inspiration. However, you must learn reliability and responsibility, growing to respect others through honesty and kindness. In other words, try and curb that blunt tongue of yours!
Birthday Number: 7 You will be seeking solitude and answers to serious questions. Try not to completely withdraw from those around you.
Maturity Number: 7 You will find yourself spending much of your time in contemplative thought, reading, writing and delving deep within your own mind. You will not be alone, however; people will find you very interesting.
Birth name number: 8 The Number Eight is one of the most powerful numbers in numerology. People with the number eight in their charts are born for achievement, success and leadership. They thrive on rising through a hierarchal organization and manipulating those working alongside of them to become part of their own vessel. They love money and grandeur and may stop at nothing to achieve their desired success.

Personality Tests who am I

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