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The Magickal Dojo
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Here the voice upon the wind The earth does speak to you now and then Inside the circle is a different world Thou must cast to change your realm Be with harmony, elements and the stars above Do as you want as long as it harm’s none Keep close those who are special to you And love the enemies who are in pursuit Challenge the events that may come To rise again in the next days sun The world is full of many places Learn them well and keep them safe Make sure your spirit and heart are light and pure Don’t speak ill of others and keep your words good to hear Always learn and fairly give Seldom take and always share Heed these words and long thou shall live Until the earth you meet once again

Poem Written By: Zephyrus Wind Walker

Hello welcome to my Dojo for those who are intrested in learning the arts of magick including summoning spirits, Creating spell for your own or others needs, and many other areas pretaining to magick. I hope you find my shrine useful. If you have any ideas or spells you would like for me to post e-mail me Please do note that spells do not always work for they are more like Prayers to be heard.


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