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Basic's of Spell Casting

Spells 101

So you want to learn how the Arts of Magick work right? Well you cant start off with Abra Kadabra Alakazam, magick doesnt work quite like that of which it does in hollywood movies, however many people think this though its incorrect. When starting with magick you should think of the spells porpous and the elements pertaining to the spell, the out come and the energy and effort put into it to grant your self sucess. Okay your thinking yeah right why not just wave a wand and it happens. Well when you do a magick spell your putting your energy into a prayer so basicaly its more of you making it happen rather then it magicaly appering it is more of a form of praying actualy much like the Christans praying at chruch, only we add a few extra touches to it to make it more meaning full then just asking for forgiveness.

When Creating a spell you normaly have a intention or reason for doing it, which is clearly stated in a chant.

Next step is to pick out what elements pertain to the spell. Such as if you would like to use the elements earth air fire water, corisponding planets or colors, numbers or herbs and what not.

Third is making a reversal of the spell to correct your mistake if something goes worng. A back door so to speak. Normaly this is done by stating the reverse and useing reverse elements that you used in the orignal spell, and saying something such as and now the spell is fixed insted of done. This is a sure way to make sure nothing goes worng. Desgin a Alter!
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