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Miscellaneous Thoughts (a.k.a. The Ranting Corner)
Thursday, 16 September 2004
Is Anyone Really Surprised By This Anymore? No? Okay, Then.
Now Playing: I Can't Say No - Oklahoma!
From the Center for American Progress:

VALID VOTERS STRUCK FROM ROLLS: Florida is one of only seven states in the union which denies former felons the right to vote, even after they've completed their sentences. In 2000, the state hired an outside contractor to implement a "felon list." Riddled with errors, this list struck thousands of innocent voters from the rolls.

Lessons have not been learned. This past May, the Florida Division of Elections quietly distributed a brand-new purge list for the upcoming election. The outgoing head of the division, Ed Kast, sent a memo to election supervisors on May 12, 2004, detailing how to keep the list out of the hands of advocacy groups that wanted to double check the names, "citing statutes about the privacy of voter registration information and the will of the legislature ? even though nothing in the law prevents the same information from going to political candidates to further their campaigns." Later that month, after CNN filed suit to gain access to the rolls, they found the new list wrongly included thousands of eligible voters and "heavily targeted African-Americans ? who traditionally vote Democrat ? while "virtually ignoring Hispanic voters" ? who, in Florida, are often more likely to check the box next to GOP names.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 12:46 PM EDT
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Friday, 17 September 2004 - 10:13 AM EDT

Name: Savvybeast
Home Page: http://Savvy Thoughts

Scary stuff. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it, which is what appears to be happening here. Perhaps all of the hurricane activity is a sign from the gods?


Saturday, 18 September 2004 - 9:24 AM EDT

Name: james

Do you sometimes get the feeling that what the Republicans really want is a Taliban-style government to run the United States? Think about it--they despise sexuality in popular culture but have no problem with violence; they advocate universal gun ownership; and they claim to be deeply religious, want religious education in schools, and interpret the Bible as encouraging militancy, intolerance and acquiescence to authority, just as the Islamic fundamentalists interpret the Koran. For all of Bush's platitudes about "freedom", it's obvious that most of his supporters have no real understanding of the concept, and would happily trash the Constitution in favor of a system that promotes the perpetuation of a society of white Bible-thumpers. I remember after 9/11 there were people saying that elections were a luxury we could no longer afford. I'm really concerned that this country is turning into the Soviet Union, and that the gulag is just around the corner.

Tuesday, 21 September 2004 - 3:00 PM EDT

Name: A.D.Sicks
Home Page:

Of course Kerry will win the upcomming election! After all, Gore won the last one. The real question is will the current Republican regime allow the people of the United States to resume control of our country? I think the Government is currently being run by the Haliburton Cartel. Why do you think the war in Iraq is taking so long? We haven't blown enough stuff up for Haliburton to fix. They hold the majority of the contracts for Iraq's reconstruction. Also, Comming to a protected nature reserve near you -- Oil rigs. We gotta suck every last drop outta nature. Look around. How many gas stations do you see. How much plastic do ya see? Iraq is pretty benign compared to North Korea. Where are all of the weapons of mass destruction? Oh yeah, we had some bungled reports about that. However, just last weekend there was news of a suspected nuclear blast in North Korea. Secretary Powell denied that the blasts were nuclear but what can't be denied is the fact that in 1998, North Korea lanched a multi stage rocket and blew it up over Japan -- a rocket capable of delivering a Nuclear Warhead to the West Coast of the US. North Korea has labs to build nuclear wepons with multiple reactors. North Korea left the current round of peace talks threatening to do a nuclear weapons test. By the way, the crater for the blast left a crater that was visible from satilite. I dunno, maybe it was just swamp gas. Now if you're a minority and a democrat, we have our way of barring you to vote. We can't charge you a poll tax anymore, but what we can do is accidentally purge you from the voter rolls. What next? Manitory anti=psycotic medication for Democrats? Think I'm kidding? And with all this said, I still feel that the Democrats are the lesser of two evils. I'll leave everyone with these questions to think about and talk with amongst you friends out here in cyberspace. Who is using the two major parties in our country to wage a war for control of our government right under our noses? If our leaders are sworn to uphold the constitution of America, then why do the primary issues amongst canidates seem to be bickering over what parts of the constitution we want to demolish? Why don't some of the leaders who say they take a stand for the constitution really stand up for it and make the Libertarian party in to something other than a none of the above type vote?

Make love not war...everytime you do you piss off the Man.

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 12:02 AM EDT

Name: Mista
Home Page:

re: "By the way, the crater for the blast left a crater that was visible from satilite. I dunno, maybe it was just swamp gas."

The blasts in Korea were from a construction project, building a hydro-electric dam or something, the Korean gov gave tours a few days after it was reported in the media. One of them was a large blast, reportedly produced a 3.2 quake, can see how it could be mistaken for a nuke test...


Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 10:56 PM EDT

Name: james

I don't want to hear any more about "the lesser of two evils." Democracy has never been about voting for the perfect candidate--it's about keeping tyrants from coming into power. In other words, you vote for the person who most respects the democratic process, then you constantly lobby and petition them once they're in office. That's what participatory democracy means. Now go vote for Kerry, demand that everyone in your sphere does likewise, and stop whining before they figure out a way to arrest you for it.

Wednesday, 22 September 2004 - 10:58 PM EDT

Name: james

I don't want to hear any more about "the lesser of two evils." Democracy has never been about voting for the perfect candidate--it's about keeping tyrants from coming into power. In other words, you vote for the person who most respects the democratic process, then you constantly lobby and petition them once they're in office. That's what participatory democracy means. Now go vote for Kerry, demand that everyone in your sphere does likewise, and stop whining before they figure out a way to arrest you for it.

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