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Miscellaneous Thoughts (a.k.a. The Ranting Corner)
Thursday, 10 June 2004
Deep Breath
Okay, now that all the wedding nonsense is over I have to deal with the repercussions. The main repercussion is the name-change. I?m getting a new last name and that means my business cards have to change, my work email, my personal email, my social security card, my driver?s license, my insurance paperwork, my bank information, and all the other legal representations of my person. God, it?s a drag.

In other news we are now gearing up for the trip out to MN. My parents want to have a party for us so at the end of the month we?re driving out to spend a few days there and participate in the celebration on their end. Also, to the delight of both sets of parents, we?ll be getting our marriage recognized by the Church. Woo hoo!

On the work front things couldn?t be busier. I can?t believe how fast the days go by. I have a dinner tonight and things to coordinate for next week, meetings up the wazoo (yes, I said wazoo), and in general, places to go, people to see. It?s been really fun up to this point and I hope it continues to be fun. I put on a suit every morning and for the first time in my life pay attention to my make-up, hair and nails. Probably at some point the novelty will wear off but until then it?s like playing dress up but only in real life.

And in the body arena my gym membership is up in 18 days. I hate going and I would absolutely not go at all if I could find a running partner but until then I use it mainly for two classes a week. Well, three if you count the Yoga on Mondays that I always miss due to work-related events. It?s ridiculously expensive and I think it?s probably more cost-effective to just drop out but if I drop will I stop working out altogether? Probably. Ugh.

See, this is what happens when I commit to daily entries without really having anything to say.

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 4:01 PM EDT
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Thursday, 10 June 2004 - 9:45 PM EDT

Name: Beth

New last name? Now that's a little wierd-ish. You have to change your email, etc. as well? G
Ha! I run. Maybe if I run far enough I'll literally run into you. Uh... nothing like going for a run across New Jersey. ;-)

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