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Miscellaneous Thoughts (a.k.a. The Ranting Corner)
Thursday, 21 July 2005
Now Playing: Jack FM
My good friend Kristen, who has known me since Kindergarten with Mrs. Hubert (a woman no Kindergartener ever messed with) recently told me that this is more politics than me lately, and requested an update on life as I know it.

The problem is that when things are going well, I don’t complain much and lately things have been…well, pretty good. My job is both interesting and challenging, and while there are bad days there are lots of good days, too. I didn’t think I’d enjoy doing anything other than history but I guess I was wrong.

Also, the husband has been moving up in the world. This spring he scaled back his hours and started looking for something else and it turned out to be perfect timing. The State of New Jersey recruited him to work for them doing just about the same thing, still part time but with the option of increasing his hours.

We’re living on the second floor of a two-family house in a suburb of New York and while it’s kind of cramped we have no plans to move. We’ve been here four years and we pretty much love it. The attic is finished and that’s where we keep the desk and computer, a second TV with a VCR and PlayStation, and the futon. It’s like a mini dorm room so whenever we want to revert back to college we just hunker down up here and veg out. It’s pretty cool. Plus the rent is ridiculously good compared to other places around here. If and when the bubble bursts in the real estate market, that’s when we’ll scoop of a house, but for now things are fine.

The only bad thing is the parking situation. Because we’re renters we don’t actually get to use the driveway so we have to take our chances with what’s available on the street. That can bite.

So that’s it, I think. We work, we play, we hang out with friends (I saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants last weekend. Awww, yeah.), it’s a life.

Recently I started volunteering at a local nursing home (only one Sunday a month, I’m no hero) and holy crap are these people hilarious. I was assigned to a table to help two residents play bingo and the man was doing a pretty okay job but the woman was putting the chips (they use poker chips) on all of her squares. And I’m like, well, who am I to correct her? She wants to fill her card with chips, that’s totally her call. But I’m keeping an eye on her, too, because I don’t want her to suddenly accuse me of slacking off (in the back of my head I wondered if it was a test and at any moment she’d stand up, point her bony finger at me and shriek, “You have no idea what you’re doing!”). But she didn’t. What she did do when we made eye contact and I lifted my brows at her nearly filled card was cackle softly at me and wiggle her own eyebrows as if to say, “I’m doing something naughty! And nobody knows! Mwahahahahaha!”

I’ve been seeing some good movies lately, too. We watched the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, which wasn’t as good as The Royal Tennenbaums or Rushmore. Also, I was recently gravely disappointed by Clive Owen. We saw that movie King Arthur and since Clive is seriously dreamy I decided to give another of his movies a go. Beyond Borders was my pick because it was the only one I hadn’t already seen that seemed at all interesting. When it climaxed I screamed at the TV “WTF is that!” So you’ve been warned. Don’t watch if you want a happy ending.

One last thing. I finally let my dentist outfit me with a bite-guard and let me tell you, I’m red hott (quick question: when the hell did we start adding a ‘t’ to this word? When?!). It’s definitely mitigated the grinding of my teeth, but I can’t completely close my mouth so the drool factor has skyrocketed. Sexy!

Posted by freak2/katertot0208 at 9:21 PM EDT
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Friday, 22 July 2005 - 1:50 PM EDT

Name: Kristen

omg- I got a mention! :) I'm cool and on the internet now! It is good to read that your life is going well. We will definitely need updates on the nursing home volunteer job. I sense a potential gold mine of comedy. And of course when the fall tv season starts there will be that.
It's good for me to read your political stuff because honestly it's not something I really pay attention to. And it's not because I don't care, but more because it's way too depressing. I truly believe that choosing our leaders is a search for the lesser of two evils. Any politician who is above a very low level of government is a master of the shell game. The very nature of the beast weeds out the truly honest people. It's like gymnastics. A chubby kid can certainly take a tumbling class. But have you ever seen a fat Olympian? The day I trust a politician is the day a fat guy wins the Olympic gold in the Parallel Bars.
And just for old times sake: "How many eyes do I see? How many eyes are looking at me?" Yeah. Rock on, Mrs. Hubert.

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