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April 15, 2001

Wow, I'm here! I'm reeeeally sorry for the lack of updates, but I haven't been able to get online much. Hopefully now things will change. I'm sorry to all of you who wrote who didn't get a response, I have way too much e-mail to get back to everybody, but keep them coming. Now that I'm back I can check it daily again and get caught up. Thanks sooo much to everyone who wrote me, though I didn't write back I read all of your comments, and I really appreciate the feedback. Now, on to the updates! I added an Awards and Misc. page, check it out to find links to some cool sites for clicks, adoptions, and other stuff. I put up a couple new links in the regular links section too. A new Juuhachi pic is up, thanks very much to the person who sent it! AND, we got our very first FanArt! A kawaii pic of Gokou and ChiChi, go check it out! Keep the stuff comin' and look out for more! Thanks again, and Happy Easter!

March 09, 2001

Yeah, I'm still alive guys. Sorry I haven't been able to update for a while, life has gotten kinda hectic. No real update today, just corrected a few small things. Just here to say I won't be able to do any big updates for a while, but continue to send more your stuff because I will make time to add it. Thanks for all the support, I hope to be back soon!

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