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Wanna find out the basics on what puts the G.R. in each DragonGirl? Here's the place to find it. A mini-bio on what makes each girl important to us and to the series. Nothing special, and most big DB fans won't see anything new here. Basically just a run down for those not that familiar with the show. Anyway, on with the Girls.



Beautiful picture fromLeeli's page

Basic Stuff:Most of us know ChiChi's basics, she's a tough chick who falls for Son Gokou at an early age. He promises to marry her, thinking marriage is food, oddly enough. Long story short, they eventually do get married and produce two strong half saiya-jin sons, Gohan and Goten. ChiChi has a thing about studying, and puts a lot of pressure on Gohan to become a scholar.Gohan of course goes on to marry Videl and have his own child, Pan, who becomes ChiChi's grandchild.

What makes her a DragonGirl: ChiChi is a very strong female character, both in body and willpower. She's an awsome fighter, lacking only the ablity to use ki techniques. She's also a very determined and strong willed woman, which is why I suppose some people seem to fear her wrath. Most think of ChiChi as a bitch, but getting warriors like Gokou and Gohan to submit to your whims takes a bit of attitude. Overall, she's a loving woman, who is very motherly to everyone.Perhaps if more people imagined themselves in her position they wouldn't judge her so harshly, and even her critics should agree, wrong or right, all of her actions are based on what she thinks is the right thing to do.



Basic Stuff: Bulma is one of the most well known DragonGirls. Wether ya love her or hate her, you have to admit she's pretty well known. There are countless shrines to her and her family, and an on-going obsession with her relationship with Vegeta. One of the reasons for the popularity may be the mystery that surrounds the whole thing, we are left to either speculate or ignore the situation. Another reason may be the fact that she's been important throughout the entire series, DB-GT. At first she strives to find the dragonballs to wish for the pefect boyfriend, then hooks up with Yamcha. As time progresses her character matures, and she bonds with the ever-growing cast. She eventually hooks up with Vegeta and has two half saiya-jin kids, Trunks and Bra.

What makes her a DragonGirl:Vain and petty at times, Bulma manages to secure a signifcant role in the entire plot. Without her countless inventions and work, the other characters would more than likely have died or never met up. She differs from ChiChi a lot, but shares the characteristic of being a loving mother. A bit selfish at times, Bulma is overall a strong-willed and intelligent character. She combines brains and beauty, showing not all smart girls are nerds. And with guys like Trunks and Vegeta in her family you just know she's got good taste.. ^_~



Basic Stuff: Known pretty much only as the daughter of Bulma and Vegeta, and the sister of Trunks. She never really gets the chance to play an important role in the series, which is pretty unfortunate. She never tests her saiya-jin ablilities, and prefers shopping to fighting. Bra's a girly girl at heart I suppose, proving it doesn't take brute force to become a DragonGirl.

What makes her a DragonGirl: Most people seem to credit Bra only with being able to manipulate Vegeta, but I see her as more than that. Just look at her parents. The combination of Bulma's brains and looks with kick-ass saiya-jin power is deadly. Her potential is definently off the charts, even if she doesn't choose to explore it. In some ways,not fighting shows her strength. She's not just whiney or lazy, she's standing up against an overhwelming pressure to be something. She does what makes her happy, which takes a lot of courage when you hang out with the people she does. She follows her heart against her saiya-jin instinct, and seems to be enjoying life. And the power is there, should she ever change her mind.Bra's got one hell of a future in front of her.


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