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DragonGirl Realm: Behind The Scenes

Eeep, you've wandered into the scary world behind the scenes of the DragonGirls. Here you'll find a little background info on the page as well as Jessie-Chan, your webmistress. Proceed with caution.. o.o;

The Site:

Decided to continue I see.. Well, lemme see what I can tell you. I've been a pretty big fan of the whole DB series for a while, and played around with the idea of making my own page. I lacked the inspiration and knowledge to actually do anything, until recently. I saw a few shrines to the girls, which inspired me to add my own flavor to it. The ammount of Girl's sites compared to guy's is still pretty small, so maybe I can help inspire some more people to help even out the odds. For now I've layed out the groundwork, but expect much, much more in the future. New sections, original ideas, interactive, multimedia.. I'm slowly learning it all, and soon I can share it with you. I want to work closely with the people who view my site, any feedback you leave or contributions you make will be appreciated greatly.Remember, every great site had to start somewhere. It may be simple now, but with some work and patience, together, we can make this thing good. What you can expect:Original pictures, ideas, stories, etc. I'm not out to reuse stuff from other people's sites, this page will definently reflect creativity! You can also expect quick-loading pages, frequent updates and changes! Furthermore, any e-mails, submissions, etc will be answered in a quick and timely manner, and I'm always open to new ideas. What you won't see:The same ol' pictures, fanfics, multimedia, and other stuff you see on other sites. Originality is the key!

Your WebMistress:

So.. ya wanna know about lil ol' me? Not much to tell, really. I'm Bura-chan, AKA, Jessie. A gold star to anyone who can guess what the Jessie is short for! (Hint:It's not Jessica, Jezebel, etc. ~.^) I'm into anime, obviously, and other things of that nature. I'm a pretty nice person if ya ever wanna chat or send me anythng, my e-mail is Feel free to write to me, I promise to respond to everyone. That's about all I can think of now, thanks for reading this useless info!

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