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April 12, 2007 - Thursday

Cool but gloriously sunny.

A good day. I couldn't get up again this morning. I think that I've got this "I'm sick" mentality going on and I just can't convince myself that I must get up. Still, I did finally. I even showered and then went on my computer, not the other way around. Oh, and hubby woke up late today. He fell back asleep after his alarm, so when I woke up at 8:30 and looked at the clock and then looked at him, it was a big surprise. He made it to work very quickly, but was 10 minutes late. Tomorrow though, he has to be early, poor guy.

I was sitting at my computer when I noticed my friend Suzulan was online so we had a brief chat. I had to go as I was meeting a friend for lunch. I managed to get dressed and to the mall in less than 30 minutes which isn't bad at all for me!

Today I met up with Shimi, who owns the building my ex-company used to use. She was my student for a while, but has always been my friend too. We had a nice lunch at the hotel. I kept running into people that I knew though. I ran into a friend's husband on my way into the mall, then the mother of two ex-students in the restaurant. It was neat. Usually I don't see anyone I know. After lunch, Shimi and I toured the mall, window shopping more than anything else. Finally I invited her to come and have a cappucino with me. We went, but she had to leave at 2. I did a little 100 yen Shop shopping and then came home.

I watched a couple of things on TV, played around on my computer, then headed off to my school. I listened to my student's cd of Garth Brooks, planned a lesson, and did my preparation stuff. When my student came we had a good lesson and it went much better than Tuesdays one. I was feeling much better today after all.

When class was over, I cleaned up, and pulled the stuff for my first lesson tomorrow. I have three classes, but I have a big break in the middle that I can use to prepare the other two. I called Fumihiko and asked him to come and get me.

He came and took me out to dinner. We went to Bronco, the steak house. I was hungry and had steak and hamburger, Fumihiko just had a small steak. They were quite good. We came straight home after that as Fumihiko promised to cook dinner tomorrow night. Yay. At home, we discovered that we were almost out of coffee creamers. Oh no! We used up most of what we had left, watched some of Amazing Stories, then headed out to the grocery store!

That was pretty much it for our night. I haven't talked about Fumihiko's latest craze yet have I? Internet shopping. I think he's a slave to Amazon. At first, he didn't really trust it. But then, he bought a book for me on Amazon, then one for himself, then another for me. He bought the video of The Langoliers, and now he's started to buy Amazing Stories on video. It's not out on dvd, so he's picking it up on video. He says the tapes are cheap. It is his money anyway! But the thing I'd like to know is where is he going to keep the tapes??

Anyway, he's off in dreamland now, and I should catch an express train there too. I'll bid you all adieu until tomorrow night. Night night!


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