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April 12, 2006 - Wednesday

Sunny and clear.

An okay day. I did have trouble getting out of bed, but finally dragged myself out. I hoped to watch the news, but it was baseball. Sigh.

I had a veggie day mostly. I didn't go out. I thought about it, but just didn't.

Fumihiko said that he'd be late, and he was. He got home after 9 pm. Poor thing. We had tacos for dinner tonight. Fumihiko actually got real taco shells too. I didn't have any lettuce or tomatoes tonight, so I just ate them meat and cheese with a fork. It was still good.

After dinner Fumihiko took a bath and I did dishes. After that I tried to find some stuff on the net to varying degrees of success. I'm now watching The Fugitive. It's quite interesting. Old TV shows were sometimes so great.

And that was my day. Very quiet and boring.



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